Is the PvP trink BiS?

Is the PvP trink BiS?

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if you have agm and trinket isnt it logical to use both? Why debate whether which one to carry all the time. Anticipate hoj or other cc with a cd tracker. If you see a pally with HoJ off cd then you can trinket out or pop agm before getting stunned.

Is Icicle still the addon for that? I noticed it was updated in October, after not being updated for quite awhile.
I love you Broken <3

OT: Well, I already stated that my UD mage rarely needs the pvp-trinket (blink on 15sec cd, WotF on 2min cd) but for every other class/race I'd say it IS BiS

Well if you got rooted, oh wait. Well maybe if u got hojed, oh wait. but if you got feared? Oh no wait. what if you got feared? Yes that works, oh no dammit. But if you got charged? YES your stunned.
PvP trinket isn't only useful for breaking CC's, the resilience alone is enough to make it better than AGM if you have healers on your team.
You should add "Excluding Mages, because Blink removes Stuns and Roots, so it would only be useful for Fears or Disorients"
IMO -> even for druids its the BiS DEFENSE trinket(with the OP's qualifier that it's off cooldown). Fears and disorients is the whole point of the trinket.

I don't think you can really compare offensive trinkets to defensive trinkets when you're talking PvP. It's all about the situation. that means comparing this trinket to the haste trinket is a bit futile. (of course there's always the 'oh, well what about this situation, blabla).

all IMO of course.
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I need advice, I just got 2nd AGM on my port war, should I use double AGM when holding flag in out base because most stuns and roots can be dispelled?
how bout this . i am a druid fc and the enemy team has no paladins on offense and no hunters and no warlocks or mages. the offense is only comprised of the standard rogues and maybe some derpy druids there are no cc's i need to trinket and because the offense is mostly mele a second agm and magicians mantle will stack for a higher effective health when you take armor into consideration. in this case a second agm would be bis. sit there in bear form with your 3k hp when buffed with wiskey and your battle standard and enjoy the fun (3k health requires 100% biss stam set )

i conclude pvp trinket would not be bis in this situation

seriosly people can come up with situations were one would be better than the other all day long .
i suggest instead of a argument maybe a list of situation when it would be better to have one or the other or a guide on different gear sets as it would be more beneficial that this thread :)
how bout this . i am a druid fc and the enemy team has no paladins on offense and no hunters and no warlocks or mages. the offense is only comprised of the standard rogues and maybe some derpy druids there are no cc's i need to trinket and because the offense is mostly mele a second agm and magicians mantle will stack for a higher effective health when you take armor into consideration. in this case a second agm would be bis. sit there in bear form with your 3k hp when buffed with wiskey and your battle standard and enjoy the fun (3k health requires 100% biss stam set )

i conclude pvp trinket would not be bis in this situation

seriosly people can come up with situations were one would be better than the other all day long .
i suggest instead of a argument maybe a list of situation when it would be better to have one or the other or a guide on different gear sets as it would be more beneficial that this thread :)

If you use rejuv, the resil alone probably makes pvp trinket better tbh,

the leather heirloom also has more armour than mm, so I don't know what you're getting at with the armor, although the stam might still give higher EH, but resil from pve shoulders should also be taken into consideration
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how bout this . i am a druid fc and the enemy team has no paladins on offense and no hunters and no warlocks or mages. the offense is only comprised of the standard rogues and maybe some derpy druids there are no cc's i need to trinket and because the offense is mostly mele a second agm and magicians mantle will stack for a higher effective health when you take armor into consideration. in this case a second agm would be bis. sit there in bear form with your 3k hp when buffed with wiskey and your battle standard and enjoy the fun (3k health requires 100% biss stam set )

i conclude pvp trinket would not be bis in this situation

seriosly people can come up with situations were one would be better than the other all day long .
i suggest instead of a argument maybe a list of situation when it would be better to have one or the other or a guide on different gear sets as it would be more beneficial that this thread :)
The only class without access to cc's druids can't shift is shammy and even then they can be pandas.

Edit: and then theres the resil that would become better then 12 stam if you healed yourself.
If you use rejuv, the resil alone probably makes pvp trinket better tbh,

the leather heirloom also has more armour than mm, so I don't know what you're getting at with the armor, although the stam might still give higher EH, but resil from pve shoulders should also be taken into consideration

I have . you see when were talking about mele damage from rogues the main reducing factor is armor . in bear you should have around 40% mele damage reduc ( dont quote me this is really a rough guess) the difference in resil from the pvp trink and the shoulders combine with the armor on shoulders provides around 4-8 percent extra damage reduc at most. but the extra 12 stam from agm and the 9 from mm combine with the health buffs of a bear form and a battle standard just for grins provides.

basically the pvp shoulders and trinket may "seeem " to give a higher effective health but when you incorporate the effects of armor (cause all mele offense ) a you get more benifit from stamina . and when you have rogues your main threat is burst -not steady dps that you can heal through which would make resil better. sorry if the upper part of my explanation doesnt make too much sense . ive had a good bit of spiked holiday tea :p
The only class without access to cc's druids can't shift is shammy and even then they can be pandas.

Edit: and then theres the resil that would become better then 12 stam if you healed yourself.

yes their team could be a all panda offense and every druid could be guardian and blah blah blah .

but lets look at percentages . what percantage of rogues are pandas ? less than 10 % what percentage of druids play guardian less than 5%.

in a standard game rogues ambush you . you feral jump out of the way . and then your back to max health and your effective health resets . the danger is if they get of multiple ambushes in a period of your reaction time . yes you can heal but myself id rather charge to my totem and be outa the rogues way completely.
You seem very sure about that MM + AGM > Lasting Feralheart + inherited insignia, so do you actually have mathemathical proof of that? About effective health.

Also, even if there were nothing but rogues on O, you need to be able to trinket sap after EFC dies and you're capping, or he is going to get a repick and pass the flag to someone, before you get thru his AGM + hp, and you're basically back to square one at that point.

I'd keep insignia on druid when FCing, even if it was only for those sap repicks. Not to mention HoJ -> repick isn't too rare to happen these days either, with the high amount of paladins running around.
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but lets look at percentages . what percantage of rogues are pandas ? less than 10 % what percentage of druids play guardian less than 5%.
Yes, lets look at percentages. Lets say that 30% of this bracket is made up of non-guardian druids and shamans (which from what I've seen is a little generous). Then lets assume that none of them are pandas or tauren. There is a 0.0059049% chance for your enemy team to have no cc that a druid would need to trinket. There is less then 1% of a 1% chance for that to happen, and that is not taking into account race. Then there's the resil on the trink (which I'm trying to find the thread in the 19s section about).

the math is
5.9049*6^10 * 100 = 5.9049*4^10
5.9049*4^10 = 0.00059049
Let's face it, there is never going to be a battleground in where there would be no trinketable CC in opposite team at all. So just explain the math behind choosing stamina over resilience, please. Let's leave trinket effect out of this, it's always useful with barely any exceptions, maybe some duels but that's it.
alright with shoulders on and pvp trinket i have 2.171 k in bear form 48.09 pvp damage reduc pluss 42.26 reduc from armor (melee) in dub agm and mm i have 2.421k in bear form with 43.23 pvp reduc and 41.19 reduc from melee
if im doing the math correctly 2171x 1.4809x 1.4226 = 4573.70722614 2421 x 1.4323 x 1.4119 =4895.90203977

if i have been doing the formula wrong the entire time pls let me know . if u factor in a extra 15 % from standard the difference is greater. but if you use wiskey the difference might be slighter .

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