Level 1 Raiding in 3.2

LeChango said:
For hogger at least I would say the armor on the shield (and +7 stam ofc) is almost substitutable for a medicine pouch. I know losing 3 stam is a considerable amount at level 1, but is it really worth the time grinding for a medicine pouch?

Hell yeah, well I guess it's about consideration and dedication. But I've done it personally 3 times for my own sake, 2 lvl 1 twinks and a lvl 19 druid. Also helped countless of lvl 1 twinks from my guild, mostly rogues and a lvl 19 priest do it. Takes tops 4 hours. I would take agi,str and stam for a rogue over armor, unless it's a 3k enchant:p. No armor enchants are better than str,agi or stam in my opinion.

EDIT: Most of my grinds were pre-3.1, 3 stam is way more today, than it was back then..
Boglund said:
Hell yeah, well I guess it's about consideration and dedication. But I've done it personally 3 times for my own sake, 2 lvl 1 twinks and a lvl 19 druid. Also helped countless of lvl 1 twinks from my guild, mostly rogues and a lvl 19 priest do it. Takes tops 4 hours. I would take agi,str and stam for a rogue over armor, unless it's a 3k enchant:p. No armor enchants are better than str,agi or stam in my opinion.

EDIT: Most of my grinds were pre-3.1, 3 stam is way more today, than it was back then..

This is true, 4 hours isn't too bad. I wonder if xp lock offers any new items to twinks through rep/quest? I've gone through quests on wowhead and it seems as if there is nothing of upgrade besides for an alliance bow that is .3 (?) dps higher than heirloom.

I'm considering making a pally and getting AGMs on it, I can send all of my warrior gears to him and get some new with int enchants.

Anyone know a character profile that supports level 1 characters?
LeChango said:
This is true, 4 hours isn't too bad. I wonder if xp lock offers any new items to twinks through rep/quest? I've gone through quests on wowhead and it seems as if there is nothing of upgrade besides for an alliance bow that is .3 (?) dps higher than heirloom.

I'm considering making a pally and getting AGMs on it, I can send all of my warrior gears to him and get some new with int enchants.

Anyone know a character profile that supports level 1 characters?

There's that belf axe called Sunstrider Axe I think, belf only. 1h with like 3.5 speed. There are no other items besides the axe,bow and agm.

WoWEquip is a DLable program, sucks though since it doesn't have many items, but you can create them though. It's a program to use if you really really need one.

Still think a rogue would be a better tank than a healer, agro might be better, but agro switching between rogues works good.
Boglund said:
There's that belf axe called Sunstrider Axe I think, belf only. 1h with like 3.5 speed. There are no other items besides the axe,bow and agm.

WoWEquip is a DLable program, sucks though since it doesn't have many items, but you can create them though. It's a program to use if you really really need one.

Still think a rogue would be a better tank than a healer, agro might be better, but agro switching between rogues works good.

How is your ability to land hits? On a level 11 my warrior had maybe a 30% hit chance factoring in dodges and parries.
Soloed a lvl 11 rare spawn today, with 3 ads, kited the adds though.

And we tried to 3 man Sand Shark. Was hard to agro from my friend with BoAs, he's a rogue too. I had no BoAs and I was standing behind the mob while he was in the front. So you don't miss too often. At least the agro will be stable after 10 sec or so. That's my experience with a few amount of people in the raid with no healers.

EDIT: No hit gear;)
Boglund said:
Soloed a lvl 11 rare spawn today, with 3 ads, kited the adds though.

And we tried to 3 man Sand Shark. Was hard to agro from my friend with BoAs, he's a rogue too. I had no BoAs and I was standing behind the mob while he was in the front. So you don't miss too often. At least the agro will be stable after 10 sec or so. That's my experience with a few amount of people in the raid with no healers.

EDIT: No hit gear;)

Ok it sounds like rogues do a good job with a level 11 atleast. I would really like to utilize my warrior for PVE, and I think that in full str gear with a BAR that I could do just as good of damage as a rogue from the back. What do you think? My miss rate with a 2h is very low but all the parries and dodges are what is killing me, and that won't be a problem from the back. I'm going to get a healer twink and hopefully a rogue to go test with me, if the healer ends up pulling and retaining agro than that is a very good thing. This means that we can have all the DPS hit from the back and that will drastically increase our DPS output.

If the dps are pulling agro from the back that is not a big deal, we can just alternate agro and as long as the healers don't pull than we're fine.

I'm starting to think a 20+ is possible.
LeChango said:
Ok it sounds like rogues do a good job with a level 11 atleast. I would really like to utilize my warrior for PVE, and I think that in full str gear with a BAR that I could do just as good of damage as a rogue from the back. What do you think? My miss rate with a 2h is very low but all the parries and dodges are what is killing me, and that won't be a problem from the back. I'm going to get a healer twink and hopefully a rogue to go test with me, if the healer ends up pulling and retaining agro than that is a very good thing. This means that we can have all the DPS hit from the back and that will drastically increase our DPS output.

If the dps are pulling agro from the back that is not a big deal, we can just alternate agro and as long as the healers don't pull than we're fine.

