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Why are you so hostile for? Do you lack an argument to counter with and instead resort to cursing? If you wanna play with 60 agility or 40 spell power and 500 hp more than the rest of the bracket then you play on your P2P bracket or just go to another. If you wanna be on par with the rest of the bracket gearwise you play F2P. Sure one could get some kind of vanity mog items like Defias Belt and Boots or WW Gloves but getting heirlooms that we can't get, we can't get them for a reason.

Best of luck with your GM scamming.

Pretty sure i already made my point, and it just flew right over your head. Worry about whats yours, and ill worry about whats mine. I'm tired of hearing these people piss and moan about "pure f2ps" and on and on. I know i can get more out of my trial account, and i plan doing just that. You go ahead and be "the good guy" for me and limit yourself. Now, a year or 2 from now, when they add these BoAs too the vendor in stormwind/org or actually implement a BoA tab, this QQing about p2p's swag isnt going to really matter anyway, now is it.
Can you guys make a case for Riot Stick over Eyepatch for an ally feral druid?

I heard feral attacks are based on normalized weapon damage (not sure what that means 100%) so since it scales quite a bit higher then even BoA its BiS. But I'd have a hard time giving up 8 agility (from helm and BoA) for that. Plus all the attacks I've found (rip, mangle) seem to be based on attack power? Is the dps increase of a white swing really what's driving this Riot Stick choice?

Keep in mind my feral knowledge is limited and I come from the days of WoW were weapon speed mattered.

Can you guys make a case for Riot Stick over Eyepatch for an ally feral druid?

I heard feral attacks are based on normalized weapon damage (not sure what that means 100%) so since it scales quite a bit higher then even BoA its BiS. But I'd have a hard time giving up 8 agility (from helm and BoA) for that. Plus all the attacks I've found (rip, mangle) seem to be based on attack power? Is the dps increase of a white swing really what's driving this Riot Stick choice?

Keep in mind my feral knowledge is limited and I come from the days of WoW were weapon speed mattered.

Feral melee damage is based on weapon DPS and normalized to 1 second attack speed. 14 AP adds 1 weapon DPS. Mangle and Shred are based on your base melee damage, Rip/FB/Rake are based on AP.

The base dps on your stat sheet is (Weapon DPS + AP/14)*2.

Riot stick does 6.03 more DPS than the BoA mace in BGs, at the cost of 16 agility, which works out to 3.744*2 = 7.5 damage.

Mangle and shred are based on 500% damage, so before resilience you gain ~38 damage on mangle and ~45 on shred (assuming bleeds are up).

Each point of AP is worth a bit under 1 damage on a 5 point FB (30 less damage). Each tick of Rake gets 30% AP (~9 less damage per tick).

Basically you do a solid amount more sustained damage with shred/mangle/white hits and are a bit less reliant on FB.
can anyone post a edit: 5.3 SS (preferably out of a BG) with your level 20 warrior's combat log showing a missed charge against a level 20 with your stats pane up showing your hit (>= melee but <spell cap)?
peas and tanks
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Anyone know how to make a macro for lightning bolt to cast if you are not already casting and stop casting if you are already casting?
Anyone know how to make a macro for lightning bolt to cast if you are not already casting and stop casting if you are already casting?

There is no condition for 'already casting/not casting'.

You can always do

#showtooltip Lightning Bolt
/cast [harm] Lightning Bolt

it stops any casting you do (Surge, HS ;), etc) and starts casting Lightning Bolt if you have a hostile target (and if you're in range, you have the mana etc).

Can you elaborate on what you want the macro to do? I understood it this way and may be wrong but would like to help :)
There is no condition for 'already casting/not casting'.

You can always do

#showtooltip Lightning Bolt
/cast [harm] Lightning Bolt

it stops any casting you do (Surge, HS ;), etc) and starts casting Lightning Bolt if you have a hostile target (and if you're in range, you have the mana etc).

Can you elaborate on what you want the macro to do? I understood it this way and may be wrong but would like to help :)

Ex) I'm casting lightning bolt at the EFC as he runs away. I see a rogue coming in for the kick, I want to be able to hit the same bind as lightning bolt to get it to stop casting lightning bolt entirely. What your macro would do is stop the current cast and then cast lightning bolt again.
Wondering about using Foremans Gloves on my arms during bgs.

