Hey Ballerz

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Phauren said:
Horde vent has chicks that flirt in it!!! Of course they dont like MB vent. All of us minus toast are packing

At least it keeps people from rage quiting? :p

I believe in fun, but yes horde need to co-ordinate better. There are glimmers of hope and there has been improvement even recently. That is why I truely don't give a monkeys behind if so and so is group queing. It only puts you in a position to consider what you have to work with and adapt. Yes it may get to the point where matching it with a small group won't be a bad idea just to increase the competition level in the games but we'll see.

I honestly am in awe of how much this population of guys cry about something new nightly. Toon in next week for alliance d in fr being out of line as far as strats go.
Daydra said:
At least it keeps people from rage quiting? :p

I believe in fun, but yes horde need to co-ordinate better. There are glimmers of hope and there has been improvement even recently. That is why I truely don't give a monkeys behind if so and so is group queing. It only puts you in a position to consider what you have to work with and adapt. Yes it may get to the point where matching it with a small group won't be a bad idea just to increase the competition level in the games but we'll see.

I honestly am in awe of how much this population of guys cry about something new nightly. Toon in next week for alliance d in fr being out of line as far as strats go.

the only complaining that comes out of the horde vent should be about how subpar they themselves perform, like last night, alliance had a stacked team (5+ DH and Pizza) when horde had 7 from dmaw in it, we wiped them in mid hard at the start of the game.. what did our team do after we wiped them? most would guess retain control of mid.. but no they ALL went to assist franchi in getting the flag out of their empty base while i was the only one to stay in mid.. needless to say alliance regained control of mid with zero opposition and we promptly lost 0-2

placing blame on the alliance for our losses is getting out of hand and franchi regularly has something to complain about in terms of the alliance doing something he doesn't deem appropriate

you people wanna know why we keep losing? look at yourselves first
augiddin said:
It's funny cuz I said like the same thing and you tried making an excuse like 2 pages ago.

no name please please stop addressing me

telling people to step their game up =/= calling them all bad
ding ding we has a winner!

Take a good long look at how you are splitting up, where your focuses are in game, what your role should be, where are your heals, where is thier fc, where is yours, who's got d, who's peeling o, and in general what you are missing. The solution to many of the problems is in there somewhere.

Does Dayman need told he's a rogue to watch for flag pass ninja from fc not likely, Do the mages need told to chain cc heals not likely(though i bet they call out when they have one in poly or cs) Do the dps need told that all focus on one target means they blow up not likely. I could go on and on but ya basicly I agree it's on horde to improve not alliance to balance.(providing they aren't purposefully keeping ques class stacked) So stick that in a pipe and smoke it <3

Well spoken fc.
Fcftw said:
no name please please stop addressing me

telling people to step their game up =/= calling them all bad

Wow your an idiot I flat out said that horde needed to coordinate more I never said they were bad. Oh and Bieng well known doesn't make you good bro keep trying and I'll keep winning.
And that, Daydra, is why I think I will always enjoy playing in games with you. I don't have to worry about you bitching about something the other team is doing. It's been a pleasure, and it's people like you that keep me from faction changing to get away from the negativity that some of the horde players foster.

donteventrii said:
Willy needed to be called out on the BS he was spewing on the WoW forums. I didn't do it there because He, Kow, and Amy have a hard on for the report function.

"Willy needed to be called out because he plays different than other people, and as long as that's the case, he plays wrong, and can only be mediocre at best, so I must call him out on playing differently, because playing differently definitely doesn't make things interesting. No, everyone must do everything in life the exact same way, that way we all look the same, act the same, and perform in life, the exact same way.

Above all, playing wow isn't about the journey, or enjoying it, it's about winning 100% of the time because you play like a robot. The end is the only thing that's important, so GTFO of here with that mediocrity bullshit."

Is that about right, Sam? You play the only correct way, I play differently, so therefore I am wrong, and can only ever be mediocre? You're definitely a ****ing moron.

Also, why would I let you post things on the wow forums about me that I can't possibly hope to respond to in the proper context, without fear of getting reported myself? See, here I can post pretty much anything, and if I get banned, it's pretty much a LOL type thing anyway. This way I can respond in the proper context to your drivel, and even if I DO get banned, nothing of value was lost.

You really are a whiny child aren't you? (Rhetorical) Put that in there because much like everyone else I am tired of reading the nonsense that comes from you. Toast is one of the nicest people I have met playing WoW. I'm sure you were kicked repeatedly for a reason, especially if past behavior on the forums is any indication. If MB had rolled horde you wouldn't be having this tantrum. When horde were rolling when Detox was away what percentage of games did you play alliance? Stop being a hypocrite and stfu

Pretty much this. You know what I get out of this thread? You (Sam) are completely unwilling to put in any sort of effort to help others collectively improve, and you play 29s as a temporary fix, much like a drug addict. As long as games are good right now in the short term, you are perfectly content. As soon as a game doesn't go the way you want it to, you blow up in vent at the people on your team that didn't give you 'perfection' and your negativity escalates until you come here to whine about people from the other team playing the game correctly.

It seems that you're perfectly comfortable with mediocrity as long as the other team is less than mediocre. As soon as that's no longer the case, you plea to the other team to even things out instead of doing your part as a community member to try and improve the overall quality of games with your team, for your team.

Oh, and before you get it twisted, that would mean improvement on a team level, not personal. So stow your personal attacks about me.

Before you say something totally ignorant like 'haha I just ignored Willy's wall o text,' we both know that you're going to read it. You may not acknowledge it, and that's okay. Everyone here pretty much knows I am right, and that's enough for me.

Fcftw said:
you people wanna know why we keep losing? look at yourselves first

horry shit dat nail went in without a hammer even needing to be present tyty
I am willing to hop in vent and discuss what you guys have been doing wrong from my observations and suggest improvements you can make.
augiddin said:
I was referencing you l2context


you made that comment whilst quoting a post by Rubikz talking about 7 dmaw being present in many games, my name wasnt the topic in any of it, so it was not a reference towards me

it was an obvious shot at hordes skill level, which is ridiculous because individually dmaw horde has more skill than alliance (MB included) they just dont have the teamwork to make it happen

Willy can I get a TLDR? I skimmed and saw my name mentioned twice. Pretty much the same thing I do every time you type those things.

You are mediocre and exemplify everything that Horde need to overcome to play against MB competitively.
Donteventrii said:
Willy can I get a TLDR? I skimmed and saw my name mentioned twice. Pretty much the same thing I do every time you type those things.

You are mediocre and exemplify everything that Horde need to overcome to play against MB competitively.

I like you. Atleast someone gets it. I'm done dealing with tha fcftl guy's sub par reading comprehension skillz.
allahkazam said:
ok so instead of bickering non stop on non fight night days, maybe we should come together and figure out ways to improve horde side to compete better. Leave RNG things like not having an FC or getting a shitty comp out of it. Getting comfortable playing with people and being able to communicate well is a start.



Horde: Set up macros and addons. Stop being mute and call out what you are doing.
Maybe the people on dragonmaw could do wargames or something? Arenas have always taught the need for communication the fastest from my experiences.
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