Level 1 Raiding in 3.2

Fish feast is cheating IMO, that's almost like having blood pact. I'm not against consumables and I may not even be against fish feast for something near the brink of impossible but it's not necessary for what we're trying to do ATM.

I want to make the pally healer tank for my raid because it requires the most dedication and time to make perfect, and I don't want to lay it on someone who might not finish twinking one out. I don't know how difficult getting AGMs is going to be, but I'm guessing it won't be quick nor fun. I'm not going to go through that process on more than one character.
2 manned hogger today:


Turned out to be one of those raids where you actually get some of the best lvl 1 twink loot. While clearing adds the best lvl 1 shield dropped. We got at least 2 of them inguild now:)

EDIT: And ofc I had to do this because of that other guy talking about doing it.
Good job on the 2 man boglund. I did a little testing on healing threat with some non twinked healers. What I found out is that overhealing does not generate threat hardly at all, an overheal will generate only 1 threat at level 1. With 10 haste to gloves 2.5 second heal goes down to 1.9 on a paladin. Heals don't generate too much threat though, about 6-10 each depending on if they crit, good thing about pallys is that they will probably have a lot of crit with +22 int to weapon. An initial pull at low HP with a magic candle, bandage, lifeblood, health potion, and arcane torrent should generate around 340 threat. From there it will probably be a 3-4 TPS from healing. 1 threat can also be gained each time you hit Seal of Righteousness which is instant, 8 mana, and spammable, but I think heals will out threat that and be better on mana. I'm testing heals on level 1 mobs on a nontwinked level 1 and the rest on level 10 mobs on my twink so threat may scale differently on heals on higher levels.
With Lifeblood/AGM/Formal Dangui you'd be able to have the following amount of HP absorption:

720 + 750 + 400

And then the actual chants and AGM:

240 + 150 + 90 + 70 + 80

Total of 2500 HP along with base.
LeChango said:
Good job on the 2 man boglund. I did a little testing on healing threat with some non twinked healers. What I found out is that overhealing does not generate threat hardly at all, an overheal will generate only 1 threat at level 1. With 10 haste to gloves 2.5 second heal goes down to 1.9 on a paladin. Heals don't generate too much threat though, about 6-10 each depending on if they crit, good thing about pallys is that they will probably have a lot of crit with +22 int to weapon. An initial pull at low HP with a magic candle, bandage, lifeblood, health potion, and arcane torrent should generate around 340 threat. From there it will probably be a 3-4 TPS from healing. 1 threat can also be gained each time you hit Seal of Righteousness which is instant, 8 mana, and spammable, but I think heals will out threat that and be better on mana. I'm testing heals on level 1 mobs on a nontwinked level 1 and the rest on level 10 mobs on my twink so threat may scale differently on heals on higher levels.

Nice research. But as you will probably get damaged while healing you probably won't do much overhealing. At least on Sand Shark it worked out great, on higher lvl mobs maybe even greater?.

Sakul said:
Does anyone know if the +15 Agi to Gloves enchant still drops in AQ20/40?

No clue tbh, well there's no reason for it to be (re)moved so I guess it still drops.
Yeah I'm looking forward to my pally tank for my current 23 elite goal, as long as I can take more than a few hits it should be easy (while running through felwood I could take a few hits from a level 50 and I had like 300 hp). The amount of people needed to down the mob is only limited to maximum amount of time before the last healer's mana pool is depleted. I'm going to try to 5 man the 23 as soon as I get AGM on my pally (which is seeming to be a difficult task because all the douchebag 80s want the achievement). My pally is almost done, just needs last rank of lifeblood and AGM.

If anyone else is interested in rolling on frostmane contact me through PM, between me and Sakul we can fund your gear and help you get necessary professions for PVE (pretty much just skinning unless you are a tank), I'm not loaded so I probably won't be able to fund a full 150 mining for multiple people as ore is real expensive on my server.

edit: I overestimated how much crit intellect gave, even with 28 extra intellect that's only like +2.7% crit
[quote name='LeChango']-25-40 man Fozruk (probably way to high of level to even attempt, but something along these lines). This would actually be really epic if achieved, this is one of the closest things to a boss encounter because of the kobold's unique abilities.

Shouldnt be too hard, as with 180 lvl 1 Gnomes we owned a mid 70 T6 geared Drood, and most were just runnin around also
Arcainzor said:
[quote name='arcainzor']-25-40 man Fozruk (probably way to high of level to even attempt, but something along these lines). This would actually be really epic if achieved, this is one of the closest things to a boss encounter because of the kobold's unique abilities.

Shouldnt be too hard, as with 180 lvl 1 Gnomes we owned a mid 70 T6 geared Drood, and most were just runnin around also

You would never hit a lvl 80 mob as much as you would hit a lvl 80 player. It's harder to hit high lvl NPCs than high lvl players, at least that's my impression.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj2AcyRHGmE]YouTube - Level one Twinks the Guild Vs. Captain Flat Tusk[/ame]

Cessiøn or Linkani which is his TwinkInfo name bought me a GC to be able to meet me ingame, we downed 2 rare elite while we were on it. Will post the next one in 20 min or so when it's up on youtube.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffk_X0kltb4&feature=channel_page]YouTube - Level one Twinks the Guild Vs. Felweaver Scornn[/ame]

Here's the other vid. Quality sucks the first hour though
just got back to this thread after a while, im glad people liked my "caving" idea :)

Anywho, i see everyone using proc weapons in these vids and im just wondering of anyone's tried using flat chants, like +5 weapon dmg and 15 agi. Im thinking a warr or palli using full haste (counterweight, gloves and trinks) and a +5 dmg chant would hold aggro really well, even if he was wiffing alot.

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