Is skill necessary to excel in WoW?

Is skill required to excel in WoW?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 57.1%
  • No

    Votes: 21 42.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Speaking of terribad.... that Reckful... just picked the right class and mashed buttons, no skill involved. He probably just xmogged his real weapons with the Glaives and photoshopped the MMR on those scoreboards

Elaborate? Your or his experience means little as the game runs on random numbers lucky 6-6-6 on three dice rolls means the chance you throw another 6 is 100% based on personal experience, and not 16.6% because the dice consists of 6 different figures (1-6). Get a clue. I mean, really.It is all about the class and partially gear. I guess ill quote myself
This isnt personal experience the game runs on random numbers, but, I mean I went 70-0/117-0/156-0 for a reason.Not because I am smart or special, but because I kinda understood the concept and how this game even works and what classes to roll. NOT SKILL.Do you want me to post those screens again for proof?

.I did the same back when I was f2p, a 20 hunter had 420 AP vs a 24 hunter had 710 AP.Thats almost double power.You have no idea how many 24 hunters I beat.Bird disarm, focus dump, get close,scatter,etc.Heal pot if needed.Done.Was that skill?No it was just basic button mashing and knowing what I am capable of, but yes it felt good outplaying someone who has double of ur firepower.

Quoted myself. Sure my damage wasnt 1/4 but around 1/2 but still. Apply the same concept. It isnt skill. But I mean i realize Licholas ''I no like ur big hard 3rd grade numbers and dont want to know very simple game mechanics, i say dis works better so u beliv mee!!!!''
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I'm really surprised the amount of yes votes.. I have never really played endgame or been a huge pvp person until learning about F2P. Like I said before in here... Depends on how you interpret skill. I have been told I have no skill and don't know how to play because I click and sometimes keyboard turn and have no keybinds. Guess what though? I'd say I still excelled in this bracket with what others say no skill.

Skill starts imo with knowing what your playstyle is and picking the right toon on that character selection screen. I have done some 70 arenas and half of the teams I faced just won because of the OP rogues or mages at that lv. Does that mean they had skill getting that 2200 achieve? No that means they played the right class.

There will always be easier classes to be good at and classes with a higher skill cap at any level. Skill isn't needed just need a brain and know how to play that OP class and you will more then likely excel.
At lvl cap (85), in 3v3 yes I do believe it requires skill to an extent. Ofc comp matters to some degree like RMP and RLS being very strong this season not the mention triple dps which ticked alot off. But in the end skill is what decides who out of RLS v RLS for example, wins.
Btw I see skill as grp co-ordination, cd use, positioning ect.
And twinking I see significantly less skilful, at any bracket. It's just darn fun.
Yes and no, but I voted no.

Every individual bracket, including endgame 3v3, has different skillsets and tidbits you should know to do well in a bracket. On that same note, a lot of what seperates say a 2700 player from 2000 player isn't really a level of skill as much as a level of knowledge. I've progressed from being (absolutely) the worst rogue to being, in my opinion, a very good one and I feel comfortable competing in the upper 2k's of arena. Though I've made my keybinds more efficient, have more understanding and comfort in my macros .. I'm still using, basically, the same core binds that I began to use.

The only difference between me playing then and playing now is that now I understand how my abilities work in accordance to other classes \ players. And in a nutshell, really, that's all the game is. Knowing what skill to use when, which anyone can pick up if you do your homework.

I also do have a prime example of this. In one day I went from losing to a 2.6 fire mage repeatedly. The problem was that I was using cloak in the start of the dual to foroce him onto the defensive instead of cloaking conflagurate - I didn't pick up cata till very late s9 and was unaware of the change from Wotlk conflag to cata conflag. (not conflag, I am just getting back to wow again and can't remember the name. I'm talking about that one asd;ma;dpha fire mage spell that was a 51 \ 31 pointer). A hunter watching the duels told me that I should be cloaking when he uses conflagurate because it will negate a lot of damage - I wasn't aware of the fact that conflagurate even did damage, I noticed that I was taking a lot of damage in accordance to a debuff but didn't know if it was dispellable or have the time in duel to read up on it.

After I started cloaking conflagurate, I began consistently beating the mage. I wasn't all of a sudden playing with more skill then before - I was exactly the same - the only difference was a little tidbit of knowledge. Just one little bit.

(Yes, I know that conflagurate is a warlock spell. It's just what is coming to mind and they're both fire spells).

Even things like deathing blind, bombing spirit link, or getting a clutch NS dispel isn't really a lot of skill. It's just the knowledge that when a rogue randomly runs towards you, low HP + shaman edges over, recognizing procs, etc ... a B grade player can do it with a little practice if they know what to look for. And the practice isn't even for the skill, per se, it's more about just being comfortable recognizing things.

