Premade Discussion

Quara said:
Once again, of course it can work. If you have a good hunter (Pizza) who knows what he's doing, he'll do a good job on D. But I do think, since we're talking 'ideal' here, that if you replaced the hunter with another class, played by someone equally as skilled, you would be better off.

What classes you speaking of?

Pet stun, 5 sec ranged snare (undispellable aside from by a HoF) and then of course wingclip.

Our hunter never clipping their hunter and our priests never fearbombing the hunter obviously made it a much worse situation than it should have been of course.
Casinex said:
our priests never fearbombing the hunter

They're too busy fearing me.

It sucks.
Quara said:
Have you ever played against a good priest?

Psychic Scream will be cast when there's no Tremor around/after you destroy it/right after the totem ticks/used as an interrupt at the very least.

Purge is powerful, yes, but isn't really relevant to the 'shutting down' part. True, it does hinder the life of the FC, but so does damage.

Shock is not a lock. It can be played around. Again, obviously it's useful and relevant, but you can't expect to 'lock down' a priest just by a shaman's shock alone. A good priest will just wait for you to FS/ES him or another, anyway. Shock definitely does help lock casters down, though, but not by 'emselves.

A rogue will be able to put out a lot more damage on the priest and, especially now that priests don't usually have more than 1k hp, that kind of pressure will force him to either heal himself/draw heals from others/run away.

Oh, I assumed you knew that the shaman will be dishing out damage with flametongue. It's not the damage you can just sit their and ignore when all your HoTs and shields are purged. And next patch, the damage will be even higher, as we won't have to hold back our shock damage to interrupt. Wind Shear FTW.
Quara said:
Once again, of course it can work. If you have a good hunter (Pizza) who knows what he's doing, he'll do a good job on D. But I do think, since we're talking 'ideal' here, that if you replaced the hunter with another class, played by someone equally as skilled, you would be better off.

Ertai, I see where you're coming from. It would seem like the two mages would just trip over one another, but that's not the case. It takes a lot of skill and coordination (and not just calling out stuff - both mages have to know exactly what they're to do,) but if you have two mages that are experienced enough I think it's your best bet.

As Pizza put it, though, "It's the players on the classes, not just the classes themselves. "

Have you ever played against a good priest?

Psychic Scream will be cast when there's no Tremor around/after you destroy it/right after the totem ticks/used as an interrupt at the very least.

Purge is powerful, yes, but isn't really relevant to the 'shutting down' part. True, it does hinder the life of the FC, but so does damage.

Shock is not a lock. It can be played around. Again, obviously it's useful and relevant, but you can't expect to 'lock down' a priest just by a shaman's shock alone. A good priest will just wait for you to FS/ES him or another, anyway. Shock definitely does help lock casters down, though, but not by 'emselves.

A rogue will be able to put out a lot more damage on the priest and, especially now that priests don't usually have more than 1k hp, that kind of pressure will force him to either heal himself/draw heals from others/run away.
pizza isnt a good hunter lmao,he crutched on everything so harrddd
Novascotia said:
Next best premade 10 paladins...

Flag Carrying:Bubble LOL

Not meaning to LOL at you or flame, do know that when you have the flag and bubble the flag will be dropped?
Cptheals said:
Not meaning to LOL at you or flame, do know that when you have the flag and bubble the flag will be dropped?

That's only with HoP (protecting you from all physical damage). Divine Protection, which reduces all damage taken by 50%, still allows you to carry the flag. This still doesn't change the fact though that it can be easily dispelled.
Painaid said:
That's only with HoP (protecting you from all physical damage). Divine Protection, which reduces all damage taken by 50%, still allows you to carry the flag. This still doesn't change the fact though that it can be easily dispelled.

I've carried the flag with HoP, no lie.












This may sound odd/bad to you, but when these stam-packed warriors are just causing massive annoyance back at the flag your trying to get, with the heals from priest, and heals here and there from pally, it buys quite alot of time. And Yes it does work, Especially when the pally and the mage switch backa nd forth on defense, the mage does pretty good in the war war priest atmosphere.

The offensive team doesnt really do all that great when the priest gets downed, and the secondary mage is quite often switched with a shaman.

The rogue usually stunlocks the best CC twink on the enemy teams Defense/ FR protection. The Mage and priest head into the little room close to the flag spot, healing the lock and the rogue, while the hunter is on his own withDPS. funny as it sounds the priest grabs the flag, once the def. has been taken out.

Cheytac said:












This may sound odd/bad to you, but when these stam-packed warriors are just causing massive annoyance back at the flag your trying to get, with the heals from priest, and heals here and there from pally, it buys quite alot of time. And Yes it does work, Especially when the pally and the mage switch backa nd forth on defense, the mage does pretty good in the war war priest atmosphere.

The offensive team doesnt really do all that great when the priest gets downed, and the secondary mage is quite often switched with a shaman.

The rogue usually stunlocks the best CC twink on the enemy teams Defense/ FR protection. The Mage and priest head into the little room close to the flag spot, healing the lock and the rogue, while the hunter is on his own withDPS. funny as it sounds the priest grabs the flag, once the def. has been taken out.


I actually kinda like that setup. maybe not your application, but i like that setup.
Cheytac said:












This may sound odd/bad to you, but when these stam-packed warriors are just causing massive annoyance back at the flag your trying to get, with the heals from priest, and heals here and there from pally, it buys quite alot of time. And Yes it does work, Especially when the pally and the mage switch backa nd forth on defense, the mage does pretty good in the war war priest atmosphere.

The offensive team doesnt really do all that great when the priest gets downed, and the secondary mage is quite often switched with a shaman.

The rogue usually stunlocks the best CC twink on the enemy teams Defense/ FR protection. The Mage and priest head into the little room close to the flag spot, healing the lock and the rogue, while the hunter is on his own withDPS. funny as it sounds the priest grabs the flag, once the def. has been taken out.


I think the issue here is that you don't quite understand how teams (the vast majority) play a 10v10. Generally speaking, all 10 members of one team will escort their FC into the enemy flag room, pick up the flag, and all travel as one group back across the field until the FC feels he's safe and secure, at whice point the offense will leave to go attack the other team.

The idea of defense being people you leave in the FR to stop the other team from getting the flag out isn't the same as premade defense, and quite frankly wouldn't ever work. Leaving four guys in the FR would just be robbing yourself of those four players as they wait to respawn after getting wiped, and the six man "offense" team you sent out would get overwhelmed on the way back by the entire enemy, leading to a quick first cap.

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