I was not going to reply after what Lithogen said but this is getting out of control .
First the reason why i didn't eleborate it was because i wanted to see a reaction from you wich worked perfectly.
Genius you manipulated me into a reaction: replying to your post .
when you accuse someone please elaborate why you think this was shopped
I manipulated you into elaborating , gosh we are awesome
Seccondly it looks like it has pixely blurr over there and cause of that it looks like it was placed inbetween of the chat. It feels like it doesn't belong in there. Now that i stretched this picture it has it all over the whole chat, not just the part i point to wich seemed the clearest.
I might have judged you to soon with this, my apologies
So basically if I understood, my screenshot was not shopped , well thats cleared, thank you.
You can see it to when he says "ok then don't answer it" that he didn't got any reply and then said something cause he was annoyed
I understand why may have seemed that way but I should have posted another screenshot , just a few moments earlier I saw the whisper on scooby and replied :
So I did not ignore your friend , maybe he was in a hurry replied and logged I have no idea , but note :
' Those are not exploits '
' Why do you think they will make WSG worse '
Now I truly believed that at the time , and that was one of the reasons I actually made this post afterwards to get rid of any doubts :
I'm quite certain they are not ' exploits ' but is it frowned upon to navigate the top of the Alliance/Horde tunnels in this bracket?
You have to understand when making my FC I looked for any tips /guides, I found Darkchewies guide druid FC in twinkinfo section where I learnt all the jumps :
Never occurred to me that 3:38 was an exploit not even sure now if it is cassified as an exploit, especially when it was in guide section from respected player, but I'm really glad you pointed that out as I condone using exploits, after looking into it when you confirmed my doubts it does seem that GM have recently asked players to stop using it , here exert from post blog :
Yet… it’s been in there since WSG launched six years ago, and it’s something that tactics and strategies have adapted around. It’s one of the quirks of the terrain, just like the rocky patches around the zerk huts or kiting melee around the tree stumps while firing at them. Your opponents will use it against you, so you better know how to do it in response. It’s been reported many times on the forums as a bug, but has never been fixed. So folks do the jump.
The warnings, bans, and DCs are likely precursors to an actual fix of the fence. (I so want to see Orc Peons out there repairing the fence when this gets fixed. For real.) The GMs know it’s a problem, they’re watching out for it now, word is getting out that it’s no longer okay for this jump.
, so cheers Qball !
Now your post made me smile Alpha, a somewhat drunk but good hearted barbarian raising his fist in anger, cursing the Gods for misfortune of bad weather came to mind .
Edited to delete quotes from deleted post. - Silin
You seem to have pent up anger towards 24s, and I have no clue who mackie and his/her exploit are, I dislike when a person is trigger happy flamer, judging and insulting person from just a couple posts.
Compare your average F2P twink sitting on 900 hp ,to F2P twink who has really invested time and geared up to BiS etc , the barrier between them is just ' invested time into grinding gear ' does that make the F2P pimped out twink a ' lousy-pathetic ass ' face roller' ? Now the barrier between F2P pimped out twink and P2P is simple , monthly fee, you could even equate money to time as goblin adage goes ' Time is money friend ' , now a lot of F2P are willing to break through first barrier but not the second , we all part of same bracket some willing to push further than others so it is wrong dislike someone just because they did not set their limit were you did. Final point you shoudn't mix being skilled with either level or gear.
Now I did consider going F2P when I discovered these forums , had 21 mage at the time , locked his xp and spammed BG's for a day , what I noticed as we entered the evening was that there was a strong influx of 24s on horde side , and premades, which ended up in graveyard camping etc , so I asked in BG if this was often the case in this bracket , my responses were pretty much along those lines that horde have a lot of 24s and seem to be dominating in the evening , so I thought playing Alliance flag carrier would definitely be a challenge and it has , also in process giving alliance team better shot in the evenings, making games more enjoyable. I really love when we get alliance group to dish out some good teamwork together and I thrive in it , so you see I am not quite what you painted me out to be.
Now hope this clears this unfortunate turn of postage , I am not the kind to hold grudges hope to get to play more games with Qball , alpha & company, get to know you , have good time. Cya on field folks