So I say it's more about acquired knowledge then skill. Then again, some would refer to that as skill. *shrug*

Oh yeah. Also gear. Lolol ret rogue w/ vial prenerf. Or vindi cleave. Scumbag cleave. Triple dps. aodiansvlidasm;da

-Kohes \ Genocist
One person's skill is another person's not being a complete moron. Just because you think something is hard, does not mean it requires skill. Forgetting the game for a moment, and just looking at F2P, is it even possible to excel? If you're not talking about this bracket, then what is it doing here?
Anyone who succeeds with overplayed, overpowered classes isn't excelling above anything, no matter how much skill they possess. It's simply what they're expected to do.

Anyone who succeeds with underplayed, underestimated, or underpowered classes excels above and beyond, and even changes the game when you see them play. Yes, some quantity of skill is necessary to do that.
I say that yes, there is definately skill involved in our bracket. Positioning, knowing where to be and where to go is key. Knowing when to use your trinket or wait it out. Knowing the terrain, the jumps, etc. You wanna see skill? Try catching Humantraffker or whatever his name is when he has the flag. He knows the board, knows his skills and can out-maneuver an entire team up and down the field. This is skill.

It doesn't matter how simple the task may be, people can still become skilled at it. Look at cup stacking. Same thig.
You wanna see skill? Try catching Humantraffker or whatever his name is when he has the flag. He knows the board, knows his skills and can out-maneuver an entire team up and down the field. This is skill..

You talking about parachute+disengage. I agree very, very skillful. ^_^ I mean it took me a 2 line macro to pull that off myself.
give me a parachute cloak, goblin rocket boots, swiftness potion, aspect of the cheetah and I can assure you I can cap a flag safely.

In lower brackets such as this or the 70s bracket, the importance of skill is diminished because the game is balanced around endgame. However, were I to choose which hunter I fear more, you or Suntime, I'd choose Suntime any day. He has fewer achievement points and fewer HKs than you, and he is perhaps less well-known, but he's far more skilled. To further edit my definition of skill, no longer for the purposes of this poll: skill is how optimally (optimal should include speed and consistency) a player reacts to any given PvP situation, taking into account that every situation is constantly changing. this is just fortune telling.Speed and consistency.I used up to SIX characters under my control wow I need to have alot of speed cuz a bigger perspective, I dont just look out for myself but for the whole team.Compare controlling one character and six at then I must be the fastest person I know to react so fast cuz there are so many situations were my whole crew can screw up just because Im the only person controlling em all and I need to be ready for anything to be thrown at me.Then by your definition of skill I must be the most skilled person out there cuz I had to react to so many complex situations
Ok.. While we all have our own goals, values and agendas, me whatever ''skill ''was how to keep my team alive and together, so they know I watched their backs , gave my best to keep em alive ,and do everything in my power to protect my realid team(not the randoms in rbgs because they just run off and do their own thing so its pointless but I try anyway and too hard sometimes too,). When I queue be it DPS or a healer(it sucks I only have 2 hands..sometimes dont you wish you had moar) I will do everything I can to keep those that queued with me alive. Its like that ICP song everything is obsolete unless I hear my homies call.
Say I were wanting to cap flags yes I could be very a resto druid with swiftness pots, 2x rogues, guaranteed flag capping, and it wouldnt take any ''skill''
You talking about parachute+disengage. I agree very, very skillful. ^_^ I mean it took me a 2 line macro to pull that off myself.

Indeed, and his positioning. I once saw him jump off the alliance tunnel entrance. Land just in front of the horde entrance and then get destroyed by the alliance FC group exiting the tunnel as he landed. I was impressed.

Like I said, just because you think something is hard, doesn't mean it takes skill. Maybe that's the difference between talent and skill. Skills are learned, honed, improved, but some people are just terrible. No amount of gear, chants, profs or playing an OP class on a field that favors one faction by going down hill can make up for that.
Do people seriously think that how well a player plays has no effect on the outcome of a game
The universe is just an algorithm. All variables are defined by lesser algorithms, and variables of those algorithms defined by even more specific algorithms, all the way down to the singular variable that defines all things. To be, or not to be? That is the question. The only question.

It doesn't take skill to be a part of the algorithm.
You people are very quick to say that wow takes no skill and I disagree. Every sport may seem simple but take someone who has never done it before and drop them into it and they can't do it like Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan. Your skill is how much better you are than someone logging onto the game for the first time.

Take Earl, for instance, sit someone down in his chair at his house and they won't be able to do what he does. (and they won't fill the giant epeen depression formed in the foam of his computer chair.)

Preeztess I think people agree with what you said, but the part about humantrafikr was kind of "wait what"

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