Log 19 and que NOW!

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Don't understand how my comment had anything to do with him being mad or going D 24/7. As Arkant clearly said, without denial why do you need to proof anything. And please, TL ran exploited gear including satchels/gems/embroidery but did you see anyone post SS's QQing like mad. Didnt think so, we got on with it and politely asked them not to use the gear, which they stopped doing(except embroid) . Maybe Mesi just needs to ask Arkant to stop using it politely, then we might get somewhere. Peace bitches.

well honestly i don't think its mesi's job alone to ask the people using satchel gear, to stop using it - which is why i think this discussion is important in the first place. Not gonna mention any specific individual here as this description potentially could fit in quite a few. But i do think that it is wrong to use the gear and honestly i rather hope to see it deleted than asking people not to use it. Fact is this discussion has been raised before, but apparently some people still feel the urge to gain a stronger advantage by the use of this gear :// - guess you do not agree?- mesi's ss is great example of this (or mesi's friend w/e)

btw it's one SS, and i wouldn't call it QQ'ing like mad when its relevant for the state of 19's
I had some fun games last night, hoping the ones tonight or tomorrow will be just as good.
Weren't all competitive as hell but it weren't filled with ragers and arrogants :)

nice ninja return from mesik :p
Games have potential to be fun, but to many people winlog ally past few days.
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