How to get P2P enchants on your F2P twink

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P2P tabbys/agm boosts/dk glitch justify p2p enchant/loom glitch 100%. I mean, what's a 400ap + 10% crit proc compared to a cool tabby, it's nothing really.

Inb4 "lol u qq" no not really, I crutch p2ps hard myself aswell from time to time. I just can't see the logic "you have P2P only mounts, so you cant judge me having bis p2p gear and chants. It's the same thing."
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P2P tabbys/agm boosts/dk glitch justify p2p enchant/loom glitch 100%. I mean, what's a 400ap + 10% crit proc compared to a cool tabby, it's nothing really.

Yeah, I mean, why beat the system to make yourself competitive and viable when you can do it for swag, seems silly.
Don't see how you could;

-Use the DK exploit to gain achievements that would be otherwise impossible to get on a F2P.
-Exploit terrain phasing to get tabards that should be impossible to get on a F2P.
-Exploit the addons API to form a community when you aren't supposed to be able to communicate with one another in accordance to F2P rules set forth by blizzard.
-Crutch on high level friends to get AGM and deny it to other F2P's so that you have an advantage.

And then criticize other F2P's for trying to level the playing field against impossible odds in 5.4. Just more elitist hypocritical nonsense. You people say you "don't know why you even log onto the site anymore" because of stuff like this, I say, "I'm not surprised".

I'd say see you in the gulch in 5.4 but you won't be pugging. I'll be helping 24's P2L (pay to lose).

Enjoy your illusion of superiority.

All of the things you listed were obtained on a f2p character. P2P enchants/BoAs were obtained on a p2p character and THEN transferred to a f2p. That's a crucial difference but of course some smartass will come back with a rehashed answer how getting a boost is totally the same as transferring an item from a p2p character.
All of the things you listed were obtained on a f2p character. P2P enchants/BoAs were obtained on a p2p character and THEN transferred to a f2p. That's a crucial difference but of course some smartass will come back with a rehashed answer how getting a boost is totally the same as transferring an item from a p2p character.

Getting an advantage, by means that F2P's aren't supposed to be capable of, are the same thing all around.

That's why it's so hilarious. All these "purists" are no longer "pure f2p"'s having done any of these things, yet they won't do the one thing that will legitimately improve their twinks in the gulch, having already done everything else.

People take it too seriously. I'm 500-2,000 miles away from you, sure someone else may judge you by what you do with your fictional avatar in a fictional world, but I don't. I'm not defending my actions, I'm just pointing out how dumb it is that other people are defending their actions or attacking other people for doing this when they're complete hypocrites to begin with.

But that's just my opinion.
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I hope u guys get enchants. No more bitching about p2p. Would be like a dark cloud was lifted. kumbaya coming to wag campfire near you.
I feel like this bracket is going to break off into 3 factions now... P2Ps, F2P purists and F2P with enchants.

Dun dun dun ._.
Lol this is getting wayyy out of hand. It won't matter how many chants you got, you'll never win against me haha. So get your p2p chants and bring it on, afterall you need it to even try to be in my league ;)

Also the argument that the DK glitch is the same as this is completely invalid since this actually affects gameplay between players, extra mounts is just bling, ya dig?

@op don't you premade every game anyways? Also from AP, so playing with 24s is looked down upon (or used to be) so what would be the difference? Isn't that against the code. Not accusing/bashing ya just giving food for thought
Getting an advantage, by means that F2P's aren't supposed to be capable of, are the same thing all around.

That's why it's so hilarious. All these "purists" are no longer "pure f2p"'s having done any of these things, yet they won't do the one thing that will legitimately improve their twinks in the gulch, having already done everything else.

People take it too seriously. I'm 500-2,000 miles away from you, sure someone else may judge you by what you do with your fictional avatar in a fictional world, but I don't. I'm not defending my actions, I'm just pointing out how dumb it is that other people are defending their actions or attacking other people for doing this when they're complete hypocrites to begin with.

