Macros: Q/A and Requests

Taitaih said:
That's odd. Make sure that Alt+<button> isn't bound in your keybindings somewhere.

I usually use [mod:alt], to clean up macros by shortening the "modifier" part.

Seems to be working fine now without doing anything to do, thanks anyways.
Do I have one for you!

I want to, Like,

Switch to a 1h sword and shield then use Shield Bash in 1 macro, Is that possible.

So like

Equip Sword

Equip Shield

cast Shield Bash

UmpteenthTwink said:
Do I have one for you!

I want to, Like,

Switch to a 1h sword and shield then use Shield Bash in 1 macro, Is that possible.

So like

Equip Sword

Equip Shield

cast Shield Bash


You kinda just did it yourself.

/equip swordname

/equip shieldname

/cast Shield Bash
iaccidentallytwink said:
You kinda just did it yourself.

That didnt work.

Thats the first thing i tried >.<.

All it does is equip 1 of my items


/equip Redbeard Crest

/equip Shadowfang

/cast Shield bash

*Must have a shield equipped


/equip Shadowfang

/equip Redbeard Crest

/Cast Shield bash


but you have to click the macro twice
You must must must equip the 1Hander first before equipping the shield. If you try to equip the shield first while you are holding a 2 handed weapon, it will fail.

So yes the 2nd macro there is correct.
what's the macro command for toggling auto attack on?


Edit: Im also going to sticky this thread since its useful to have on the front page i feel.
UmpteenthTwink said:
That didnt work.

Thats the first thing i tried >.<.

All it does is equip 1 of my items


/equip Redbeard Crest

/equip Shadowfang

/cast Shield bash

*Must have a shield equipped


/equip Shadowfang

/equip Redbeard Crest

/Cast Shield bash


but you have to click the macro twice

Could always get Aftercast, and save yourself some trouble.
Kore nametooshort said:
what's the macro command for toggling auto attack on?


/cast autoattack

If you check your spellbook, you can see that it is quite literally a spell.

Alternative Situation:

Press "T"
PureCraft said:
/cast autoattack

If you check your spellbook, you can see that it is quite literally a spell.

Alternative Situation:

Press "T"

i was under the impression that it would toggle if off if i pressed it twice, which completely undermines the macro im trying to create. If it doesnt, then thanks ;)

Edit: now i think about it, that does make sense, since spamming healing touch wont turn the cast off, so why should it turn off auto attack?
Is there a way to make a macro whisper something to your target? /w %t (text) does not work.
Kore nametooshort said:
I would have thought so. Things like rank watcher probably use it, but i couldnt tell you how.

Alrighty, thanks for the info. I'll look around.

edit - found it, thanks Kore :D
CIHC said:
Alrighty, thanks for the info. I'll look around.

edit - found it, thanks Kore :D

Just so people can see:

/script if UnitExists("target") then SendChatMessage("[I]YOUR MESSEGE GOES HERE[/I]","WHISPER",nil,UnitName("target") end
Try something like this :


/cast [target=targettarget, exists] [] <ABILITY>

Sorry for the late reply, was driving home from California.
Taitaih said:
Try something like this :


/cast [target=targettarget, exists] [] <ABILITY>

Sorry for the late reply, was driving home from California.

Not a problem, thanks again :3
Am I the only person who uses this specific topic to request macros?

Looking for - Macro to do the following in this order

a) interact with target

b) purchase an item from said target

c) close the target's shop

d) go back to a and repeat for all eternity.
CIHC said:
Am I the only person who uses this specific topic to request macros?

Looking for - Macro to do the following in this order

a) interact with target

b) purchase an item from said target

c) close the target's shop

d) go back to a and repeat for all eternity.

All my macros are more or less ready made, but im sure at somepoint i'll discover a need for a new macro that i cant facilitate myself :)

Anyway, why does point "d" require the shop to be closed? wouldnt it be quicker and simpler to simply go back to "b" rather than "a"? Still, i doubt this kind of macro will work, it looks kinda gliderish to me.
This is probably to buy a limited item that you need to close the shop for. I don't have a macro off the top of my head for this one, I'll have to do some digging.

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