Need some data. Please contribute

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sqrt((WSG win ratio/(max(Global
Average WSG HK, your Average WSG HK)/Global Average WSG HK))
*(AB win ratio/(
(max(Global Average AB HK, your Average AB HK)/Global Average AB HK))^(-1))
*(min(0.5, WSG win ratio)*2)

Wow stats are so easily manipulated and classes differ so much - your formula is far too simplistic to show anything significant.

The sole reason that you can /afk out of a game without getting a loss tagged to your record ruins it.
I think that the comma is the equation messes it up more.

In all seriousness though the problem is that he in trying to use quantitative data to solve for a categorical variable.
Someone wanna break the formula down for me? I don't get the max/min notation (I'm assuming it's from excel) and the commas are confusing me. Also I'd post but I don't have any toons that qualify because of my AB games played.

edit: also I don't know how you're working in flag caps but there could be a major distortion of stats for FC's as a result of it. BY awarding credit to flag caps (or returns) you're also giving credit to people like rogues that refuse to pass the flag to druid FC's because they can sprint or people who tunnel flag returns instead of going for focus kicks/shears, warstomps, wingclips on heals etc.
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Wtb log x and x^e. Maybe a π.
Armory link -
Race - Troll
WSG played - 79
WSG won - 38
WSG honor kills - 2676
WSG deaths - 103
AB played - 93
AB won - 56
AB honor kills - 2841
AB deaths - 89
WSG flag caps - 18
WSG flag returns - 31
Do you afk out of losing games often? NEVER EVER EVAAAAA
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? My rule is if they make it past their rejuv hut, they are fair game.
Do you group/sync queue often? Very rarely, qued with 1 other for 4 games over a 6 month period
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I'm just wondering after reading through this.. How can someone who premades atleast 80% of their bgs (84% win ratio lol) call someone who never premades bad because his stats? Bass has a relatively low AB total which means he could have most of his data from MoP which horde is dominating AB and a 35% ratio isn't far off of what I've been in MoP.

Get off your highhorse and stop trying to insult people to prove an obvious flawed formula wrong. You say based on his win ratio you would conclude he's pretty bad. Lets look at your warrior. Based on her win ratio I should conclude she's terribly good? No, I can conclude she gets carried in 5 person premades constantly.

These stats aren't pointless.. They clearly show who premades and then claim to have skill. A person who premades more then 70% of their bgs have shown no skill to me imo. Premading is nowhere near as tough as pugging because in a premade you can hide behind 4 other players.

Aty: 83% WSG ratio, 79% AB ratio. PREMADES
Earl: 85% WSG ratio, 89% AB ratio. PREMADES
Medanx: 85% WSG ratio, 86% AB ratio. PREMADES
Mialo: 84% WSG ratio, 86% AB ratio. PREMADES
These stats aren't pointless.. They clearly show who premades and then claim to have skill. A person who premades more then 70% of their bgs have shown no skill to me imo. Premading is nowhere near as tough as pugging because in a premade you can hide behind 4 other players.

Is it possible that people who premade enjoy playing with their friends? Like minded people?

A significant amount of my BGs have been queued with one other person. I mean... I premade to get carried because the average PuG can't pull that off (I'm pretty bad yo). But are we saying everyone else is just as bad?

Is it possible that people who premade enjoy playing with their friends? Like minded people?

A significant amount of my BGs have been queued with one other person. I mean... I premade to get carried because the average PuG can't pull that off (I'm pretty bad yo). But are we saying everyone else is just as bad?

I'm not saying anything against premades. I premade with you and swoops sometimes but I'm not on here saying I must be better then someone else because I'm 18/20 while premading with you. (random number)
Also 2 person premades aren't the same as 5 person premades. I see you pugging alot more then I see the people I pointed out pugging (never). That is how I view premades. If you want to 5 person premade over 70% of your bgs then insult someone who doesn't for having bad stats is kinda bad. There can easily be a horrible person getting into 5 premades constantly and have a 70+% win ratio just by being carried.

