f2p are not scared of 24 twinks - in fact we welcome them,
coz nothing better than a f2p slaughtering a 24 twink. I played f2p for three months and I know the community and my f2p human hunter has over 23,000 honor kills, full heirloom, AGM trinket, halaani whiskey, etc and twinked to max - at least 25% of my kills were 24 level twink paid account players, and if you are a 24 twink you know that hurts when a f2p takes you down.
Specially 24 level rouges who think they can surprise jump a f2p hunter, they learn the lesson the hard way.
As f2p we cant go AH, whisper, join guilds, capped profession at 100, etc but hanging out at gurubashi I met awesome f2p people and we helped each other complete the 12 trinket set. Twice I stole my trinket from level 85s - and boy were they pissed
(2 weeks a ago I upgraded to full account, with the full heirloom set from my f2p i went from 20 to 85 in 5 days - I will try making 24 twink now, but when I enter the battleground, I will respect all the f2p 20s out there, coz I was once myself)