Need some data. Please contribute

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Post the 'complicated formula' or stop posting this nonsense, mmk? Mmk.

here you go folks, the formula is subjected to change/improvement.

must have at least 50 WSG and 50 AB played to qualify.

Average WSG HK must be less than 65 to qualify.

(WSG win ratio/(max(45, Average WSG HK)/45))/
(AB win ratio/(max(45, Average AB HK)/45))

It was on the same post you just noticed the big red letters and not the formula lol
Well there isn't a formula to factor skill but his version of how he's doing it is

(WSG win ratio/(max(45, Average WSG HK)/45))/
(AB win ratio/(max(45, Average AB HK)/45))

Wait, you're joking, right?

Edit: Red is soooo yesterday!
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Now I feel stupid just for posting the formula... Glance come explain how you got that formula cause I'm done looking stupid your turn.
I fear, there is no formula or he is afraid to post it. For one of the following reasons:

A. Doesn't want us to pick at it, and find flaws.

B. Doesn't want us to 'calculate' his 'skill'.

I think it's one of these two things :) The kicker is, you can't measure skill with numbers. Skill and if someone has it, is purely personal, it's an opinion. You can't measure that stuff. It's like trying to prove a band is a good band. What makes a band good? Technical ability? Flashy lights? Good vocalist? Albums charting? These things vary and can't really be measured. (Personally, I like flashy lights!!22)

You pigeon hole people in this game by numbers, numbers of which they rarely have control over. I judge people by the way they play, the way I SEE them play, the things they do, most of which are not measured by any of these numbers. Again, though, that is my opinion and with that, I shall leave this thread and go back to my thread about toast, it seems- more fun to me :)
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ok it looks like i need to implement some sort of weighted measure so that the result doesn't fluctuate so much.

brb adding a column for WSG HK average and another column for AB HK average.

edit: done.
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how in the world is this even a thing...
what if i picked my nose at BS in every single AB i've played, racked up HKs and rarely died, and ganked terribly geared players in mid or flag camped in WSG, hardly dying?
how does this, in any way, determine if you're a good player or not? i'm not trolling or flaming, just honestly wondering why this is being discussed as much as it is. by this "formula" a holy pally or resto druid who only played during cata would be miles apart "worse" than either class playing currently. same for a rogue or hunter one-shotting everything during cata opposed to taking effort to play the class currently.

formula's broken.
looking at the verdict, the only outliers are bass and swoops.

well, swoops is pretty good because i played against him so maybe it is accurate for him

i need to do something to prevent players like Svumpukkel to score that high.

brb working on it.

edit: done. SS in OP
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Armory link: Marxis @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
Race: Human
WSG played: 107
WSG won: 50
WSG honor kills: 4,777
WSG deaths:556
AB played: 52
AB won: 43
AB honor kills: 1,287
AB deaths: 177
WSG flag caps: 8
WSG flag returns:84
Do you afk out of losing games often? not for any reason, because I don't like waiting 15 minutes. Not even if we are being farmed, which explains my high Wsg death rate. The only time I happen to AFK out is when I don't move because I got called away and I get reported "AFK". But I never leave of my own accord.
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often?: Ew, no. Having joined the AP community I don't farm anymore. I used to, before the Trial went F2P. But not anymore. If the team starts farming, I back up enough so that I am not in range for the kills to give me honor and I wait.
Do you group/sync queue often?: Not on my warrior, no. On my rogue I did a few times.
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Just for fun to see how "good" my first char was

Armory link: Justlucky @ Spinebreaker - Community - World of Warcraft
Race: Blood Elf
WSG played: 552
WSG won: 305
WSG honor kills: 23002
WSG deaths: 2928
AB played: 93
AB won: 39
AB honor kills: 3661
AB deaths: 448
WSG flag caps: 249
WSG flag returns: 108
Do you afk out of losing games often? no
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? never
Do you group/sync queue often? Never with this char but with the addon I sometimes group on aggramar
Am I understanding this ...formula correctly? The "max" is confusing me a bit. Is it:

[WSG win ratio ./. (Average WSG HK if under 45, else 45 ./. 45)] ./.
[AB win ratio ./. (Average AB HK if under 45, else 45 ./. 45)]


On the topic of research: I love objective medical research, it's so awesome when you get to decide; this is the pharmaceutical I want to do well, which is my own, and, okay, I guess this one that people already accept is good can have a decent score as well, hmm, seems my research doesn't come out right, this medication I really want to do badly has good numbers, I guess I'll add a random modifier until it looks like I want it to! It's so nifty!
I guess I'll add a random modifier until it looks like I want it to! It's so nifty!

i don't have adjust numbers once i have a whole collection of data. 45 and 0.6 and so on are just place holders until i get over 100 results. then i ll just use the average of all the participants.
from now on, i will update the OP with the newest SS.

@everybody, post your stats!

the more stats we get, the more accurate my formula becomes.
Well, as Rheallia said i dont really think that you can show peoples skill by calculating numbers. If you were to make this formula accurate, you would have to make a formula for each class and spec. I dont calculate skill in number of killing blows, WSG/AB wins, or anything like that - i look at peoples playstyle, and how effeciently they play their class, and use their abilities. Take a warlock for an example. What can they do? Pretty much nothing that you include in this formula unless they are played by a really REALLY skilled person. They control the BG, fear healers, and reduce melee dmg/spellhaste, thats nothing compared to a denounceadin who will get 20 killing blows 2 deaths, 3 flag caps and 50k healing done. How would you measure that?
Armory link Tentacleman @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft Race orc WSG played 356 WSG won 222 WSG honor kills 14939 WSG deaths 1684 AB played 37 AB won 23 AB honor kills 1350 AB deaths 143 WSG flag caps 33 WSG flag returns 50 Do you afk out of losing games often? No Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? No Do you group/sync queue often? No

Damn I dont have enough AB's played. Curious to see how the formula would work since I have some unusual stats.
Well, as Rheallia said i dont really think that you can show peoples skill by calculating numbers. If you were to make this formula accurate, you would have to make a formula for each class and spec. I dont calculate skill in number of killing blows, WSG/AB wins, or anything like that - i look at peoples playstyle, and how effeciently they play their class, and use their abilities. Take a warlock for an example. What can they do? Pretty much nothing that you include in this formula unless they are played by a really REALLY skilled person. They control the BG, fear healers, and reduce melee dmg/spellhaste, thats nothing compared to a denounceadin who will get 20 killing blows 2 deaths, 3 flag caps and 50k healing done. How would you measure that?

law of large numbers. sure you can name special scenarios that contribute numbers which don't reflect your skill level.
but in the long run, everyone has good days and bad days.
you can't just say "my ratio is low because i always have bad days".
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I wouldn't say Im bad. I'm just extremely bull headed. But then again, I don't like math, so I wouldn't trust data to tell me my skill level. Its a fun little distraction though. like the Test Your Strength game at a carnival, hehehe.
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