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Is hit rating been goofed since the effective level has been raised? My mage has 24 hit rating and I still miss left and right. Is this going to be fixed in 5.3? Honestly they should just remove hit rating from the game

Yes, since they changed the battleground scaling, hit rating has been messed up. 26% is the real hitcap for class baseline abilities. As a F2P mage and warlock, this number is unreachable.
can a f2p thats not linked get tabard of the explorer if so how do i get it

My account expires today and I can't really justify renewing it given my current circumstances.. so I'm considering getting a F2P account for my WoW fix. /csb My question, though, is whether there's an Oceanic group for this or not? (I realise there's no oceanic realm listed in the sticky, but perhaps they've congregated on one of the US ones or have a small group somewhere? I can hope! A forum search brought up a months old thread that was of little help, alas. So any info would be great!)

Cheers. :)

My account expires today and I can't really justify renewing it given my current circumstances.. so I'm considering getting a F2P account for my WoW fix. /csb My question, though, is whether there's an Oceanic group for this or not? (I realise there's no oceanic realm listed in the sticky, but perhaps they've congregated on one of the US ones or have a small group somewhere? I can hope! A forum search brought up a months old thread that was of little help, alas. So any info would be great!)

Cheers. :)

hello, and welcome.

currently there is no "official" group for Oceanic server.
we oceanic player are scatter all over oceanic server.

i'm in Thaurissan, on a fine day there max 6 f2p (but mostly 2~3 f2p)
I meet a druid from Frostmourn, he said there also few there.
there was a mage(I met during Fishing Tournement) from Jubei
a shaman from Bathilas
[MENTION=16878]Adal[/MENTION] a oceanic player, but I forgot which server.
he open a thread Oceanic F2P Twinks.
hello, and welcome.

currently there is no "official" group for Oceanic server.
we oceanic player are scatter all over oceanic server.

i'm in Thaurissan, on a fine day there max 6 f2p (but mostly 2~3 f2p)
I meet a druid from Frostmourn, he said there also few there.
there was a mage(I met during Fishing Tournement) from Jubei
a shaman from Bathilas
[MENTION=16878]Adal[/MENTION] a oceanic player, but I forgot which server.
he open a thread Oceanic F2P Twinks.

Hello! Thank you and thank you for responding. At least there are some! A bit of a shame that everyone is scattered, but not surprising I guess. Have you come across any/many F2P alliance? Most of my toons are Horde so I was thinking of starting with Alliance for a change.. I'm not sure I'd want to make one on Thaurissan though. ;) (Although I suppose it doesn't matter if AH, etc. is dead because I won't be able to use it. XD) Anyway, thanks again!
Hello! Thank you and thank you for responding. At least there are some! A bit of a shame that everyone is scattered, but not surprising I guess. Have you come across any/many F2P alliance? Most of my toons are Horde so I was thinking of starting with Alliance for a change.. I'm not sure I'd want to make one on Thaurissan though. ;) (Although I suppose it doesn't matter if AH, etc. is dead because I won't be able to use it. XD) Anyway, thanks again!
I used to pay attention to the alliance on my server for any potential AGM competitor before cross realm zone. fought a bad hunter twice with my shaman for agm.
but now, I don't think there is any f2p alliance on my server.

I hardly pay attention in battle ground even with battleground target addon. this may because I'm a hordie.

check my all my screen shot this year, I seen a couple alliance in saurfang,
screen shot caught 1 from Caelestrasz and maybe 1 from frostmourne
hope this help :)
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I'm curious, How exactly does the crz process work? Do you invite someone and they automatically become grouped with your realm? Can you realm hop multiple times with one character?
If I'm not mistaken, generally when you're invited to a group with one person, the one with the lower level is transferred. When there are multiple people in the group, people are transferred to the most common server in the group. So if there are 3 people from Tich in a group, and someone from KT joins, the KT player transfers to Tich.
I'm curious, How exactly does the crz process work? Do you invite someone and they automatically become grouped with your realm? Can you realm hop multiple times with one character?

Originally, everyone was transferred to the party leader's realm and you could server hop just by passing lead. They made it a bit tougher not too long after CRZ hit though. Now there's a bit of a priority system.

1. The server of the highest level in your group. If everyone's the same level:
2. The server that the most players are from. If everyone's from different servers:
3. The party creator/inviter's server?

I used to think 3 was the case, but I've had a couple times that I was xferred to someone else's server when I invited them. It could be based on how many people are around (it did seem like Goldshire was a bit less busy on the server I got moved to when that happened).

I don't know what happens when there's a range of levels in the group, if it factors low levels into the majority to decide (for example - one 90 and two 20s from AP grouped with one 90 and one 20 from BWL - I have no idea what would happen there).

But yeah, 1 and 2 are definitely concrete deciding factors. You'll realm hop instantly by changing those conditions.
One small thing to add - When someone adds you from another server, and you play on trial account, you have auto-decline.

not if its you and ur linked so u can boost yourself with agm.

and another thing if both members are the same level you go to the leaders realm
what's the best weapon setup for rogues now that looms in BG's scale to 24,I've had some ideas like:

Massof McGowan+Blanaced Heartseeker
Mass of McGowan+Sharpened Scarlet Kriss
Mass of McGowan+Venerable Dal'Rend Sacred Charge
2 Wicked Daggers
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