I'm not sure exactly what you wish for here..? - If you're playing with a player called Happybunny, and you wish to only cast unholy frenzy on him while keeping your normal target I'd suggest using:
/cast [target=happybunny] Unholy Frenzy
If you're using it in 2s teams in general and wish to cast it on your partner you can use
/cast [target=party1] Unholy Frenzy
(It might be party2, not 100% sure - but yourself is [target=player] )
Best regards,
Wittyscrub said:<;;BUMP;;>
If possible, Can I request some awesome macro maker to make a macro which does something on the lines of...
/tar happybunny
/cast unholy frenzy
/tar previous player
I'm not sure exactly what you wish for here..? - If you're playing with a player called Happybunny, and you wish to only cast unholy frenzy on him while keeping your normal target I'd suggest using:
/cast [target=happybunny] Unholy Frenzy
If you're using it in 2s teams in general and wish to cast it on your partner you can use
/cast [target=party1] Unholy Frenzy
(It might be party2, not 100% sure - but yourself is [target=player] )
Best regards,