Post your 6.0.2 info here!

^ x10. 1k res textures? Or less. I zoom in on a boob and see artifacts, really wtf?? I tried cranking up nVIDIA just to be sure, seen no difference.

Every char now has the same animation set? Almost? Everyones jog on the new models looks like the panda there is hardly any characteristic to it.

Go login to a Undead to confirm this the best.

These are either place holder animations or cheaply done animations that suck.

Battlegrounds are now called Casual if it wasn't bad enough, they're about to get worse.

Taurens look really meh. Everything else looks pretty good that said. Not counting the texture not looking all that hi res, especially on a few characters bewbs where the polys bend out.

Outlines look horrible like Neverwinter nights or those other modern MMOS I can't stand like Comic Book Bros or what ever it's called.

The list is getting longer as well
I activated my P2P to add to my toy box and noticed a few things:
* Vanilla enchants now scale down to level - this includes Naxx/ZG enchants, libram enchants, etc
** For example [Power of the Scourge] at Level 29 gives +8 spell power and +7 crit, [Fortitude of the Scourge] gives +8 stamina and +5 armor. Spell power to helm (forgot which libram it was) is now only +4 spell power.
* Other enchant seem to scale down way lower than before (including all helm enchants).
* Only enchant that don't scale down that I've seen are +spell power to specific school of magic (e.g. +20 shadow spell power to gloves).

This is all good news for F2Ps since it helps narrow the gap.
I activated my P2P to add to my toy box and noticed a few things:
* Vanilla enchants now scale down to level - this includes Naxx/ZG enchants, libram enchants, etc
** For example [Power of the Scourge] at Level 29 gives +8 spell power and +7 crit, [Fortitude of the Scourge] gives +8 stamina and +5 armor. Spell power to helm (forgot which libram it was) is now only +4 spell power.
* Other enchant seem to scale down way lower than before (including all helm enchants).
* Only enchant that don't scale down that I've seen are +spell power to specific school of magic (e.g. +20 shadow spell power to gloves).

This is all good news for F2Ps since it helps narrow the gap.

Are these actually nerfed or just squished? I keep reading in other forums how there isnt really a change.
Files are still patching for me, probably won't be playing till Thursday.

How is mana for healers? Do we go oom like in cata if we spam? or can we still mindlessly healbot and still be fine? How are healers in general? Are they Op? killable? Does it take more than one person to kill a healer?
Files are still patching for me, probably won't be playing till Thursday.

How is mana for healers? Do we go oom like in cata if we spam? or can we still mindlessly healbot and still be fine? How are healers in general? Are they Op? killable? Does it take more than one person to kill a healer?

Priest are amazing. All healers are strooong but killable; will take 2+. The amount of heals you can do before oom looks about the same. 2 pallys kept up 10 alliance at LM. I've yet to notice a difference between 20s 24s and 29s. They fixed this fucking game and it's glorious.
Mage damage is ramping up as I get used to this. Thank god we got to keep Fireblast. Lol charging into a base with 2 hunters and a prot pally and being fine. Evanesce is nice... probably worth loosing the extra speed and Ice Block. When popped all attacks against you are "missed". Even Charge won't root you in place while active. I don't seem to need MM anymore. Haste cloak is back to BiS, working on a list for the rest.
I activated my P2P to add to my toy box and noticed a few things:

you actually need to add them one by one? i thought they planned to add them automatically (especially for the items you once had and deleted, cause your bags were full all the time, especially while leveling).
On second thought I like the new taurens but thier bangs are much too short compared to the old texture, only thing that makes them look worse than before. Everything else about them is an improvement.

I still prefer the old animations as they had more characters in them and were less realistic.
So. I made a glass cannon boomkin a long time ago in a futile effort to feel the kind of glory I imagined 24's felt when pressing starsurge and seeing the bright yellow numbers "1,600" show up on their screen.

It was hopeless, I knew it, I couldn't get the kind of crit rating required while preserving the spell power necessary to reach those numbers consistently, but I was hitting 1,200 two or three times per match, and while that made me happy, it also served to remind me how far I was from my ideal.

When I looked at the scoreboard at the end of the match and I was still below all 4 of the hunters in the game and that one 24 boomkin was so far out of my reach it almost always made me immediately reach for the log out button, the temporary joy replaced by a melancholy dejection.

Even after all the effort, all I could hope for was to stealth behind a fight and get one eclipsed surge off, praying to see that glorious one-shot crit, before I was turned on with my glassy 1200hp and immediately ripped to shreds.

But now... Everything has changed. The dream is real.
View attachment 4791

Without even trying, moonfires and sunfires somehow hit for 500 damage, 3 starsurges in a row fly in for 1200 each, everything is dropping left and right and my opponents feeble burst trickles my 2700 hp away so slowly that I can darkflight away at any point with almost no risk of being caught, only to return fully healed with 3 more charges of starsurge and a plethora of targets to choose from.

It's the dawn of a new age.
That terrible cacophony that was the MoP intro music is finally gone! And I'm loving the new Diablo-esque targeting color thing. Never could see those stupid red circles very well.
For paladin, in my experience so far ret is hitting harder then prot, with 1k+ FoLs. While playing ret spamming my abilities in EoTs i had 'miss' flash' up in yellow, so one of my spells must have missed, idk how that happened. AV is really fun, idk if it's fun because its new & different + we're using our low lvl toons in a place way too big, or if it is genuinely enjoyable. Time will tell. Also, Tumultuous Cloaks (Satchel Capes) are losing their transmog whenever I log out lol. I can transmog 2Handers into polearms (I know I never used to be able to do this). having to change some gear sets, scaling is tweaking some items to fall out/into BiS.

I can't make a monk or be summoned to PandaLand. LFH scaling to 20 stam. 20s do OK against 29s, not as bad as I thought it would be. Saw Deej and oldspike amongst others constantly pull top 5 dmg in BGs against 24s/29s.

Liking the game on the whole atm.
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I'm still getting 40-60 minute queue times for BGs which is a shame because I'd really like to try AV and EotS. I guess I'll try again when it's not 6am.

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