I've never had a 24 treat me even remotely decently and if you know me, you know I'm not a mean person. After being trolled countless times I'm quite bitter about the whole thing these days. Now I assume automatically any and all 24s are jerks because most of the time, they are. This is not to say my F2P teammates aren't, just to say that any 24 that has ever said something in a BG or to me personally has been either ego-driven or troll-based.
I refuse to heal any 24s, whether I'm playing alliance or horde, I try extra hard to get the last flag so I don't sit there for 15mins in our flag room while those 'honorable defenders' farm those pesky evil alliance/or horde depending on which side you're on of course ;D
24s can't be trusted imo to play fairly or honorably, however, neither can many F2Ps. Leaving me somewhere in the middle.
In regards to respect, if you want respect from us, start acting respectable. Drop the 'you get what you pay for", "I laugh while you cry", "we carry you" attitudes and then ask for forgiveness and I might find it in my poor-F2P-scrub-heart to forgive you. And only then will I be able to respect any of you 24s. Until then, expect to not get healed by me.
Love, your favorite F2P scrub, Rhaellia :3
PS: I think my post is fairly reasonable and rather calm, so if it gets deleted I'd be rather disappointed :'(
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