Hey Ballerz

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Nast, you need to find some old 29s and form a dream team to counter the new alliance threat. They aren't going to listen to you, especially here.
I dont mean to insult anyone but hordes skill level is not superior to MB. They are coasting through games at the moment. I can only imagine Toast getting pissed at everyone because games are taking longer than they should. He's so funny to listen to in vent. Yeah we won 3-1 or 3-0 but it was terrible. Lol <3 Toast. Definitely one of my bffs. In wow. Reminds me of Druin alot if anyone remembers Trav

Step one, someone get me an Interface/WTF folder combination going so my interface isn't mods from January combined with some default UI stuff

Step two, roll me a melee dps on horde so I can make DPS callouts on offense.

Step three stop sucking


Step one, recruit more 39s to DH

Step two, get DetoX to play horde

Step three, everyone not part of those two guilds just has alt faction toons and balances around those two guilds


augiddin said:
Maybe the people on dragonmaw could do wargames or something? Arenas have always taught the need for communication the fastest from my experiences.

Wargames maybe. Arenas won't teach much about awareness in mass pvp.

Megumi said:
Nast, you need to find some old 29s and form a dream team to counter the new alliance threat. They aren't going to listen to you, especially here.

Vallei is coming back. Now I just with Euphonix would as well...Would be nice to have Skanky on Dmaw Horde.
Ohai said:

Step one, someone get me an Interface/WTF folder combination going so my interface isn't mods from January combined with some default UI stuff

Tell me how. I'll give it to all Horde.

Ohai said:

Step one, recruit more 39s to DH

Step two, get DetoX to play horde

Step three, everyone not part of those two guilds just has alt faction toons and balances around those two guilds



Won't ever happen. I really wish 39s had rolled 29s when DetoX was active in the bracket.
allahkazam said:
ok so instead of bickering non stop on non fight night days, maybe we should come together and figure out ways to improve horde side to compete better. Leave RNG things like not having an FC or getting a shitty comp out of it. Getting comfortable playing with people and being able to communicate well is a start.


can start with listening when I call stuff out, like I was telling daydra, I made this exact call last night in vent at least 10 times in different games "efc has only 1-2 support, it doesnt take 9 of us to escort our fc can we break off" one time.... one time somebody broke off with me and it was cinderelli who doesnt even get in vent.. but guess what? that one time me and her returned that flag

horde play as if these games are taking place in xp on they do their own thing and rarely does anybody listen, I'm not the most vocal in calling out focus targets but I listen and make switches if they are called out, when I play my hunter I always call out who i plan to scatter/trap and even have a %t macro bound to scatter in hopes that people see it and dont break it

the problem isn't the alliance, it's horde and their unwillingness to listen and adapt, tbh im not even sure why horde even get in vent because everything mostly falls on deaf ears
Donteventrii said:
Wargames maybe. Arenas won't teach much about awareness in mass pvp.

yes this is true but I was referring to just basic use of callouts. It's a lot easier for people to learn tocall things out in a smaller contained environment instead of a hectic bg. Hopefully at some point it becomes second mature to them.
Donteventrii said:
I'm not constantly mashing my assist macro, as if there was anyone to assist off of.

I get your frustration Don't. I do. But remarks like that are exactly why people Don't listen. Your attitude is poor. I understand why. I get it. I'm asking you to move forward with things though. Talk to me in vent tonight. Ill be home about 9 est and then I have to put my daughter down so about 9:30
soskanky said:
I dont mean to insult anyone but hordes skill level is not superior to MB

I was talking about dmaw horde and individually speaking you are wrong, there isn't a better rogue in the bracket than Valotian, Daydra is by far the best hpal at least defensively speaking, Buckdich is #1 at whatever he plays, Ohai is the best horde priest whether or not he is the best in the bracket is up for debate but he damn close imo

where we cant hold a candle to DH is playing as a team
i didn't queue last night so i wouldn't know how games went but it's usually true. when alliance has zero flag room D horde gets sucked into running with the FC. I do it because on my 19 i normally run with our FC to CC in flag room/tunnel and it's a habit i need to break on my paladin when i play him. normally if there is no flag room D, the FC can grab and doesn't need 7 people in the tunnel/flag room to help. i do get caught in no man's land getting chased up the tunnel by rezzing alliance because i zone out and run up the tunnel to assist FC like I do on my 19 mage.

as far as breaking off goes, i've heard that as well and sometimes the choice for me is run in alone or just stay with the mindless pack. the problem there is when we have 4-5 people on horde not in vent to hear calls so they just do whatever.

i've definitely been in games where horde had almost a full team in vent and we were able to coordinate so I know it's possible. the key is to be patient with people who may take a little more prodding.

i talked a lot in vent on saturday night in the two games we did and i'll keep doing that whenever i play again as long as you can tolerate my laughably high pitched voice.
augiddin said:
Maybe the people on dragonmaw could do wargames or something? Arenas have always taught the need for communication the fastest from my experiences.

