QUESTIONS & ANSWERS - The place for any question about F2P

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has anyone purchased Rune of Perfection since the patch?

If you can't find it in the vendor-window you have to set the filter options to "All" and not "<your class>"
#showtooltip Cleanse Spirit
/cast [harm] Purge; [help] Cleanse Spirit *
never mind i miss type the spell name
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a blue at mmochampion said:
In patch 5.1, we resolved some issues regarding how Addons interact with the Battleground queue system. It is no longer possible to automate queuing for standard or random Battlegrounds in groups larger than 5. We decided to make this change in order to improve the experience for all players who are queueing into random groups normally and expecting to face similarly random groups, only to find themselves crushed by a full team of coordinated opponents.

We understand that players want to enjoy coordinated team play, and we invite those players to queue into Rated Battlegrounds or play Wargames to have that experience. Players can continue to use Addons to queue for Rated Battlegrounds as well.

Does it impact f2ps simulqueueing with several groups?
If i was to roll a fury warrior( even though they are terrible) what would be the best boa weapons to get?

also would stacking crit be better than a normal warrior build on fury warrior?
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Did they change partying when they gave us WotLK, or do we still need a P2P person to group with for arenas?
Aghh. It happens that I see people under level 40 riding a tiger with 60% speed that looks like those with 100% speed, how does that work?? I really want the black war tiger!

Higher level gets it, it becomes account wide, F2P drives it.
If you really want those 100% speed mounts on your F2P account, you can use the DK glitch (but be careful, some people might consider this offensive, because it's an exploit,and they might diregard you for using this metod).
I've created enough threads recently so I'll ask this here.. It's a 1-1 game where you and a Rdruid are ONLY reason your team has a cap. You are in your fr with flag and Rdruid is in efr while 24 druid is on enemy roof and the other 8 ppl are mid farming for 4+ minutes. You and the Rdruid tell your team where the efc is and to get efc and no1 budges out of mid so you drop flag and Rdruid doesnt pick up letting horde win.

Is this acceptable? I see it as my team is full of morons who have one goal and that isn't to win and as long as the Rdruid agrees on it we will let horde win.
Play the game as you see fit. Some people choose to farm mid, some people choose to throw matches.
Is this acceptable?

Sure, why not?

I may be biased because I do that occasionally... *whistles* Which is why I don't pick up the flag to begin with.

If your team has no interest in any sort of objective play don't beat yourself up about it. Go find a nice QT and give them a return :)
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I've created enough threads recently so I'll ask this here.. It's a 1-1 game where you and a Rdruid are ONLY reason your team has a cap. You are in your fr with flag and Rdruid is in efr while 24 druid is on enemy roof and the other 8 ppl are mid farming for 4+ minutes. You and the Rdruid tell your team where the efc is and to get efc and no1 budges out of mid so you drop flag and Rdruid doesnt pick up letting horde win.

Is this acceptable? I see it as my team is full of morons who have one goal and that isn't to win and as long as the Rdruid agrees on it we will let horde win.
To each their own.

Personally, I would probably play it out, that's my thing.

I don't get why people make such a big deal out of AFK-ing or things like that though. If the game isn't fun anymore why are you still there? I know to some, a game can become not so fun at the very beginning and quit but there is a difference between trying to save a game and just quitting cause it looks bad to begin with. I hate when people give up but I understand leaving a game that is frustrating or boring, after all this is meant to be fun :)
I have a question.
I'm making a prot warrior alliance, should I pick Blackfathom legs for the 10stam or the shield. Also should I pick the eypatch or hoggers shiny? Considering fishing is back

Thanks new Physombia
Take the shield and the ring, if you have the patience to fish for lfh. If you want spell hit cap (charge stun) eyepatch is worth considering, but pick the shield in either case, and get foremans leggings as pants.
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