Kore I love the changes so far I think you did a great job at taking suggestions. I agree with all of the changes but I would like to consider the possibility of making the bracket DYNAMIC as well as balanced. If all classes were given a 6 sec stun, 8 sec spell lock/interupt on a long CD, 5 sec spell interupt/lock on a short CD, an interupt on a short CD, a quick heal, a long heal, long castable burst, trinket, etc...(I think we get the point) then the bracket would obtain the ultimate balance but would not be dynamic or fun. A few suggested changes are the following:
-Druids don't need Typhoon, Nature's grasp and Roots, Pick one or two (do I sense class bias here?) How can you make druids the ULTIMATE FC by suggesting Natures grasp and a roof knock-off? starsurge is fine (might need a slight reduction in damage) it is on a really long cast.
-Ret paladins burst might also be fine I think we need more ret paladins anyway they are the least played out of all specs. I don't even play my favorite paladin spec because it is not the strongest of the 3 specs. Forget Hand of freedom the real problem is the 6 second stun and the fact that exo is spammable reduce the stun duration to 4 seconds and make exo on a 2 second CD (2.5 with gcd) instead of nerfing it.
Mages need the interupt and rogue kick needs to be nerfed because they have crazy ToT, any rogue could Shadowstep/kickmacro a caster who managed to get range. remove the improved counterspell talent and keep the 7 second lockout. Keep rogue kick but increase the CD to around 12 seconds, also make the kick cost more energy
In general you can preseve dynamic and reduce burst by putting things on a CD so people can spam stuff. Lets think about this, I think we need to revisit some items.
-Druids don't need Typhoon, Nature's grasp and Roots, Pick one or two (do I sense class bias here?) How can you make druids the ULTIMATE FC by suggesting Natures grasp and a roof knock-off? starsurge is fine (might need a slight reduction in damage) it is on a really long cast.
-Ret paladins burst might also be fine I think we need more ret paladins anyway they are the least played out of all specs. I don't even play my favorite paladin spec because it is not the strongest of the 3 specs. Forget Hand of freedom the real problem is the 6 second stun and the fact that exo is spammable reduce the stun duration to 4 seconds and make exo on a 2 second CD (2.5 with gcd) instead of nerfing it.
Mages need the interupt and rogue kick needs to be nerfed because they have crazy ToT, any rogue could Shadowstep/kickmacro a caster who managed to get range. remove the improved counterspell talent and keep the 7 second lockout. Keep rogue kick but increase the CD to around 12 seconds, also make the kick cost more energy
In general you can preseve dynamic and reduce burst by putting things on a CD so people can spam stuff. Lets think about this, I think we need to revisit some items.