Level 1 Raiding in 3.2

Grunge said:
just got back to this thread after a while, im glad people liked my "caving" idea :)

Anywho, i see everyone using proc weapons in these vids and im just wondering of anyone's tried using flat chants, like +5 weapon dmg and 15 agi. Im thinking a warr or palli using full haste (counterweight, gloves and trinks) and a +5 dmg chant would hold aggro really well, even if he was wiffing alot.

I was using 15 agi, changed it within the 1st hour I was online. My experience with lifestealing by using Røskmeg and Wasteofmoney was resists, don't remember getting a single procc, I did see at least 1 procc while we were fighting though, but I recommend 15 agi it can't be resisted;).

And btw, this had nothing to do with your cave idea, the elite just happend to be in there:p, but still your suggestion was nice though, was a little different to go there, not the same as with hogge where you can just walk around all the mobs and kill less than 3 mobs to pull him safely. Was some messy shit in there, pulling to many etc;)
Did you have fun tho? thats really what i care about :)

Also, have you put any thought into doin the venture co. caverns? It looks like it could be pretty fun and really hard at the same time. there are tons of mobs and pats in there, all of them have pretty quick respawn times. Like i said, i cant think of a good waypoint, but you guys ought to try it and let me know how it goes.
Grunge said:
Did you have fun tho? thats really what i care about :)

Also, have you put any thought into doin the venture co. caverns? It looks like it could be pretty fun and really hard at the same time. there are tons of mobs and pats in there, all of them have pretty quick respawn times. Like i said, i cant think of a good waypoint, but you guys ought to try it and let me know how it goes.

Me and a shaman tried it some weeks ago I think in Mulgore, if that's what you're talking about, well yeah it was quick respawns and wiped a couple of times, eventually we came to that door you can go through and fall down the mountain. Wasn't as fun without any rare elite/elite there though:p

I have fun killing these elites, if I didn't I wouldn't keep doing it.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LG3PKG4dKho&feature=channel_page]YouTube - Level one Twinks the Guild Vs. Elder Mystic Razorsnout [HD][/ame] another video:p did this today could've done it with less people though, but couldn't really turn much people down and I thought it would be much harder since the mob has heals and totems.
you kill these guys really quickly, imo you need more of a challange.

try this guy, hes HARD, even at level. He uses an AoE shadowbolt and an AoE fear, its nasty. Youll need lots of heals and maybe 20-40 guys to do this, but the video of it would be sick :D
you kill these guys really quickly, imo you need more of a challange.

try Dar'Khan Drathir, hes HARD. An elite sitting at the bottom of a small crypt with adds out in the Ghostlands. He uses an AoE shadowbolt and an AoE fear, its nasty, even at the appropriate level. Youll need lots of heals and maybe 20-40 guys to do this, but the video of it would be sick :D
Grunge said:
you kill these guys really quickly, imo you need more of a challange.

try Dar'Khan Drathir, hes HARD. An elite sitting at the bottom of a small crypt with adds out in the Ghostlands. He uses an AoE shadowbolt and an AoE fear, its nasty, even at the appropriate level. Youll need lots of heals and maybe 20-40 guys to do this, but the video of it would be sick :D

According to wowhead the shadowbolt only hits for 100 max? My pally tank has 530hp 560mana and AGM. Are you sure it's an AOE shadowbolt? I really don't think this would be hard with my tank and 3 dps and 2 pure heals. Even a pure DPS and heals should have about 150-250 hp, and the pure healer has very fast clutch heals to bring us back up.

I'm gonna push to see what I can 3 man considering I haven't made an effort to recruit many more twinks to my server. I think that the max level we can do with 3 people is only limited to how long the pure healer's mana will last. I've got an efficient tanking system and most mobs shouldn't be dealing AOE.

My setup will be:

Pally healer-tank

Rogue DPS

Shaman pure healer.

We even have 2 interrupts with 2 belfs so that will come in handy if the mob can heal. Only think I'm concerned about is the DPS out threating me if the fight ends up being really long. I can generate about 400 initial threat off the pull with a certain method and then 6-10 per heal, the rogue generates 10-30 threat per hit that lands (which isn't too many).
Grunge said:
just got back to this thread after a while, im glad people liked my "caving" idea :)

Anywho, i see everyone using proc weapons in these vids and im just wondering of anyone's tried using flat chants, like +5 weapon dmg and 15 agi. Im thinking a warr or palli using full haste (counterweight, gloves and trinks) and a +5 dmg chant would hold aggro really well, even if he was wiffing alot.

I've crunched the numbers and +20 haste to 2h is still better than +9 weapon damage. +5 dmg to 1h is pretty good and I have it on the 1.5 speed BOA dagger, it hits as hard as the 2.6 speed but 1 second less per swing.
Grunge said:
you kill these guys really quickly, imo you need more of a challange.

try Dar'Khan Drathir, hes HARD. An elite sitting at the bottom of a small crypt with adds out in the Ghostlands. He uses an AoE shadowbolt and an AoE fear, its nasty, even at the appropriate level. Youll need lots of heals and maybe 20-40 guys to do this, but the video of it would be sick :D

Well we were quite many, with the setup we had we should've been able to kill dar'khan, sadly both of our healers from the last raid don't have TBC. So that's a little tricky, but first we'll kill that spider rare elite north in ghostlands.

