Quick question: do older set bonuses work in level 20 bgs? Eg, from desolation gear: Pauldrons of Desolation - Item - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)
Also: what was the value of the ?bonus parameter for wowhead to scale items to level 20? I remember seeing it but cannot find it now (maybe a good candidate for being put into a FAQ).
is it viable for 20?
(sorry the pic is so damn big)
Not everything craftable accepts relics
The Unyielding Bracers can be crafted with a Relic for a 20 but the Epic Girdle 100% can't already checked that out.on my 70 druid twink (now 27) i saw this interesting item, is it viable for 20? (Relic from the past)
The Unyielding Bracers can be crafted with a Relic for a 20 but the Epic Girdle 100% can't already checked that out.
i also like the "unlearned recipes" tab in the professions skill window as a fountain of resourceful knowledge.anything that I can think of, someone has already tried it
Just to confirm, definitely guaranteed at least one drop for BfA end-boss (at least sweeny). Took 4 runs to get a socket.
6 runs to get 2 with socket. Shrunk this pic and now it's blurry.
edit- dragged my 20 druid there too and 3 runs in a row both got one trinket each per kill. Might be best to 2man.
The only drawback to Harlan's Loaded Dice is it's proc is meh and it's not that often.
https://www.wowhead.com/item=136978/ember-of-nullification?bonus=1826:1472I've had this a while but never seen much from it, but thought I'd test carefully. I now see why: seems it only procs from attacker spells.
Let some mobs in Surumar City attack me. Even hybrid mobs, when using physical attacks won't trigger it. I also engaged a pair of melee and caster mobs simultaneously. I set Focus the caster, while letting the melee whack on me, and the caster would get silenced, but near as I can tell, only from their spells, not the meleer attacks.
Good news is the silence happens every 20seconds or so. I engaged an Orbiter, and like clockwork, every 20sec or so, they would get silenced.
This is on a lvl 45 char and I haven't done any PvP lately so can't tell you about that. Would a duel be a good enough test? Controlled experiment.
So on my 5-6th run with a 2 party, he only dropped one trinket. No idea why, was my first run using another toon outside the instance to reset so they didnt have to run all the way back, but that shouldnt matter. Next run 2 dropped again.
edit- had enough, just some numbers from like 14-16 runs (lost track) 7 or 8 with 2 toons:
1 speed
1 avoidance
4 socket
17 normal
A few things.it literally says "taking MAGIC damage...", am I missing something?
Heya. What I meant to communicate is that the silence only procs from Direct Damage spells, including the arcane-dmg weapon-imbue-type that the Suramar City mobs use. Pretty certain: dots and AOE never proc it.Does it only proc when the enemy is casting/channeling or is it like a blanket silence that can happen even when they are just standing still?