Not happy with the L19 community

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yo admins, can we not edit ppls post. just leave that shit as is, dont edit tapmans shit, he tryna speak uninhibited

tapman i got ur back


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I feel this is as good as any.
I am here to represent Noggenfogger-Ally. Every ethnic is welcomed and some religious groups. Dethtic#2620.
bro why did you just find the top 3 threads and make a post in each of em? not even relevant posts, but dumb ass ones like this.

The guy you are responding to is a known junkie clown, the crown hes wearing is because hes a court jester.
after ur last performance what makes u think ur even worth my time.

remember tapman, you can build a thousand bridges and suck one cock, you aint gonna be known as a bridge builder ur gonna be known as a cock sucker

p.s. suck a dick

How many you sucked to pay for your fix when you were broke? Once a junkie always a junkie.
Jwl x Realek interview dropping soon!
tap man when it comes to you, no, no i dont worry. i tell u im a man that believes that i died 20 years ago and i live like a man who is dead already. i have no fear whatsoever of anybody or anything.

im a motherfuckin anybody fighter nigga
I tried to give back to the community by making guides, such as this: Charax Guide: How to approach Horde base

I was immediately attacked by a member of this forum, no doubt envious of my strategic mastery that I was able to impart. I think the tone of my message doesn’t matter... people will get upset no matter how you convey suggestions.

It was a smaller message than what you barfed up.

Usually small people who cannot retort resort to “didn’t read that nah nah”.

I'll take, "What is Narcissism" for 200 please Alex.
I’ve been playing since 2005 with thousands of games under my belt. I would say that qualifies me as a “grizzled veteran”. With that much experience, of course I have quite a bit of wisdom to impart. For you to deny that is just ignorant.

I guess there are some special people that still require their “safe space”, despite queuing into a team PvP match, that can’t handle constructive criticism. If you’re too proud to learn and would rather report BG chat as a traumatic experience to you, you’ll just keep rotting as a terrible player.

You agreed to Blizzards terms, break them and now cry about it. Bruh. As stated by Symandria there's better ways of passing on knowledge that actually has a greater impact on your team. If you, for example, continuously insult your team and yell at them one could expect them to react in a negative way - it is not about safe spaces, it's about normal human reaction. If someone acts like an asshole to you most people will respond by being an asshole back or not giving you what you want. That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
I was immediately attacked by a member of this forum, no doubt envious of my strategic mastery that I was able to impart. I think the tone of my message doesn’t matter... people will get upset no matter how you convey suggestions.

There is no way in hell you're saying this unironically hahahhahahahha "no doubt envious of my strategic mastery that I was able to impart" you sound like a delusional man jesus, or perhaps just a great troll.
I was always a salty BG chatter, and Classic has given me an opportunity to revel in the nostalgia to relive those times. I find it very fun to spice up the chat and create ill will amongst the lesser players.

That's fine but don't come crying when you suffer the consequences of your own conscious actions. Or perhaps you prefer to live in your own bubble/"safe space"?
what is the point of this thread? the second you made your account and paid for your subscription you agreed to blizzard's world of warcraft terms of service and now that you violated them you're disappointed that you got punished? i feel disgusted and sorry for you and anyone else who condones any form of bullying, especially cyber bullying

please get through your head that you're not a "grizzled veteran" or conveying any wisdom that improves your teammates' gameplay, you're only being a toxic miserable person and bothering others on your team

i hope you've learned from this mistake and you start working towards becoming a better person, good luck on your journey of improving yourself

The irony of this comment on this website...

the sheer irony of the amount of likes it received; the only time I’ve seen such a popular reply on these forums was when someone was being an internet bully/complete jackass to someone else. For literally no reason at all.

I come here still every so often. For what little valid twink info there is left and to see hilariously hypocritical shit like this
I doubt the guy who started this thread is still alive. Maybe got corona or some shit. But a word of advice "Always take things in moderation. Even in World of Warcraft"
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