Post your 6.0.2 info here!

Anyone experiencing occasional FPS drops? It has happened a few times in general PvE play. Not a lot going on at the time and my hardware exceeds the recommended spec so wonder if some of the animations are bugged. Had some other weird things happen, like going travel form and not being able to see myself.

Yes, very much so.
Though, at the same time my fps hasn't been above 8 since prepatch hit. Was 15+ before it.
First reactions:
OMFG I'm so ugly. Everything looks so werid. Taurens have insane teethy smile.
OMFG AV! I don't even remember how to play it it's been probably 6 years. But it looked glorious.
I hit for almost no damage.
Messed around with talent script, everything was marked "you can not learn that" Even if i did like /script LearnTalents(3); or something withint our range. All talents and spec are wiped at start also.
Yes, very much so.
Though, at the same time my fps hasn't been above 8 since prepatch hit. Was 15+ before it.

Ouch! Maybe now I will be able to kill you in a BG :p

It could also be related to new models and textures. There are probably some options that can be tweaked to fix it without sacrificing things like view distance.
Mine were not either. =P
For whatever reason, mine were not. Possibly because mine were legal.

That's very interesting... I grabbed exploits on Ice Barrier and Cenarion Ward before I logged last night, just in case GF. I guess it puts that ban nonsense to rest.
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That's very interesting... I grabbed exploits on Ice Barrier and Cenarion Ward before I logged last night, just in case GF. I guess it puts that ban nonsense to rest.

Unless they just haven't gotten to you yet! DUN DUN DUNNNN
The only good things that have happened are skirmishes and ret pallies seem better now, but it just will never be like cata f2p so its finally time to delete this damn game.

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