alright i need a macro for my warrior .
i want it to be a double tap macro
first tap charges focus
second tap charges current target
im thinking cast sequence with a focus targeted charge but idk how to do it myself .![]()
gtfoRift is going full f2p next month.
While not a direct answer for in-BGs, I've been able to communicate cross faction with pet names out in the world, so I would be surprised if it's otherwise in battlegrounds.Since we can use our pets to cross faction chat i was wondering if anyone has tried it in BG's yet?
Since we can use our pets to cross faction chat i was wondering if anyone has tried it in BG's yet?
Curse of Tongues - Spell - World of Warcraft work to communicate cross faction too? I've never tried it, but it should work.
my question:
anyone got ever try solo, or get a p2p friend farm Olaf in Uldaman with 9% chance drop Heavy Armor Kit
On a related note,
Once in a while Kibbies or I check Quel'Thalas to see if they've discovered the add-on. But nope. Forever alone every time I log. Does anyone here speak enough Spanish to log over to Quel'Thalas, head over to Org/SW, and let some of the 20s there know about the add-on? I'm sure they would LOVE to discover this. We're all better players because of this add-on. We can share information, organize, and help each other out. Imagine a world where the Q'Ts are able to form a community like ours! I would assume that eventually, like us, the average skill level would increase. Thus, from a non-altruistic standpoint, we would all get better BGs out of them using the add-on right?!
Heroe's Call F2P: The Alliance/Horde need your help. If you speak Spanish, head to the realm of Quel'Thalas. Find a group of f2ps and spread the Gospel of The Addon. Return with your report to Sunwatcher in Twinkinfo. In time we will improve the quality of life for all f2ps! For The Horde/Alliance!
ty, that is all.
edit: holy poo, i turned blue
Are resistances still in the game?
Grandfathered enchants are still there, and I heard talk that although the stat was "officially" removed they were in fact stil affecting game mechanics. Can anybody confirm or deny and tell me about the current status of GF'd resistance enchants.
Lately every time I open twinkinfo or navigate pages I get these popups, including one that tells me Java is at risk, seems like malware to me, scans did not reveal anything.
Anyone have a clue whats going on?
Is reputation now account wide or not? Should I make first a female dwarf mage, a male troll warlock or a female tauren ret pal after my shadowpriest?
Thanks for reading
Re-posting this since no answer :3
Thanks for reading!
Pffft, that's easy-mode.
Pro-mode is trying to tell the Brazilians, a community so bad that even the official Brazilian WoW forums have Brazilians posting on how bad brazilians communicate on WoW/take advice. (Not being sarcastic or racist, it's the truth lol)