Does Ragefire chasm still drop DMF artifact?
Honestly I think Pandas will be great for rogues. Being able to incapacitate a FC for 17 seconds is boss. (13 secs with Sap, 4 with QP)
Also with you can get 2-3 ticks of bandage with Quaking Palm, giving you 300-450 health back.
Well, as long as holy shock damage stays low and they sometime soon nerf healing in general again, it doesn't matter? I don't know the answer to your question, but see healing in general as a problem now, not just holy shock healing.Why in this last patch today did they decrease the damage of Holly Shock but increase it's spellpower coefficient ? Isn't that like robbing peter to pay paul?
At first I was happy when I read that they decreased holly shocks damage because paladins are the new huntards but then right after you find out they increase it's spellpower coefficient- F U blizz.
Blood Elf or Goblin Rogue?
Or you can vanish and heal up all you like, or you can sprint away/after someone. All the racials are on a two minute CD, making their use pretty limited.
You can only choose one though.
Doesn't work in wsgNoticed you can change your talents while waiting for AB gate to open , have yet to test WSG , working as intended?
If they're specced into it, people can't see them until 3 seconds after they start capping from stealth.Also someone mentioned rogues get three second faster node capping with talent , can anyone confirm?