I brought up premades because that's all these numbers or this formula shows me. It's obvious a win ratio doesn't determine skill but when you have a 80% win ratio for BOTH bgs it's as clear as day you premade or afk constantly
Armory link Hü @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
Race - Human
WSG played 222
WSG won 136
WSG honor kills 11098
WSG deaths 990
AB played 79
AB won 52
AB honor kills 2994
AB deaths 331
WSG flag caps 77
WSG flag returns 60
Do you afk out of losing games often? Rarely
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? No and i always try to discourage it.
Do you group/sync queue often? Rarely

I wonder if i'm atleast above .60 :)

Armory linkø/simple
Race - Human
WSG played 232
WSG won 128
WSG honor kills 10666
WSG deaths 1062
AB played 33
AB won 22
AB honor kills 1210
AB deaths 90
WSG flag caps 109
WSG flag returns 108
Do you afk out of losing games often? Rarely
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? No and i always try to discourage it.
Do you group/sync queue often? Never
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Veint @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
Race: Undead
WSG played: 144
WSG won: 85
WSG hks: 6,144
WSG deaths: 911
AB played: 61
AB won: 26
AB hks: 2,293
AB deaths: 279
WSG flag caps: 79
WSG flag returns: 8
Do you afk out of losing games often? Not specifically out of losing games, and I've only afked a few times on this toon because I rarely bg on it.
Do you farm? nah
Do you group queue? mostly

I'm interested how your equation is going to interpret this, especially with the flags captured/returned.
Is it possible that people who premade enjoy playing with their friends? Like minded people?

A significant amount of my BGs have been queued with one other person. I mean... I premade to get carried because the average PuG can't pull that off (I'm pretty bad yo). But are we saying everyone else is just as bad?


Carryin' you all day erryday <3

Also 2 person premades aren't the same as 5 person premades.

Definitely dissing our premades, I don't take that lightly.
Definitely dissing our premades, I don't take that lightly.

We found out you're unlucky, Sally is the lucky one and ghoul is lucky only once he gets warmed up.

To be somewhat OT: I think besides many other things one thing that is blatantly wrong is assuming that 45 hks/bg is avg. I got carried by Swoops, Sally and Ghoul all night tonight and only ONE bg did I get 45 hks and even then that bg was a loss. The avg hks per bg in MoP would be around 30 I'd say.
updated OP.

ok two things.


this formula awards: objective playing/solo queueing/queueing on the losing faction
this formula punishes: HK farming


i will try to fine tune the formula to include other stats(like flag caps and returns, death ratio etc) if i see a skilled player rated too low or an unskilled player rated too high, but at the moment, it seems the verdict is rather accurate.
We found out you're unlucky, Sally is the lucky one and ghoul is lucky only once he gets warmed up.

To be somewhat OT: I think besides many other things one thing that is blatantly wrong is assuming that 45 hks/bg is avg. I got carried by Swoops, Sally and Ghoul all night tonight and only ONE bg did I get 45 hks and even then that bg was a loss. The avg hks per bg in MoP would be around 30 I'd say.
Or less than 30 even when you premade and get the job done in under 6 mins.
To be somewhat OT: I think besides many other things one thing that is blatantly wrong is assuming that 45 hks/bg is avg.

i am using the global average(of all the data contributers) now, not just a flat 45.

the global average is the total WSG/AB HK divided by the total WSG/AB played.

at the moment it is 48 for WSG/38 for AB.

i am thinking about removing sweetluvin because his average WSG HK is too high (above the required 65 and way above everyone else), obviously an HK farmer.
I really pity anyone who's taking this seriously. The joke's on Glancelot though, for actually putting so much time and effort into this.
You know its necessary to have real proof you're #1 WORLD UNIVERSE GALAXY AND BEYOND.
So the lower someone's AB win ratio is, the more "skilled" they are?
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