Log 19 and que NOW!

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Are you serious? Had TL or the French been asked to stop premading with 2-5 hunter teams? Probably, but they didnt do it before hunters got nerfed. Did TL stop using exploited satchelgear when they got asked? No, they stopped it when the gear was removed by GMs. True story.

You shouldn't put "True story" behind wrong facts. It makes you look clueless.
You shouldn't put "True story" behind wrong facts. It makes you look clueless.

Well, Vianco came to me next day after using the gear "did you report me for satchels because they deleted mine" so IMO that is a reliable source, don't you think?

Either way, since your reading comprehension doesn't seem to be at too high level, I'll make you a simpler version:

Deleting satchel gear is more effective than asking the player to stop using it.
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Well, Vianco came to me next day after using the gear "did you report me for satchels because they deleted mine" so IMO that is a reliable source, don't you think?
It is true that they got deleted and that's about the only true fact about TL in your post.
Either way, since your reading comprehension doesn't seem to be at too high level
Mesikämmen, please. You are the person with the worst reading comprehension on this entire website and you prove it in every single discussion you enter.
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Well, haven't seen a single 3hunter 2hpala premade from TL in MoP lmao :D Doubt anyone else has, either.

Have u seen Isa 10 man french queing? What does that point prove? lol.
messi, there's a big difference between some guys queuing and setting up a D, and TL stacking as many exploiting hunters and pallys as they could find in front of the GY for 25mins.

arkant, you hanging on to the shirt tails of 3 guys for wins is so unlike you <3
messi, there's a big difference between some guys queuing and setting up a D, and TL stacking as many exploiting hunters and pallys as they could find in front of the GY for 25mins.

arkant, you hanging on to the shirt tails of 3 guys for wins is so unlike you <3

You just completely missed my point, did you actually read the post?

EDIT: Soz dpost
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all these people faction changing to ally makes me sad :<
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