Holy Crit Azuremyst

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/spit. bring it on motherfucker.

Lol, and you think your a badass, Ill see you on your ass in a bg pretty soon. And the Abortion Clinic was so depressed when you lived, why because another asshole lived to see light. People like you are the reason we farm, You think you are billy badass and spit and rude. Yes my retarded ass team mates say stupid derogatory things to the alliance, But I don't. All I have ever done is either "/hug", "/lick", "/bow", or say "/no" when they try to kill me. So don't get all ass hurt and lash out on me trying to prove a point to me and or yourself. I know your trying to get known in the twink world, but being a asshole like you are only serves the purpose that you suck. Not all of Holy Crit are trolls. I made this character because I love Twinking and like to see a challenge here and there. The ONLY time I farm is when im in a 5 Premade, other than that I'm a Objective player. So keep your childish emotes to yourself and learn respect before you walk back into the battleground. If Holy Crit is that much hated to where the good players are to blame, I will go to another Horde twink guild. Its bullshit how most of you don't know the true players on the other side. Yes I admit some of Holy Crit do deserve a bitch slap or a ban hammer, but don't put it on the good players.
My favorite is when someone takes the time to make a lvl 1on your server just to whisper /threaten you. That's the best compliment . IMO

- Click Clack -
Kind of at a loss here as to why people actually get so worked up about this. I play WoW to have fun, and I do 24s as an OP huntard because it's fun and frankly, hilarious. As far as I'm concerned I pay good money for my game and I'm going to do what gives me fun, and I'm not going to let people tell me how to play or upset me with their whining. Someone who is willing to judge my real-life character in some fake game isn't really worth my attention.

Don't like getting farmed? Make a premade with your friends.
That's All I Have To Say About That- Forrest Gump Quote - YouTube
I must be like the sickest person in that I enjoy seeing gy farming being done to my team. I like to see the psychology in it, it's hilarious.

Not 100% related, but I ran into a premade setting up to farm IoC the other day. We told people over and over not to cap their base, and of course they didn't listen. I snuck up to the top of the tower in their base, got my popcorn out, and sat there untouched for half an hour watching a group of 10 people go 0 and 40. It was glorious.
Kind of at a loss here as to why people actually get so worked up about this. I play WoW to have fun, and I do 24s as an OP huntard because it's fun and frankly, hilarious. As far as I'm concerned I pay good money for my game and I'm going to do what gives me fun, and I'm not going to let people tell me how to play or upset me with their whining. Someone who is willing to judge my real-life character in some fake game isn't really worth my attention.

Don't like getting farmed? Make a premade with your friends.
Well, at least you know you're a huntard..............
My favorite is when someone takes the time to make a lvl 1on your server just to whisper /threaten you. That's the best compliment . IMO

- Click Clack -

I completely agree, i freakin shoutout to the twink gods when someone rolls a toon to rage on me, i honestly feel special, i do roll toons on other realms to talk to Allies and other players, but usually it is to /grat them on a job well done or try and recruit them :) always looking for good players to join the better faction :) no offense alliance ... (edit) ok, ok, i have to admit, Alliance pretty much owns AB, there were times i wanted to factionchange just to get master of AB done lol, /cheer alliance for that teamwork in AB, BUT that is going to change very very soon,,,,,, "what are we gonna do today Brain?? same thing we do every day Pinky, Try to take over the basin!!!!!!!!!! "
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Lvl 20 hunters just tickle 24 pally so he may be right...

off topic i think i bg'd against you earlier on my warrior Lilhunter.
Lvl 20 hunters just tickle 24 pally so he may be right...

His Link shows a 20 hpal so either hes a really cocky 20 pally or should have his 24 linked instead of 20 lol

off topic i think i bg'd against you earlier on my warrior Lilhunter.
If it was earlier today then I hope you enjoyed your loss :) wrecking people in bgs today 19-3 hope the bg was fun
People who farm every single bg have nothing to be proud of if they get 250hk. That is one of my main objectives and the fun is in the good battles i have during or the close FUN games I can look back on once I have the title and remember it. I don't get how farming 4 people for 15 minutes is any fun. How many games have you honestly had any competition with your 4 24 hunts and hpal? Must have a different mindset for bgs then me cause only time I ever truly enjoy farming is when its farming people like you who I've been farmed MANY times before

Lil, i agree with you on how its nice to look back on the fun battles :)

however im calling you out on that bold faced lie of yours....
"People who farm every single bg have nothing to be proud of if they get 250hk. That is one of my main objectives"
"I don't get how farming 4 people for 15 minutes is any fun"

whenever i'm fighting you on one of my horde characters 9 times out of 10 you are gy farming the entire bg.

anyways.. stay fresh :)
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