But that's just my opinion.

Find a way to get the items on your f2p without transferring them from a p2p and I won't say a word. As long as these items are first obtained on a p2p and then transferred to a f2p, you're not a f2p twink. It's not about being a purist, it's about calling things what they are.

BTW I like how you want to "even the odds" by polluting the bracket even more.
Find a way to get the items on your f2p without transferring them from a p2p and I won't say a word. As long as these items are first obtained on a p2p and then transferred to a f2p, you're not a f2p twink. It's not about being a purist, it's about calling things what they are.

BTW I like how you want to "even the odds" by polluting the bracket even more.

Calling things what they are is fine, but this community does it selectively and to boost the self esteem of the individual calling people out.

It's not about what you do it's about how and why you do it.
Lol this is getting wayyy out of hand. It won't matter how many chants you got, you'll never win against me haha. So get your p2p chants and bring it on, afterall you need it to even try to be in my league ;)

Also the argument that the DK glitch is the same as this is completely invalid since this actually affects gameplay between players, extra mounts is just bling, ya dig?

@op don't you premade every game anyways? Also from AP, so playing with 24s is looked down upon (or used to be) so what would be the difference? Isn't that against the code. Not accusing/bashing ya just giving food for thought

I don't premade every game haha but I do enjoy quality games with my close friends once in a while. I just posted this because I thought it would help people out in 5.4 if things get as bad as they sound like they are going to get. I actually got the idea from Bend who had done it for safe-keeping in case 5.4 sucks. It is definitely looked down upon and will probably be banned in arena/event play. I don't see the problem with having the gearset in the closet if it means still being able to que wsg though if 5.4 is unplayable. It's not as black and white as people make it out to be.
Whats the significance of waiting 30 days? I know it gets to returned to sender, but how does this help
Whats the significance of waiting 30 days? I know it gets to returned to sender, but how does this help

That's what I was wondering lol.
Not closing as long as everyone manages to keep civil in their arguments. Please. :)

I personally thought some more people would be advocating continuing to follow gearing options available to starter accounts, continuing pointing people in BGs to guides and wowhead, and trying to get as many players to play well, hitcapped and geared as 20s, to improve the chances of queueing into truly fun games. :< I thought that was what most of Twinkinfo F2P was about.

The more people play by the same achievable standard, the less the exceptions matter. :)

But I guess that's as utopian as trying to get everyone to agree to hitcap and otherwise down-gear to give genuine starters a chance, or trying to get the 19 bracket to ban grandfathered gear to achieve fairness. >_<

Oh, also, if people want to continue to discuss, please don't try to counter others with "you have no right to your opinion."

Example: I should think people with linked accounts or DK exploit are allowed to have their own opinion on this issue. All this "purity of F2P" has always seemed silly to me (the words free to play just describe not having to pay the sub to play, and exploits, linking accounts and whatnot really have nothing to do with the monetary aspect of starter accounts). Differentiating between cosmetic items or achievements and gear advantages is valid. The latter clearly affect PvP and battlegrounds, or no-one would be interested in getting them. :p
Eh, the point is that 24's no longer have an advantage. You can get the same enchants they can, if you don't choose that outlet you pretty much can't complain about them when there's something you could do to change it.

I personally thought some more people would be advocating continuing to follow gearing options available to starter accounts, continuing pointing people in BGs to guides and wowhead, and trying to get as many players to play well, hitcapped and geared as 20s, to improve the chances of queueing into truly fun games. :< I thought that was what most of Twinkinfo F2P was about.

Yet there's a 20-24 bracket sub-forum that was made specifically for 24's?

Everyone abiding by the same guidelines to make play enjoyable for everyone is a great idea, in a world where everyone isn't cheating, stealing, and buying their way to the top. As long as there are 24's, f2p's will be encouraged to do this, and who could blame them?
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