Question about f2p twinks / 20-24 twinks

i dont see whats wrong with playing a 24(i have a 24 hunter) itss so much funner than playing my 85 or 19s. I usually have to most fun seeing how many kbs i get while our team is holding flag and farming gy.

And you are how old?

Anyways, had some good games against some 24's today. Quite insane gameplay, although we lost both games (not that our team did much). But to the 24 hunter that was trying to farm me whenever i spawned, F*ck off bitch. Glad I rolled you. But fun games no less
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balance !? fuk balance.
as i told you b4, you are not the solution ,you are part of the problem.
i wonder how many new players simply quit the pvp part of wow just because they meet you or your lvl24 buddys on the first few bgs they participate.
tip for you m8 :try roll a trial healer as i have been doing latelly and after a few bgs against 6 24s you might see my point a bit more clear.

Kinda ironic coming from an ally hunter.

You can also apply those points when horde have to face teams of 6 hunters, while having 400hp less as average.

Even though 24s CAN add some juice into bg... when you face 4 of them (up to 4 horde /usually gy farmers/ against pure lvl 20 Alliance team) you will wake up soon!
But I was healing EU bgs with p2p enchanted lvl 20 priest to balance horde 24 prevalence a bit. And I have to say: It is not about balance what they are doing there. No gear excuses anymore. They are overpowered as hell. They just faceroll.

When there wasnt many 24s, all you said about 24s,could (and can) be applied to ally hunters.Afaik,some old horde 24s, leveled to 24 to balance the huge amount of hunters in alliance.

Dont expect this bracket to be balanced ever.Hordes have to deal with hunters,allies have to deal with 24s.
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sometimes on my horde/ally 24 hunter i go to the enemy gy and spawn camp people. i usually try and convince our fc to hold flag and farm. dont get me wrong though i farm because i need heirlooms for my other toons
God, I hate you :)
I'd like to open a discussion on BALANCE a bit and would like to start it of with a fiew questions such as :

1. Cmon really can there be any balance in f2p bracket with lvl 24's being atleast twice as strong then f2p or even three times stronger at some classes ? ? ?
2. Ppl saying to ''bring balance into the bracket''....hmm would you really ? oh how sweet (now i really need a hug or have the need to save the retarted dolphins around the world),anyway try rolling a lvl 20 of any class you want (plz do go with hunters or rogues so you prob miss out on my point you cool kid player of you with a great desire for a challenge) but seriously will you roll a class 20 to help us bring balance back in the f2p bracket -(tell you what you can even roll a lvl 24 warrior) .......? ? ?
3. Would anyone roll a p2p lvl 20 twink for the 20-24 bracket if there weren't any f2p's seing how OP'ed they can get if rolling 4 more lvl's ? ? ?
4. There are some real good players on 24's ............and would they be even greater as lvl 20's because they would have to work much much harder ? ? ?
5. Regardless of GY camping (shame on you- you happy camper you ! (i'm just kidding you're really a tard !)) and using ''free action pots''-GZ TO SCOOBYDROOD you're like the greatest ever impressing f2p's with such ease with your 3 k HP and terrain exploiting skills along with the pots..........WHERE IS THE LINE BETWEEN ''RESEPCT''(btw i really enjoyed that one ''i don't play for respect''-and you won't be getting any btw ) AND ''LOVE FOR THE GAME'' ? ? 6.Had to add one more : Is the solution to allys ''no brainer hunter overpopulation'' horde's 24's ? ? ?

Are all of these questions ''res ipsa loquitur'' ? ? ?

I just came across some latin expressions and am feeling all smart and superior but in fact don't have the slightest clue about what that means !

Oh and if i'we gotten some ppl mad (well......i just don't really care :D-that tends to happen once speaking your mind )

cheers all :)
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1) 20s can compete just fine against 24s, Of course if your playing a 5 man 24 group BIS and the rest of the team is F2P who are BIS and ur running a 5 man 20 group BIS and ge 5 shitties yea your going to lose. but If you spend the time on your f2p you can compete just fine. 2) If you're not going to pay you dont have the right to complain about people who pay sorry. games been 15$ a month for 7+ years and many have payed that the whole time
sometimes on my horde/ally 24 hunter i go to the enemy gy and spawn camp people. i usually try and convince our fc to hold flag and farm. dont get me wrong though i farm because i need heirlooms for my other toons
This reason alone makes F2P players hate 24s. Seriously. Your kind of people give 24s a bad bad BAAAAD name.
1) 20s can compete just fine against 24s, Of course if your playing a 5 man 24 group BIS and the rest of the team is F2P who are BIS and ur running a 5 man 20 group BIS and ge 5 shitties yea your going to lose. but If you spend the time on your f2p you can compete just fine. 2) If you're not going to pay you dont have the right to complain about people who pay sorry. games been 15$ a month for 7+ years and many have payed that the whole time
A decent F2P can hardly win against a bad 24. Guess what happens if the 24 is any decent.
Stfu while playing your free trial please.
You are not entitled to voice your opinion like Sofabed said.
Actually I'm allowed to. This is a forum. As long as I remain within the boundaries, i.e. the Code of Conduct, I'm free to say whatever I want. Its my opinion. And its based on a lot of experience and truth.

