Is 20-29 (and retail in general) twinking dying?

As I've said before in a previous thread, F2Ps/Vets have always been more popular than 29s. And ever since people have been able to make 29s, there has always been hate for people who sub to the game to simply Twink in a bracket that is FUELED BY F2Ps/VETS. If you hate F2Ps/Vets so much, get out of their bracket. It was a nice time while it lasted, but noone will ever want to play in a bracket full of 29s, that much is clear with every other dead x9's bracket out there.

Probably cuz 29 has to pay for it.

edit- how is a vet any better than a 29? Literally the exact same thing... but you do it for free.

Oh, that's right..... they arent farming you if you're geared, only if you're the fodder f2play fuel you all farm along with the levelers. Like..... 75% of the bracket before the change.
Sorry, technically this is a 29 thread since the pot-stirring "spokesman" of the 29 community decided to seek attention in yours.
Bitterness that they lost the levelers.
Bitterness that they lost top spot in the bracket.
Bitterness that they werent warned.
Bitterness that no one but them really cares.

And bitterness at how many people swooped right into their position of fodder-killers instead of staying at 20 for them.

They (not all of them) can talk about "community" all they want, but if it was about community they'd just move on to wargames instead of something else entirely. Any thriving community of like-minded players could do that.

Pretty sure we havent had one of those last without levelers since the first sundering of the brackets. So yeah.
excuse me sir, i have been reliably informed by a high quality source that we dont engage in this kind of wanton generalization on these forums. Please speak only for yourself.
What is with the insane amount of 29s hate in this thread? How are the people who have been twinking longer than most of you f2p players, oldschool 70s from back during Wotlk/Cata, the problem and not the people who don't even pay for the game that have a stick up their ass? Oh no, the bracket is dead because the people who haven't been able to play the twinks they like can finally queue again, the horror! Why don't you just, pay a sub and make a 29 if you're so butthurt about it?

It's almost like the equivalent of the leveling noob back in 2007, who hits level 10, queues a bg in all grey/white gear, and gets 1 shot by a level 17 with some dungeon blues and then complains that the game sucks.

Btw this bracket fucking sucks dick. The squish ruined everything outside of max level, the game sucks.
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excuse me sir, i have been reliably informed by a high quality source that we dont engage in this kind of wanton generalization on these forums. Please speak only for yourself.

Woah, woah, woah, woah...... I am speaking OF others, not speaking FOR others.

THEY is not WE.

There's a difference, but your objection is noted. Plus what I said is much more reflected here than what you said. ;)
did a solo run on my 14 warrior and got 2 purps lol.

Do you buy the theory that garrison has something to do with it?
Looks like someone is having a melty. Want to lie down? Hate me because I speak the truth that a lot of the people in this community are toxic assholes that do nothing but spout hate and act holier than thou? All because you're mad that my 70, is now squished down to your bracket, so you can no longer kill helpless levelers.

The cope is unreal
im just pointing out that you don't enjoy the bracket and got shit on by the levelers u claim 20s preyed on. Then u cried about FOTM while rerolling a 29 lawl.
Twinking will always come back. During every Xpac is dies for a few months... Now we have to deal with at least 1 xpac a year, instead of every 2 years. Just chill a bit, and it will be back.
I don't think F2P twinking is dying per se, i think as long as WoW has a F2P section, twinking will exist. What i think is that the bgs quality will take even more of a nosedive than they already had. Anyone remembers 24s in Cata? It's on that level. If you got 2 24 hunters, the game was unplayable. I expect a lot of FoTM F2P in the brackets in the hopes they compete with the 29, so like i said: The game quality will take a nosedive, and it's not like it was that good to begin with.

But die die like RIP? Nah.
After doing some BG’s last night. I’m pessimistic again.

I will say multiple classes that were not top tier can now compete on a somewhat level playing field. This in theory is great because you can pretty much play whatever class you want and still contribute at or near the highest level. However everything felt too strong. Basically every class has a burst window that insta kills anything. I feel like there will be even less outplays with the coming changes and it will be all about who has pocket heals and/or who attacks the other first. I hope I’m wrong but the burst feels out of control
After doing some BG’s last night. I’m pessimistic again.

I will say multiple classes that were not top tier can now compete on a somewhat level playing field. This in theory is great because you can pretty much play whatever class you want and still contribute at or near the highest level. However everything felt too strong. Basically every class has a burst window that insta kills anything. I feel like there will be even less outplays with the coming changes and it will be all about who has pocket heals and/or who attacks the other first. I hope I’m wrong but the burst feels out of control
to maybe give you a little more hope...

often, large changes to the bracket are accompanied by a week or two of "holy shit this damage is out of control" because the rhythm of the gameplay is radically changed from what we're used to. But as players adjust to the new gameplay, it starts to even back out. There's gonna be a lot of "whoa, wait, they can do THAT!?" moments for a while as people get used to what classes have what abilities with the new talent trees.

Give everyone a month or so to settle into new abilities/rotations and then of course new gear and such to really see how its gonna play out. And of course, then another couple weeks as the gear changes over and over again.
After doing some BG’s last night. I’m pessimistic again.

I will say multiple classes that were not top tier can now compete on a somewhat level playing field. This in theory is great because you can pretty much play whatever class you want and still contribute at or near the highest level. However everything felt too strong. Basically every class has a burst window that insta kills anything. I feel like there will be even less outplays with the coming changes and it will be all about who has pocket heals and/or who attacks the other first. I hope I’m wrong but the burst feels out of control

no one is talking about the amount of new abilities/talents and the associated (almost) overhaul of keybind/UI/weakaura set-up that would take 10+ hours to do.

i really want to PvP but i am still overwhelmed with abilities like heroic leap.

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