This is in progressive developement. Both are. We did a trial run before and had a decent turn out that made me quite optimistic it would be an ideal place to start. I lack the rl time and control of my schedule to fully commit to it and lack enough current class/spec awareness across the board to say I would be most qualified to head it up. I have some players in mind I would love to see step up to get it off the ground regularly and i will of course show up to be a punching bag.

augiddin said:
yes this is true but I was referring to just basic use of callouts. It's a lot easier for people to learn tocall things out in a smaller contained environment instead of a hectic bg. Hopefully at some point it becomes second mature to them.

Arena helps you pinpoint area's of individual weakness especially in a 3v3 setting. It becomes alot more obvious which shammy, mage, rogue is missing an interupt consistently or which healers aren't fake casting effectively when you are in a more "intimate" setting. Additionally when you are running 3's and you need your dps to swap focus targets it becomes second nature to become aware of what the other is doing and calling out such swaps and why. So yes pretty much agree wholeheartedly on arena's helping on some scale of pvp awareness and improvement.
soskanky said:
I get your frustration Don't. I do. But remarks like that are exactly why people Don't listen. Your attitude is poor. I understand why. I get it. I'm asking you to move forward with things though. Talk to me in vent tonight. Ill be home about 9 est and then I have to put my daughter down so about 9:30

Don't, listen to where skank is coming from with this. You have the ability to hugely impact a game you are in if your take charge wasn't rubbing everyone the wrong way. Though I completely understand your frusterations too.
really right now the horde kinda reminds me of the washington redskins (football season inc!), year after year they accumulate new/great free agent players but year after year they fail to make the playoffs because they cant get their talent to play well together
soskanky said:
I get your frustration Don't. I do. But remarks like that are exactly why people Don't listen. Your attitude is poor. I understand why. I get it. I'm asking you to move forward with things though. Talk to me in vent tonight. Ill be home about 9 est and then I have to put my daughter down so about 9:30


Fcftw said:
I was talking about dmaw horde and individually speaking you are wrong, there isn't a better rogue in the bracket than Valotian, Daydra is by far the best hpal at least defensively speaking, Buckdich is #1 at whatever he plays, Ohai is the best horde priest whether or not he is the best in the bracket is up for debate but he damn close imo

where we cant hold a candle to DH is playing as a team

I see your Valotian and raise you a Dayman. (Though I haven't really heard either talk much in vent.)

Daydra said:
Don't, listen to where skank is coming from with this. You have the ability to hugely impact a game you are in if your take charge wasn't rubbing everyone the wrong way. Though I completely understand your frusterations too.

My frustration comes from players like Kow/Amy who deliberately troll us, and are pretty bad (Kow esp). As well as players like Willy, who insist that mediocre play is a valid alternative to optimal play.
Donteventrii said:
Tell me how. I'll give it to all Horde.

Optional step to reduce file size: Make a folder (on your desktop or somewhere easy), and copy the wtf/interface folders into that folder. Right click that folder, and "Send to" "Compressed (zipped) folder" if you can. This zips the files up and hopefully makes it a smaller file.

Next step, use something like Hotfile.com: One click file hosting to upload the file to, and then it will give you a download link to share.

I can get it from there, but basically from there for anyone else the process is reversed. Download the file, unzip it, go to your WoW directory and delete your WTF and Interface folders (cache folder too, to be safe), and then paste the WTF and interface from the file you unzipped or downloaded.

If you choose not to zip it or compress it, I suspect you will have to upload both folders individually

EDIT - I'm not sure that this will work, doesn't the WTF folder actually work off account and character names... Send it to me anyways, I'm gonna try renaming the folders in the WTF folder to my character names to see if the settings will persist.

Maybe you just need to give the interface folder. I've never actually done this before, but either way hotfile or megaupload or something will let you upload a ~100mb file or whatever for free
Willy can I get a TLDR? I skimmed and saw my name mentioned twice. Pretty much the same thing I do every time you type those things.

You are mediocre and exemplify everything that Horde need to overcome to play against MB competitively.

We both know you read it. We both know you're a shitty player. Keep blaming it on me though, that's about all you're good at.
Willyshatner said:
We both know you're a shitty player.

I don't agree with the way donteven comes across in vent at times but to call him a shitty player is completely laughable
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