Is the PvP trink BiS?

Is the PvP trink BiS?

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i gotta like this response for the kale comment, but the fallacy of this logic is the assumption that your teammates are able to remove cc that you've acquired. i cleanse nearly as much as i heal, but really in your experience how many pallies do this in a battleground you've been in?

not really where I was going at with having someone else take the cc, I mean literally have someone else run up close to a pally or a mage and get cc and then move in while HoJ is on cd. Hopefully you or another person is able to compensate by ccing or peeling.

and true, that it's uncommon you'll face down all 10 at once, but it does happen...and really, when it's just seven, and you're only being hit by seven different crowd controls, do you honestly notice a difference or are you staring at your cooldown timer on that trinket that's just come in so very handy?

The only thing I notice are HoJ, priests fears and saps rarely do i get see myself getting sheeped or feared by a lock. I also play hunter which makes it easy to lay down some counters once i trinket the initial cc by disengaging or ccing back. I also run with the pack and let others get cc. I dont keep track of HoJ but without that trinket those 2-4 deaths would probably 7-9 by the end of the bg. That trinket is a life saver.

and yes, when you're facing 7-10 opponents you're not stupid enough to do it alone, but when you're the target, YOU'RE the target. i know some players wish we would all just pair up and square off and do-si-do real nice in time with the fiddler, but guess what? you know when you're assaulting a team, you focus targets and aren't expecting your teammates to be thinking, "ok, he's got the little guy, i'll take the big ugly guy..." so why would you assume your opponents are going to fight this way?
I mold my play style around my teammates I dictate what I do according to what people do first around me. As in if everybody is focusing on killing a dps instead of a healer I would assist making that kill happen by ccing a healer when needed. I always try to think ahead and see what I can do to reach the best possible outcome. I go with the flow man.
3 trinkets per bg, 3 flags to win. Coincidence? Er, yes. It's a coincidence. Moving along then... xD
lols in ab im not guna lie . if you position correctly and stay situationally aware (and maybe burn a few "o shit i didnt see that 24 spriest there lol lets run away at 230% speed" pots) i havent had the need for trinket . the only time i died in the 4 games i played was because i was a dumby and ran into a 24 prot who convenienly ressed at the worst posible time and 1 shot me ( those four games i was rocking my max haste set with 20% crit as well . . . . . 1.4k health i think was were i was sitting )
I can't even remember the last time i used my Insignia, since most Hpals are too hasty on cleansing HoJ of me (Only happens in EU BG's, though but i hope the Brazillian and Portugese speaking people in US will do it sometime, although i really doubt that).
I read what you wrote. Maybe you should reread it yourself.

not sure what you're going for here...perhaps you're trying to write something even illiterate people can laugh at?

here's the relevant text quoted for you a third time, disproving your claim that i suggested 10v1 situations:

and yes, when you're facing 7-10 opponents you're not stupid enough to do it alone, but when you're the target, YOU'RE the target.
Obviously you do not trinket a stun when you are standing on top of a mage who would just happily sheep you right after. Using your pvp trinket properly requires a certain amount of decision making and positioning.

so you're saying that in a situation where you're facing multiple opponents, say, in a battleground, you don't end up using this very useful BiS item. gotcha ;-)
so you're saying that in a situation where you're facing multiple opponents, say, in a battleground, you don't end up using this very useful BiS item. gotcha ;-)

You don't use it on every CC anyone throws at you, or did you think people were arguing that...?
i find that there are certian cc's that are tastier than others . for example i like to eat the pollymorfs. hoj i will usual trink because i find it to taste very bitter ... kindah like a nub-berry. if im really hungry though sometimes ill eat anything.
so you're saying that in a situation where you're facing multiple opponents, say, in a battleground, you don't end up using this very useful BiS item. gotcha ;-)
I think you missed the part about "either it is 1v10 or YOUR POSITIONING IS AWFUL". If your average battleground situation includes standing on top of mages and trying to eat as many CC's as possible then your positioning skills are awful. And in that case the trinket might indeed be of no use for you.
its true, dont use a trinket because you might get cc'd, kk?
for all those idiots out there that want to find a reason why its not BiS, which it is BiS, the trinket is 100% BiS at no less then 30 seconds before its coming off cooldown. when its on cooldown for the next 4minutes and 30 seconds, use what the situation calls for.

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