<Nagaz With Attitudez>
1. May 14th, 2015: Burg told me as of that date we will play with full twink cup rules no changes, on May 16th he asked of me to change rules to counting Guardian Druids and Resto Druids as stealth classes.
2. I did not want to upset Burg because i thought of him as a friend so I wanted to be friendly and cater to his needs.
3. Yes i understand any class that stealths is counted as a stealthy(not including racial), but the thing is Burg set rules i agreed on to go against my comp which is a unfair and dirty move to do.
4. Trust me i had to fund at least another 5 people just because they couldn't play in the wargame(because of Burg changing the rules).
5. I agreed to the date so both teams would have time to set their comp ready which I did later that day but the next day Burg changed rules on me and my whole comp was messed up.
6. I am not saying I cannot play Guardian it is just that not playing Guardian and going Flag Carrier in a non-stealthing class is the obvious choice and no one in the right mind would waste a stealthy spot for a FC.
Again i state, the deal is simple let Guardian not count as a non-stealthy and we will have our 3 games wargames set on the intended date, Burg i give you the option it is your decision.
We talked about rules one time. Every other time it was you bringing it up and me saying no. If you didn't like them then don't agree to them. That's not my fault you did.
But blame it all on me. The one who will have 10 people on when Sunday comes around waiting for our premade.