Need some data. Please contribute

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Another completely pointless thread based on psuedo science. Nicely done, OP. Games were different when F2P started. There were more HKs per game. Horde were mostly bad. WSG are shorter now. Base resilience, HP boost to all, OP heals, and massive increase to mobility mean that there are far fewer HKs per game now.

You have no way of accurately measuring games quit, games joined just as they end, or any of many other important variables that would change these stats. A more accurate measure of one aspect of skill would be HK to KB to death ratio. Even if you quit out of games, even if you join at the end, even if you farm heavily, as a DPS, it's a pretty good indication of how active and effective you are in a BG.

TLDR: OP is full of shit. Also, check out Lofi's list if you want stats.
You guys are aware this data is meaningless, right?

I genuinely hope no one is taking this seriously.

Course not. Like I said, its like the Test your Strength game at Carnival.
Bored as fuck, here goes. Edit, hope you calc death ratio:p


WSG played 584
WSG won 494
WSG win ratio 0.85

WSG honor kills 30.844
WSG HK average: 52.81

WSG deaths 1.432
WSG death ratio: 2.45

AB played 83
AB won 71
AB win ratio 0.86

AB honor kills 3.749
AB HK average 45.16

AB deaths 176
AB death ratio 2.12

WSG flag caps 269
WSG flag cap ratio 0.46 (cant stealth with flag, allways give it away:p)

WSG flag returs 859
WSG flag return ratio 1.47 (I play from EU, bad MS!:p)

Do you afk out of losing games often? No, old ally queues and 15 min deserter, f that:p
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? Never
Do you group/sync queue often? No, normally went solo, some times with a good friend, nearly
all times with full group has been synced to face horde 5-10 man premade.
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What Rsq said. The reason I have alot of deaths is because I was a noob back in early 2012 and got farmed a lot by Duo premades.
Êarl @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft

Race: Human
WSG played: 482
WSG won: 412
WSG kills: 21,511
WSG deaths: 941
AB played: 98
AB won: 87
AB kills: 4,285
AB deaths: 164
WSG Caps: 510
WSG Returns: 171

I AFK out against 24 premades sometimes.
I don't really GY farm;
I sync queued a lot, back in the day.

Dat Win count... plus all his stats are really high, we should expect him to be well over the 1.50 mark. Lets find out :eek:.
Tkatii @ Mal'Ganis - Community - World of Warcraft
Race: Tauren
WSG Played: 1708
WSG Won: 988
WSG Honorable Kills: 54,544
WSG Deaths: 6176
AB Played: 216
AB Won: 57
AB Honor Kills: 6329
AB Deaths: 1116
WSG Flag Caps: 1516
WSG Flag Returns: 573
Do you AFK out of losing games often? I have a personal policy of never afking out of a bg unless I actually need to go afk for some reason. I never afk simply because we're losing.
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? Never.
Do you group queue/sync queue often? No. There hasn't been anyone to group queue with on my server for quite some time. When there is a person on I do try to group with them, but it's rare.

Note: I haven't played AB since the patch. I imagine the wins ratio might be better if I had.
ahaha inconsistent data you cant play well unless you premade because randoms do their own thing./imba classes.Then take into consideration do you care about flags

You know your 1.5% ratos whatever...I was like you feeling 10 feet tall because I couldnt find any bigger fish out there, once on my main goal wasnt to win but to kill everyone 5-0 .It was a duel to the death,the winner comes out alive and the other gets to rez,

it didnt matter if you were horde or alliance I would personally seek you out, sure I died on horde but idc then I realized what am I chasing nothing and ratios dont matter
Race: Squirrel
WSG played: I'm
WSG won: pretty
WSG honor kills: sure
WSG deaths: no
AB played: one
AB won: cares
AB honor kills:
AB deaths:
WSG flag caps:
WSG flag returns:

Do you afk out of losing games often? You all afk anytime you start to lose

Do you graveyard farm in WSG often?

Do you group/sync queue often?
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fine-tuned formula according to suggestions and some more research.

updated OP with the newest result.


edit: i also want to add that,
  • some stats (like death ratio) aren't being used in the formula right now,
  • the formula is still subjected to change and improvement.
  • we need more data, please contribute.
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So basically, the reason why I'm below average is because I lose a lot in WSG? How does this say how bad I am?
Name = Thrallorc

WSG Played: 183
WSG Won: 98
Wsg hks: 5262
AB played: 132
AB won: 55
AB honor kills: 2846
WSG flag caps: 75
WSG flag returns: 43

Do I afk? Nope
Do I farm? Never
Do I premade? Not often.
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Human rogue

wsg played 643
wsg won 310
wsg caps 28
wsg returns 463
ab played 164
ab won 122
wsg honor kills 32681
wsg death 1445
ab honor kills 7819
ab death 284

no afk out bgs and no farms
Human rogue

wsg played 643
wsg won 310
wsg caps 28
wsg returns 463
ab played 164
ab won 122
wsg honor kills 32681
wsg death 1445
ab honor kills 7819
ab death 284

no afk out bgs and no farms

you need to provide armory link, thanks.
Let's see what I get =)

Armory link:
Atychiphobia @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
Race: Dwarf
WSG played: 237
WSG won: 196
WSG honor kills: 12313
WSG deaths: 448
AB played: 102
AB won: 81
AB honor kills: 4750
AB deaths: 218
WSG flag caps: 101
WSG flag returns: 101

Do you afk out of losing games often? Not at all, maybe happened once or twice but I always game on kinda =)

Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? Nope.

Do you group/sync queue often? I did at start of F2P when we really farmed heirlooms 24/7 but later on it was pretty much single queue.

The formula's idea is still wrong. You're taking the difference between both AB and WSG win ratios, but hey, look at Bass: His win ratio is terribly low, which I would conclude, he's pretty bad... while he has a "verdict" of 1.22. Makes no sense? The whole idea of comparing AB versus WSG is just stupid.
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