I've paid for this game for 6 years, playing Glad R1 multiple times. Please don't give me this shit.
Stfu while playing your free trial please.
You are not entitled to voice your opinion like Sofabed said.

zzzz 20-24 bracket f2p's can post opinions. This is not a Blizzard forum, so we don't have to suck up to people just because they 'pay'. I bet many of us f2p's ahve paid more than you over the lifetime of WoW anyway.
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zzzz 20-24 bracket f2p's can post opinions. This is not a Blizzard forum, so we don't have to suck up to people just because they 'pay'. I bet many of us f2p's ahve paid more than you over the lifetime of WoW anyway.

no you haven't, i've payed since vanilla.

now before i start i should say i respect and like alot of of f2p's (alphasky best warr eu), now thats said.

no one is making you twink at the lowest lvl in the bracket, no one is making you play f2p, thats you'r own choice.

i understand the argument that f2p's make the bracket active, but in prexp lock days the average leveler made ALL twink brackets active no one cared if they got in way, why are those same people gonna care now?

all this omg 24s are so bad dont help your case, you guys realize how many bad f2p hunter/paladins/rogues are out there?

edit: this 24 guy "hunter" a few posts above me is just a retard, hate him has much has you like <3
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It's a shame that 24s got such a bad rumour since some nabs has to roll 24 hunter / rogue etc just for the sake of owning / gy-farming since that's the only class they can play. Personally I respect 24s if they are focused on not just "pwning" the players but rather go for the objective and make a character on the side that needs it.
If you want to keep the discussion going keep it civil. I don't have a spare hour to clean up your mess.
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1) 20s can compete just fine against 24s, Of course if your playing a 5 man 24 group BIS and the rest of the team is F2P who are BIS and ur running a 5 man 20 group BIS and ge 5 shitties yea your going to lose. but If you spend the time on your f2p you can compete just fine. 2) If you're not going to pay you dont have the right to complain about people who pay sorry. games been 15$ a month for 7+ years and many have payed that the whole time

No, f2ps can't. Its like a hunter vs. a warrior. That being said, I do think we have the right to complain, althought threads like this aren't the place to do so. You pay $15 dollars a month? So do I, but i would rather play in a somewhat balanced bracket when I'm not on my f2p.
no you haven't, i've payed since vanilla.

now before i start i should say i respect and like alot of of f2p's (alphasky best warr eu), now thats said.

no one is making you twink at the lowest lvl in the bracket, no one is making you play f2p, thats you'r own choice.

i understand the argument that f2p's make the bracket active, but in prexp lock days the average leveler made ALL twink brackets active no one cared if they got in way, why are those same people gonna care now?

all this omg 24s are so bad dont help your case, you guys realize how many bad f2p hunter/paladins/rogues are out there?

edit: this 24 guy "hunter" a few posts above me is just a retard, hate him has much has you like <3

You're right, obviously complaining about 24's isn't going to change a thing, but we are still allowed to state facts and voice opinions. I'm not saying that there all f2p's have paid more than you specifically, but I would argue that many f2p's have paid more overall than a good chunk of 24's that exist now.

And you may have played since Vanilla, but so have I. Here's my character to prove it:
Muralan @ Blackrock - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Notice the Knight-Lieutenant tag, and also notice he's 81, which shows I have bought Cataclysm.

But yes, according to the "definition" of twink, and what it has always been, there is nothing wrong with 24's. Except making it difficult for AP people to gear up so they can do Arenas :p

Increasing the trial account to level 24 would benefit everyone imo. People who pay will still be able to have very strong enchants giving them the edge, while also making the bracket more balanced overall, which is what all gamers should be in favor of. (Obviously never going to happen, just putting it out there, so please don't get angry over this sentence).
Problem is that the people who makes 24 hunters (and other op classes) just destroys for themselves in the end. But they don't get it.
Hey Alphababarian how did we get from :
LOL, i like you !

to ---->
5. Regardless of GY camping (shame on you- you happy camper you ! (i'm just kidding you're really a tard !)) and using ''free action pots''-GZ TO SCOOBYDROOD

You put my usage of free action pot and graveyard farming in the same point , sure a fruitless charge is frustrating and being graveyard farmed is also frustrating but frustration should not allow you to try put those two things in the same league, I play objectively and when I'm facing 2 x rogue , 24 hunter , and you prowling midfield with no immediate backup its one good avenue I take to ensure I give myself best odds of making it, even though they are slim.

GZ TO SCOOBYDROOD you're like the greatest ever impressing f2p's with such ease with your 3 k HP

I doubt I am the first player to hit 3k pool (bear form fully buffed) I'm sure with the right gear you could hit 2.1k with minimum buffs , and tbh health pools are really overrated especially as FC , as soon as those debuffs start kicking in you could be sitting on 5k and still get smashed to bits , all about good teamwork and class setup.

and terrain exploiting skills

I know what your referring too , had you hot on my back after picking up flag , lost you by jumping from left far end of the ramp onto the fence followed by running on the fence to tunnel roof, call it juking , kiting , but by no means is that an exploit .


I lost you there

(btw i really enjoyed that one ''i don't play for respect''-and you won't be getting any btw )

Only time I have ever spoken to you is in this forum , so I have no clue where your getting this from , not something I have ever said.

This was amusing though I think you shouldn't jump in the forum straight after hot WSG game , hope we can get back to
LOL, i like you !
we seem to be going in circles :p

See you on the field !

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