New Speed Twink 110 or 111

@Imatwink If you use the azerite helm / shoulders / chest you will gain a little bit movement. 0.x% increase.
Solstone Rare Version + 4 Haste Rating
Replace Prototype with Dragonling: +24 Haste Rating
Overall it will be a ~2% increase.

If you wanna see more detailed numbers, use this macro while moving:
/script ChatFrame1:AddMessage(string.format("Player speed: %.3f%%", (GetUnitSpeed("Player") / 7) * 100))
@Imatwink If you use the azerite helm / shoulders / chest you will gain a little bit movement. 0.x% increase.
Solstone Rare Version + 4 Haste Rating
Replace Prototype with Dragonling: +24 Haste Rating
Overall it will be a ~2% increase.

If you wanna see more detailed numbers, use this macro while moving:
/script ChatFrame1:AddMessage(string.format("Player speed: %.3f%%", (GetUnitSpeed("Player") / 7) * 100))

What level engineering do I need for the dragonling?
What level engineering do I need for the dragonling?

Pandaria Engineering, don't know the exact skill level. Same to craft the +22 cogwheels. The +31 can be bought from the engi vendor.

Pretty sure you need both Panda AND Cata engineering for the fully gemmed dragonling. You can't use the 31 cogs without 75 cata engineering.
My 111 Zandalari troll warrior currently has 197% movement speed with no buffs, trying to get more mythic speed gear from antorus and also rolling some broken shore items to get speed too
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View attachment 12356 My 111 Zandalari troll warrior currently has 197% movement speed with no buffs, trying to get more mythic speed gear from antorus and also rolling some broken shore items to get speed too

Cool to see someone doing mastery stacking. Since the armory doesn't display the boots for some weird reason, whats your mastery % at? 80? I'm guessing its way easier to get stack from mastery from pure gear, but that haste has better procs.
Cool to see someone doing mastery stacking. Since the armory doesn't display the boots for some weird reason, whats your mastery % at? 80? I'm guessing its way easier to get stack from mastery from pure gear, but that haste has better procs.
The boots conversion from 2nd stat to movement speed is based on 2nd stat rating, not percentage. Went full mastery as fury too and lost a little bit.

Otherwise it would be ridiculous because as arms I have over 650% mastery. :)
I'm sorry but nothing is faster than 110 twink, take my warrior for example:

I will give 1 million gold to any 111 warrior that has faster consistent (rethu's not included as you lose 5% near mobs) movement won't find one. 110 is the way to go as you need considerably less crit/haste rating per % crit/haste.
I got 190% base on 111 warrior.
Edit: didn't read entire thread, need ti try harder


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Finally hit my personal goal of 200% passive movement speed with some nice new speed legs


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Hi guys, good stuff in here, made for an interesting read!

Thought I'd throw my hat in the ring for some DH stuff.

He's not perfect but I'm pretty happy with how things are. Some lucky Antorus drops would upgrade a few items but that's something I'm not prepared to spend my time doing ^^ Also I could use 300 longstrider pieces, but also, not something I'm willing to do yet as I've farmed all the speedrun-worthy mounts I can. Could also definitely use levelling my neck up and I guess a longstrider helm.

He's currently at 175.9% passive. Fluctuates from ~201% indoors or in combat, ~277% Out of combat/outdoors, then sprint/Tartare/weapon proc/ring proc bonuses on top of that.

I used to use the Figurine - Ruby Hare trinket with 2x 40 Mastery gems in it, until they nerfed BFA gems to require 200 ilvl, and also the 30% movement speed didn't stack with the 25% from my boots so was almost entirely useless.
Claw of the Watcher in each hand was another favourite, pre-gem nerf, along with 2 or 3 slot leather gear from MoP/WoD raids ^^

New Bits (since 8.2 I believe):
-Epic gems with 50 stat, up from +40, usable in gear ilvl 200+
-Enchant Ring - Accord of <stat> giving +60 up from +40. (When buying the enchants at 111, the tooltip reads +22 stat, but its +60 when equipped)
-5% movement speed gem - (DOES stack with 3% from previous) These gems used to be useless but seem to have started working correctly with 8.2 :)

The best stat stacking blue crafted rings have 113 stat on them (with a 50 stat eligible socket), which is possible to get in BOTH ring slots

I'm curious to hear you guys thoughts on cloaks. I feel for me the best cloak slot is the one my DH has equipped, it's relatively easy to take tailoring on a toon with no proffs and churn these things out with next to no levelling tailoring required untill you get the desired procc (epic + your stat of choice), and then the 2% movement speed enchant. I suspect a high ilvl Antorus cloak with your stat+socket+speed would be better, but realistically....nah ^^

I think my best belt option (aside from a mad luck Antorus with +speed) would be farming the 1st boss of Temple of Sethraliss until I get the 36 mastery belt to procc with a socket, but again, it's all huge time sinks for minimal gains by this point.

Looking forward to chatting with some more speedfreaks!
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I seem to have gone back on my "seems like too much work" word in my previous post...I've farmed the belt until I got a speed or socket procc, and just tonight churned out the 3 ilvl300 Longstrider pieces, didn't take as long as I expected at all :) Also worked on my neck ilvl a bit, knocking out all the Kul'Tiras rares and a couple islands.
Now at 180.4% passive. Seems a little way behind you 200% lot, but I'm satisfied due to my boots putting me at a consistent 205% as long as I'm allowed to keep kills up.
I'm curious what the mathematical cap would be for a DH. I know it'd involve wearing a bunch of RNG dependant drops from Antorus. The only thing I'll probably do now is farm Rezan in Atal'Dazar until I get some ilvl217 fist weps with speed or socket procs.
ring socket seems to be bugging out atm, it's obviously Sephuz's Secret
Now I made a booboo when I did my warrior azerites and somehow ended up with 2 ilvl300 and 1 ilvl285 which truly makes me disappointed as that's a failure that can't be rectified, i have however managed to with a different gear set achieve 175% passive AND 105k BASE health popping off at 147k with cooldowns ;)

Now just in! 175% passive move speed AND 206k health with cooldowns and buffs lvl 111 prot warrior!
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