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I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense

Sad thing is this is more coherent than the guild ad I saw in trade the other night :(
Arkant, go exploit your precious satchels somewhere else... TY.

INB4 10 posts "lol mesi so mad he qq when he no win rofl he just jely he dont hav exploit satchel gear! u would use too if u had"
lol mesi so mad he qq when he no win rofl he just jely he dont hav exploit satchel gear! u would use too if u had
did u rly need to post a screenshot? he never even denied it l0l. Nice 8 man afk there after 1 cap with 15 mins left btw, real high quality game that 1.
did u rly need to post a screenshot? he never even denied it l0l. Nice 8 man afk there after 1 cap with 15 mins left btw, real high quality game that 1.
So what your saying is that if he does not deny the use if sachet loot gear it justifies the use of it- you might don't like mesi for various of reasons, but least you could focus on the case and stop the troll umadbrougodefence24/7 for a while, i think we all got the memo.

I to think its ridicules to use the satchel gear, and my view of the people who uses it is that they apparently need an advantage in order to play this bracket at a competitive level - just my 5 cents
So what your saying is that if he does not deny the use if sachet loot gear it justifies the use of it- you might don't like mesi for various of reasons, but least you could focus on the case and stop the troll umadbrougodefence24/7 for a while, i think we all got the memo.

I to think its ridicules to use the satchel gear, and my view of the people who uses it is that they apparently need an advantage in order to play this bracket at a competitive level - just my 5 cents

No, what he said is that without denial there is no need for proof.
No, what he said is that without denial there is no need for proof.
He did not choose to confront the very purpose of mesi's thread which was to problematise the use of satchel gear - so imy, please share with us, do you think it is fair to use exploited sathel loot gear?

also arkant how do you justify using exploit satchel gear? just interested?
So what your saying is that if he does not deny the use if sachet loot gear it justifies the use of it- you might don't like mesi for various of reasons, but least you could focus on the case and stop the troll umadbrougodefence24/7 for a while, i think we all got the memo.

I to think its ridicules to use the satchel gear, and my view of the people who uses it is that they apparently need an advantage in order to play this bracket at a competitive level - just my 5 cents

Don't understand how my comment had anything to do with him being mad or going D 24/7. As Arkant clearly said, without denial why do you need to proof anything. And please, TL ran exploited gear including satchels/gems/embroidery but did you see anyone post SS's QQing like mad. Didnt think so, we got on with it and politely asked them not to use the gear, which they stopped doing(except embroid) . Maybe Mesi just needs to ask Arkant to stop using it politely, then we might get somewhere. Peace bitches.
Don't understand how my comment had anything to do with him being mad or going D 24/7. As Arkant clearly said, without denial why do you need to proof anything. And please, TL ran exploited gear including satchels/gems/embroidery but did you see anyone post SS's QQing like mad. Didnt think so, we got on with it and politely asked them not to use the gear, which they stopped doing(except embroid) . Maybe Mesi just needs to ask Arkant to stop using it politely, then we might get somewhere. Peace bitches.

Are you serious? Had TL or the French been asked to stop premading with 2-5 hunter teams? Probably, but they didnt do it before hunters got nerfed. Did TL stop using exploited satchelgear when they got asked? No, they stopped it when the gear was removed by GMs. True story.

Do rapists stop when they are asked to?

And here we go again:

post SS's QQing like mad.

At what point was I qqing like mad :D but cant say that this wasnt what I expected someone would say.
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