QUESTIONS & ANSWERS - The place for any question about F2P

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Yes, it is indeed possible. ^^
The starter zone was fun imo. I liked Light of Dawn best. I didn't like the Skeletal dragon riding quest because I died 4 times and couldn't find a repair vendor.
There were a few annoying quests for me. The one where you turn miners into ghouls, the one where you aim a cannon at a bunch of scarlets, the one where you use two sticks to poke info out of scarlets and the one where you use that skeletal dragon.

The cannon and the skeletal dragon I didn't like simply because it was a pain in the ass to get the thing to aim with a touchpad. The others were just annoying.
Question: I've brought my old p2p account back to life. How do I merge it with my f2p account? Also, will my f2p account remain free? I tried using the "merge account" feature in account setting, but it's coming back with errors, such as password not recognised, even though the password works for the game itself. Any tips would be greatly appreciated :)

You can only merge it to your P2P if the accounts have the same last name. I think there is an automated form to do it, or open a ticket on the website. And yes your F2P will remain free.
Did you all also have a good chuckle about the person who went to the effort of rating every single thread in F2P one star?
But Yasueh's Addon doesn't deserve three. :p
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