Should be way easier than 20-40 man

But the ultimate challenge for is to kill those 4 alliance mounters in barrens..all over 1k hp>.<
that sounds like The Council from Sunwell, cept for level ones lol.

Anyway bogs, this guy Dar'khan guy has almost 3k hp, You see, the quest you get to kill this guy gives you some weapons that do more damage. He's really a raid boss. And AoE shadowbolt is kinda the wrong word, its more like a hunters scattershot. At least thats what he did when i had to kill him in bc.

Point is, its a hard fight cuz theres a retarded amount of hp you have to burn through, he can fear your whole raid as well as damage your whole raid, tho the damage is relatively low and manageable.

ok, im done talking DO EET!!

more vids to please, they are pretty entertaining.
Grunge said:
that sounds like The Council from Sunwell, cept for level ones lol.

Anyway bogs, this guy Dar'khan guy has almost 3k hp, You see, the quest you get to kill this guy gives you some weapons that do more damage. He's really a raid boss. And AoE shadowbolt is kinda the wrong word, its more like a hunters scattershot. At least thats what he did when i had to kill him in bc.

Point is, its a hard fight cuz theres a retarded amount of hp you have to burn through, he can fear your whole raid as well as damage your whole raid, tho the damage is relatively low and manageable.

ok, im done talking DO EET!!

more vids to please, they are pretty entertaining.

I remember him being a hardass back in the days when questing, but 3,712 hp? Whoa thought it was way less, Thinking about making a paladin healer so I and Røskmeg can 2man everything, besides this dude though-.-. But I think I should be able to 10man him if the respawns (remember there's 4 mobs aroudn him) isn't to quick and I will have to kill them first, either by bringing a high lvl or kill,die,kill,die,kill,die,kill,die.

And there's more vids to come;)
Locked said:
Whats the hardest soloable boss?

Rogue with full BoA, dual AGMs, formal dangui, 150 herb/skin, etc..

Only one way to find that out, I would start with hogger though, most boring elite i've killed or maybe the "Horde" version in durotar, which doesnt have the...stun, but a lot of mobs around though.

EDIT: btw my palahealer only needs a cracked buckler to me finito now:)
theres that yeti boss in dun morough (er however u spell it) its basically the same as hogger ecept he uses a slowing freeze attack
New objective: Raid Fenris isle and kill Thule Ravenclaw!

Should be doable, but aggro will be nuts. Everyone is non-elite now i believe, but there is the potential for a rarespawn to pop up: Snarlmane.

thegreenblur said:
theres that yeti boss in dun morough (er however u spell it) its basically the same as hogger ecept he uses a slowing freeze attack

It's been stated before, me and røskmeg will try to 2man him later on when I have time to play. But it won't be in our next videoes though, will probably 2 man those we've 5+ manned before, Elder Mystix Razorstout, rareelite hoggerlike creature in durotar and Felweaver something in durotar first:)

Grunge said:
New objective: Raid Fenris isle and kill Thule Ravenclaw!

Should be doable, but aggro will be nuts. Everyone is non-elite now i believe, but there is the potential for a rarespawn to pop up: Snarlmane.


Sadly it's a rare spawn and not a rare elite. He shouldn't be any harder than Sand Shark or Elder Mystic Razorstout, besides the fact that you will miss a lot more and parry/dodge of course. Currently I will be concentrating on killing higher and higher lvl rare elites/elites and screw the rare spawns. THe Fenris Isle is a nice idea, but currently I'm not the biggest fan of those "instance-a-like" places, but I sure think it's cool if you go to like a lvl 20 cave or something like that. So far caves have been rather easy. Might try some other caves out later.

Thanks though:)

EDIT: and excuse me for talking like this is my guild threat or what ever, but nobody here is talking regulary besides me and grunge so..
i dont think anyone really minds, its a fun thread. I think later today im going to go search for mobs with boss-ish abilities for ya to go take out.
Grunge said:
i dont think anyone really minds, its a fun thread. I think later today im going to go search for mobs with boss-ish abilities for ya to go take out.

I'd appreciate if you do so, especially if you can find elites, the rare elites are disapointing to look for when they're already killed.

up to lvl 20 would be nice. Currently our highest kill is lvl 15, that was with 9 men though, will 2 man it later. Just need 75 herb on my pally , dont really need 150 as my hp is 250 with rum lol and 150 skinning.
mkkkkk, i went digging, i found a bunch of guys but the one that caught my eye was this one:

Demolitionist Legoso Male Draeni shaman. He's in bloodmist isle so getting to him may be difficult. Interesting bit is that he uses all shaman abilities, including shields, shocks, totems and self healing, 6 total where as most other mobs only use 1 if any. At level 20 and 1.3k hp, this looks like a fun challange.
My paladin is now finished, well missing cracked buckler 150 herb. Got 75 herb, dont need 150 herb when im at 250 hp with rum and the cracked buckler is just an armor increase. So hopefully me and Røskmeg will be doing some new shit soon, will check out the shaman also. I think it's possible, but I don't know about the miss/dodge/parry at that level yet. Oh wait, his frost shock does quite much. I guess the meele hits are about the same, looks like i have to bring a couple of friends. Thanks

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