Legit WoD Alpha patch notes are up

Hunters have been op fotm for almost 3 years now, get over yourself and let another class shine.
Hunters needed a dmg nerf, stripping them down to bare bones abilities doesn't make them less OP it just makes them take less skill to play well. What hunters needed was more of what happened to them at the beginning of MoP, when they had to use their various moves and cc intelligently to make what little damage they had count.

This bracket has done nothing but lose diversity in abilities since the starter edition time limit was removed. I understand why Blizz did what they did at max level, heck a lot of people who twink do it because they like that it's simpler than endgame, but I'm not sure that an all out slugfest will be more fun than coordinating silences/cc for level 20.
Cmon people, look at the bright side of hunts losing CC.

Hunters wont be able to stop a Druid, priest, paladin, and shaman healer as fast anymore.

Pet CC and scatter are the 2 main spells that prevent healers from actually doing their jobs.
Cmon people, look at the bright side of hunts losing CC.

Hunters wont be able to stop a Druid, priest, paladin, and shaman healer as fast anymore.

Pet CC and scatter are the 2 main spells that prevent healers from actually doing their jobs.

Yeah that's exactly what I'm complainin' about, I'll have to quit the game from sheer boredom. :p

Jk, (I'd be remiss if I went too overboard before the changes even come out) but in all seriousness they don't look like fun changes and I don't even play hunt.
hpalas getting 1.5s cast time on word of glory

I will never use Word of Glory once this goes live. Why use it when flash heal takes the same amount of time and hits for so much more??

Nope. I'll just cruise around at max speed the whole time lol.

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Easy on the FotM rerolling ladies.

Damage, health and healing scaling are being totally reworked. It's far too early to call anything OP or nerfed into the ground (except [MENTION=16866]Izac[/MENTION] :( )

Spec abilities replacing other ones doesn't mean you'll get them at level 10 when you choose the spec. Right now off the top of my head Immolate replaces Corruption at level 12, Chaos Bolt replaces Soul Fire at level 42 and Envenom replaces Eviscerate at 20.

The sky isn't falling yet, these are half-done patch notes from the alpha.

Seriously though, rip clash :(
This bracket has done nothing but lose diversity in abilities since the starter edition time limit was removed. I understand why Blizz did what they did at max level, heck a lot of people who twink do it because they like that it's simpler than endgame, but I'm not sure that an all out slugfest will be more fun than coordinating silences/cc for level 20.

It's not the bracket. It's the whole game. Ever since they went to the bullshit 'one talent every 15 levels' system.

The whole thing is homogenized, and all unique flavor is slowly being driven out.

Sometimes Blizz should NOT listen to the player base...

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I will never use Word of Glory once this goes live. Why use it when flash heal takes the same amount of time and hits for so much more??

Nope. I'll just cruise around at max speed the whole time lol.

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u'll oom
That's so nice to read it.. So now my frost mage will do more that cc, blink, blazing speed.... I'll be able to use my dmg buttons while puggin too.. really interesting.
Waiting to see how enh is gonna work with less habilities dut +dmg

Feeling glamorous :eek:
Enh requires much more than just a damage boost to be competitive. If f2p shams don't get frost shock, they won't be able to be as good as other melee classes imo.

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Seems the trend of removing complexity will continue until we're playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. /yawn
To me, the most maddening thing was GC saying that not every spec would be viable, and people should reroll.... Talk about stupid.

Hopefully the new lead systems designer doesn't share GC's brain dead philosophies.

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Ice Lance now replaces Fire Blast and is only available to Frost Mages. (Finally we get Ice Lance! But we lose an instant...)

Gnome, Night Elf, Goblin all look better.

Evanesce is a new Talent available at level 15.
Evanesce: Fade into the nether, avoiding all attacks against you for 3 seconds. This spell may be cast while a cast-time spell is in progress and is not on the global cooldown. Replaces Ice Block. 45-second cooldown. (Assuming this allows us to continue casting, SWEET!)​

Arcane Charges now last 15 seconds (up from 10 seconds). (/trollface)

Intellect no longer provides an increased chance to critically strike with spells.
There is a new passive, named Critical Strikes, which increases chance to critically strike by 10%. It is learned by all Rogues, all Hunters, Feral and Guardian Druids, Brewmaster and Windwalker Monks, and Enhancement Shamans. (So caster crit is nerfed into the ground?)

Arcane Barrage now replaces Fire Blast for Arcane Mages. (less choices)

Arcane Blast now replaces Frostfire Bolt for Arcane Mages. (no slows for arcane. terrible.)

Arcane Explosion is now available only to Arcane Mages. (no aoe for frost or fire. terrible.)

Shatter is now available only to Frost Mages. (lwearuszbalwbrugwalEIUR)

Presence of Mind can no longer turn Polymorph into an instant-cast spell. (saw it coming, still not happy about it)

Shatter now multiplies Critical Strike chance by 1.5 (down from 2). ('nuff said)

Arcane Blast's cast time has been increased to 2.25 seconds (up from 2 seconds), and its damage has been increased by 12.5% to compensate. (no me gusta)

Presence of Mind is no longer a Talent, and is instead learned by Arcane Mages. (terrible for frost and fire, great for arcane)

WoTF nerfed, ToTG untouched so I assume this means it will still break Frost Nova.

In exchange for Frost getting Ice Lance, a 3 second bubble, and 5 seconds added to the duration of Arcane Charges...... Mage gets crushed. Why are people talking about rerolling??? Please enjoy this Mage's tears.
Mage changes look OK to me...

Edit: on second look, I like the mage changes A LOT. each spec now has a very unique flavor. Yeah, not having frostfire bolt might make things a little trickier for arcane, but then again, if I'm arcane, I shouldn't be using it anyway. Same with Fire Blast. Give me all the arcane spells if I'm arcane. My mage is arcane. Frost might be the go-to pvp spec, but I don't like pet management.

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