I'm starting to think a 20+ is possible.

Oh my god, you just considered 2h. I'm almost proud man:D. Too many lvl 1 warriors tends to use sword and board, but it blows compared to 2h. Way to go man:D. Well yeah I think you'll do good dps with 2h and str gear. Almost 3 manned a lvl 11 without healers. So I guess 10 manning a lvl 20 WITH healers is possible. But a rogue should probably tank for dodges then, 2 rapid hits might result in death.
Boglund said:
Oh my god, you just considered 2h. I'm almost proud man:D. Too many lvl 1 warriors tends to use sword and board, but it blows compared to 2h. Way to go man:D. Well yeah I think you'll do good dps with 2h and str gear. Almost 3 manned a lvl 11 without healers. So I guess 10 manning a lvl 20 WITH healers is possible. But a rogue should probably tank for dodges then, 2 rapid hits might result in death.

I think rogue would be the best tank, and since they don't rely on rage to output damage they could use their AGM and still retain agro (correct?)
Rogue would be the best tank, most likely. Yes they can keep gaining threat with AGM on.

Hunters with 5 hit on boots and BOA chest and Feathered ARrows might be awesome dps. Casters are out of the discussion. They will miss a lot, more than on a lvl 11 player I believe. Dunno if ranged is similiar to meele or casting when it comes to missing. I guess the miss rate is higher since you can't be dodged/parried?
Hunter will be a good source of DPS on hogger considering no dodges or parries, but it may suffer a lot in the higher levels due to miss.

I had a good idea based off the pally heal tank. Since rank 2 lifeblood is easily obtainable we could as follows:

1. have pally pull

2. Pop lifeblood (should increase threat, no?)

3. Pop AGM (to eliminate pushback)

4. Spam heal for duration of shield (probably whole fight in hogger's case)

5. let dps join from back once substantial threat is aquired, if aggro is pulled heal dps until boss dies or aggro is pulled back to healer.

I think this method of pulling at the beginning may generate a lot of threat and can be used for the level 20+ raid we are thinking of. Even if the miss rate at level 20 is over 40% it is still possible with backup healer tanks to sub in when the first goes oom.

3 man hogger should be cake though.

edit: I would REALLY like a char profile builder that works with level 1 and has BOAs and calculates stats right. Does anyone know of one besides warcrafter.net?

Also how would mp5 enchants scale with a level 1 pally?
Boglund said:
Looks nice, wouldn't mp5 scale on a paladin as it does on any other mana class?

I don't really understand how MP5 works, is 5 mp5 really just that? 5 mana in combat every 5 second? If so that's not that great even at level 1.
Lvl 11 rare kill uploaded:


The quality was really lame after 2 minutes, but it seemed to have improved, guess it will be in HD soon then?

EDIT: Don't think the fiery procced once lol.
LOL, thais is teh leetz. hehe. Srsly this looks crazy fun. I am gonna get crackin' on mines right now.
Question: is the chance that Fiery (or Lifestealing, Unholy, Icy, or any proc that causes some ill effect on the enemy for that matter) will be resisted dependent on the level of the character using it? So if a level 1 is fighting a level 11, is there a greater chance for the Fiery to be resisted than if a level 11 has it?

I'm asking this because it seems to me that +15 agility would give an insane crit chance to a level 1 (or has that been nerfed like Dodge as well..?).
cooperation said:
Question: is the chance that Fiery (or Lifestealing, Unholy, Icy, or any proc that causes some ill effect on the enemy for that matter) will be resisted dependent on the level of the character using it? So if a level 1 is fighting a level 11, is there a greater chance for the Fiery to be resisted than if a level 11 has it?

I'm asking this because it seems to me that +15 agility would give an insane crit chance to a level 1 (or has that been nerfed like Dodge as well..?).

Hm, I haven't though this through, but it is a spell so I guess it will be resisted a lot against higher lvls. But sometimes only some damage of the spell is resisted.

But 15 agi might be the best tanking chant, that or LS.
I watched your hogger and sandshark video, good job, but I think you could have 3 manned with better gear :)

I saw in the sand shark video that Xposed had good aggro from healing, but his mana pool was very low and HP could have been better. Looks promising for healer tanks, Slap a 22 int on weapon, 5 mp5 on bracers, 6 stats on chest and atleast 1 AGM, and have rank 2 on lifeblood and that could be a great tank.

About the enchants, on a level 11 or 12 fiery should hit for full value but will resist probably more than not. I'm not sure of the proc rate on Enchant Weapon - Unholy Weapon is but I would say that would be the best tanking enchant.
With the addition of the No Xp option I have decided to get back into WoW for this very reason, to level one PvE, the problem is I'm on US and cannot cntinue playing EU on Dunemaul like I was before with Boglund, I am going to have to get a brand new account for reasons that I am unsure if I can post on here. Anyone on US starting a level one guild? I don't know how I will fund it or how I wil get BoA items. Only time will tell.

P.s. Do you remember when I made an EU account to play with you Boglund? We met on youtube. =P

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