Need some data. Please contribute

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look at Bass: His win ratio is terribly low, which I would conclude, he's pretty bad...

my formula doesn't punish those who solo queue on the losing faction, it actually rewards those people.
my formula doesn't punish those who solo queue on the losing faction, it actually rewards those people.
I, for example, have been playing ALWAYS on the losing faction. Played Horde in Cata, played Alliance in MoP. Never played a FOTM class. And you still tell me that dude is better than people like Veinte, Medan, Aty,.. ?

Or you must be stupid, or your formula must be wrong. ALWAYS look at the reality before reporting back.
Dont you think its flawed when you reward losing more then winning?:p

losing AB isn't really something you can purposely do on a consistent basis by yourself.

if you spot someone with a 22% AB win ratio, then it's his faction that's getting dominated. because even bots on the winning faction can maintain 60%~70% win ratio in AB's.
And you still tell me that dude is better than people like Veinte, Medan, Aty,.. ?

once you are above 1, your skill level does not positively correlate to your score. meaning, someone with 1.5 is not necessarily 25% better than someone with 1.2. sorry for the confusion.

i mean, i cannot make sure that the formula is all-inclusive, it won't tell you how much you would score on an SAT you know:p
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You're telling me that I'm bad when I play Artix and I'm a good player when I play Thrallorc?

more helpful to the team, at least.
But hey, look at Bass: His win ratio is terribly low, which I would conclude, he's pretty bad...

Lol, i have never played with you EVER. How can you just conclude that i am "bad" because of the numbers? I play a prot warrior, and i think i score that high because i cap alot of flags in WSG.
Lol, i have never played with you EVER. How can you just conclude that i am "bad" because of the numbers? I play a prot warrior, and i think i score that high because i cap alot of flags in WSG.
I would say that losing on a consisted basis, means you're pretty bad -_-
Sure, because 1 player with BiS gear can win a whole BG even though he plays with 9 badly geared players against a horde team filled with 24's and good geared people. Makes perfect sense
Mialo, you do know that theres always somone better than yourself right? even if he is or isnt better is irrelevant but you cant just assume things
I would say that losing on a consisted basis, means you're pretty bad -_-

One person does not make the team. I thought people realized that. Only 24's are able to carry entire teams on their back, and even thats not a sure thing if the opposing said has a well oiled pre made, or one or more of its own 24's. and EVEN then, the 24's still require the 20's to do their dang job by healing, flag carrying and damage dealing.
Sure, because 1 player with BiS gear can win a whole BG even though he plays with 9 badly geared players against a horde team filled with 24's and good geared people. Makes perfect sense
Every single game?

I don't have a grudge or something against you, not at all, nor against someone else. I was just pointing out how unvalid and incorrect the whole reasoning behind Glancealot's calculations are.
losing AB isn't really something you can purposely do on a consistent basis by yourself.

if you spot someone with a 22% AB win ratio, then it's his faction that's getting dominated. because even bots on the winning faction can maintain 60%~70% win ratio in AB's.

I dont rly care how I score here, I submitted for fun. That beeing said, you are right to some degree about what your saying, but your not proving it with your formula.

There are 2 factions, "all" off us are in the same battlegroup. You cant say somone with 22% AB win ratio has a worse faction then somone that has, say, 44% AB win ratio if they are in the same battlegroup and same faction.

Your formula is finding what you want it find, that does not mean its right. Common statistic mistake.

To make a better formula Id say scrap the AB/WSG, make it so you normally have 50% win chance (over = good, under = bad), and divide people that pug and premade.

Find out what the average HK is, over = good, under = bad

Find out what the average death is, over = bad, under = good.

To find out who AFKs on a losing group just check for spikes in HKs (if somone has twice as many as normal HK ratio, for instance)
Find out what the average HK is, over = good, under = bad

Find out what the average death is, over = bad, under = good.

To find out who AFKs on a losing group just check for spikes in HKs (if somone has twice as many as normal HK ratio, for instance)
Average death should be based on class, not in general. I see a Warrior dieing so much more than a Rogue or a Paladin for example. You would have to add a factor for each class, which will make it even harder.
Average death should be based on class, not in general. I see a Warrior dieing so much more than a Rogue or a Paladin for example. You would have to add a factor for each class, which will make it even harder.

Yes your right, also perhaps give alliance -10% since we have eye patch (joking aside, I think ally had a better faction then horde overall pug wise)
Wow stats are so easily manipulated and classes differ so much - your formula is far too simplistic to show anything significant.

The sole reason that you can /afk out of a game without getting a loss tagged to your record ruins it.
Armoury: Billymays @ Hellfire - Community - World of Warcraft
Race: Draenei
WSG played: 560
WSG won: 331
WSG hks: 25,953
WSG deaths: 2,202
AB played: 198
AB won: 108
AB hks: 5,674
AB deaths: 526
WSG caps: 173
WSG returns: 84
Do you afk out of losing games often? Never, unless DC or dinner...
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? No.
Do you group/sync queue often? I'm all alone on Hellfire :(

I'm intrigued and also rubbish at maths so would like to know. I could be the first plainly bad player, but I play for enjoyment, not to win hearts and minds.
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