Its the only real way to get the much needed expertise.

Just wondering if anyone else has done/thought about it being enough dodge/parry mitigation to be worth using.
Ex) I'm casting lightning bolt at the EFC as he runs away. I see a rogue coming in for the kick, I want to be able to hit the same bind as lightning bolt to get it to stop casting lightning bolt entirely. What your macro would do is stop the current cast and then cast lightning bolt again.

#showtooltip Lightning Bolt
/cast [nomod, harm] Lightning Bolt
/stopcasting [mod]

Should do the trick then, you can switch the modifier conditions around if you want, but other than that is impossible.

Just wondering if anyone else has done/thought about it being enough dodge/parry mitigation to be worth using.

Yes, and I'm currently farming the foreman for both Leggings and gloves
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But what if Kablam is mad?

I've tested a short script that might work with a bit of trouble, but realistically you could just keybind stopcasting

Embarrassing error *blush*

Well, he wanted it in 1 button, but yes, he could just bind stopcasting separately :)
Is calling someone a jaja pally if they are from QT gallywix or the spanish servers considered insulting? I can never tell what language they are speaking so if I see someone from those realms FC or anything related I normally say we have a jaja FC so people know not to bother trying to communicate in English about where to go
Is calling someone a jaja pally if they are from QT gallywix or the spanish servers considered insulting? I can never tell what language they are speaking so if I see someone from those realms FC or anything related I normally say we have a jaja FC so people know not to bother trying to communicate in English about where to go

It's meant to be derogatory. How did you not catch that?

And your whole post is rude.

Mind boggling.
Is calling someone a jaja pally if they are from QT gallywix or the spanish servers considered insulting? I can never tell what language they are speaking so if I see someone from those realms FC or anything related I normally say we have a jaja FC so people know not to bother trying to communicate in English about where to go

Let me clarify it for you:

Is calling someone a derogatory name if they are from one server (clumping people together is cool yo) insulting? I mean I can't be assed to figure out what language they may be speaking and can't be assed to respond in like, so I just tell everyone we have a [derogatory] FC so people know not to bother communicating in English. I mean they can't possibly know the language. Clumping together is cool.

Did that help any?

Mind boggling. Go on defend it if you want, but I'm getting tired of seeing you sputter tbh.
Is calling someone a jaja pally if they are from QT gallywix or the spanish servers considered insulting? I can never tell what language they are speaking so if I see someone from those realms FC or anything related I normally say we have a jaja FC so people know not to bother trying to communicate in English about where to go

Saying jaja FC doesn't sound rude to me, just sounds like a observation from the realm they are playing on. (like you said)

Words alone really don't mean much, you could have one tone saying jaja pally, and a completely other, and it would sound irritated or hateful, or competent and helpful.

I cal them Jahoo's, but not in bg/raid chat, its to diffuse situations where they grab a flag or do something irresponsible when im playing with another person, so we can laugh it off.
It was really just me trying to see if something was possible.

The closest I got using official means is:

#showtooltip Lightning Bolt
/cast Lightning Bolt
/script local spell, _, _, _, _, _ = UnitCastingInfo("player"); if (spell) then SendChatMessage("/stopcasting"); end

Unfortunately, most spell control functions are protected, and not allowed in /script. However, it may be possible to call protected code by various click call macro functions from the script, you'd want to do this instead of just saying "/stopcasting" :p

Finally, looking this up made me consider writing 10 man bot programs for wsg. Probably way more fun than actually playing the game.
Is calling someone a jaja pally if they are from QT gallywix or the spanish servers considered insulting? I can never tell what language they are speaking so if I see someone from those realms FC or anything related I normally say we have a jaja FC so people know not to bother trying to communicate in English about where to go

It sounds derogatory to me. Saying "jajaja" is making fun, and using that to describe a person is rude and insulting. It's not a culturally significant word outside of this game, but the way you're using it serves the same demeaning purpose as a racial slur.
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