Hey Ballerz

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Ohai said:
Optional step to reduce file size: Make a folder (on your desktop or somewhere easy), and copy the wtf/interface folders into that folder. Right click that folder, and "Send to" "Compressed (zipped) folder" if you can. This zips the files up and hopefully makes it a smaller file.

Next step, use something like Hotfile.com: One click file hosting to upload the file to, and then it will give you a download link to share.

I can get it from there, but basically from there for anyone else the process is reversed. Download the file, unzip it, go to your WoW directory and delete your WTF and Interface folders (cache folder too, to be safe), and then paste the WTF and interface from the file you unzipped or downloaded.

If you choose not to zip it or compress it, I suspect you will have to upload both folders individually

EDIT - I'm not sure that this will work, doesn't the WTF folder actually work off account and character names...

Maybe you just need to give the interface folder. I've never actually done this before, but either way hotfile or megaupload or something will let you upload a ~100mb file or whatever for free

I def have to give you the individual acct/server/char files.

Willyshatner said:
We both know you read it. We both know you're a shitty player. Keep blaming it on me though, that's about all you're good at.

No, I don't waste my time on the walls that repeat the same thing you have been saying for weeks. I'm not bad, in fact I am certainly not as mediocre as yourself.
Donteventrii said:

I see your Valotian and raise you a Dayman. (Though I haven't really heard either talk much in vent.)

My frustration comes from players like Kow/Amy who deliberately troll us, and are pretty bad (Kow esp). As well as players like Willy, who insist that mediocre play is a valid alternative to optimal play.

Valotian joined us in vent last nite, and I hope will continue to do so in the future. They are slightly different styles of play but I can see alot of in game effectiveness with both so I don't think it matters.

As to Kow and Amy, the situation wouldn't be nearly as frusterating if people resisted the urge to constantly bash. Amy has improved in game consistently, at least when her and I are tag team healing I can tell it. Kow is a step above a random pug for the simple fact he REACTS he moves fast D or fast O ...one of the bigger consistent issues for horde. They have map awaredness that could so easily be worked with if people stepped down a notch and saw the potential to incorporate them into being part of the team. You may even notice that they can be damn good given the chance to feel enthusiastic to be in there going for a win. It's a tough lump to swallow and I agree they haven't been making it the easiest to do with some of thier own comments however to keep it going is shooting your own foot. They are here to stay.
If I could do anything, it would be to switch my priest to alliance and my rogue to horde.

But seriously I'm not giving blizzard another dime until they give me diablo 3
Daydra said:
Valotian joined us in vent last nite, and I hope will continue to do so in the future. They are slightly different styles of play but I can see alot of in game effectiveness with both so I don't think it matters.

Agreed, it doesn't matter. Valo was in vent but I'm dying for a melee that can call targets effectively (in vent and select the right ones).

Daydra said:
As to Kow and Amy, the situation wouldn't be nearly as frusterating if people resisted the urge to constantly bash. Amy has improved in game consistently, at least when her and I are tag team healing I can tell it. Kow is a step above a random pug for the simple fact he REACTS he moves fast D or fast O ...one of the bigger consistent issues for horde. They have map awaredness that could so easily be worked with if people stepped down a notch and saw the potential to incorporate them into being part of the team. You may even notice that they can be damn good given the chance to feel enthusiastic to be in there going for a win. It's a tough lump to swallow and I agree they haven't been making it the easiest to do with some of thier own comments however to keep it going is shooting your own foot. They are here to stay.

I don't say a thing to them and they still refuse to heal me and report me for cursing in BG chat.
Fcftw said:
daydra I am disappoint I expected at least a little remark about my redskins reference ;)

LMAO i missed it but so f'kin true!

Great talents but look like shiznit on the field >.<

I can't discuss redskins though the loss of clinton still brings a tear to my eye : / [video=youtube;_GNPmwhQZy8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GNPmwhQZy8&feature=related[/video] mmmmm he still makes my heart throb.
Fcftw said:
I don't agree with the way donteven comes across in vent at times but to call him a shitty player is completely laughable

He can play his characters well, but his attitude and group based performance is so bad that yes, he is a shitty player. Shitty in the sense that his presence brings down the team.

No, I don't waste my time on the walls that repeat the same thing you have been saying for weeks. I'm not bad, in fact I am certainly not as mediocre as yourself.

Relax champ, we both know you read it. Keep denying it all you want to. And yes, you're ****ing terrible. Terrible to the point that some players don't want to get in vent simply because you're there. Terrible to the point that some players don't want to queue up for games on your team, because they know you're there. Terrible to the point where I get whispers in game asking me if you're for real. Terrible to the point where you can't take what we have to work with in any sort of positive manner and achieve something positive with it. I wish you had a better attitude. I wish you had better knowledge of BG play. I wish you could just for once just shut up and play games.

But you don't. You keep insisting that everyone else around you is at fault for the way you treat them, and it's sad.
Daydra said:
LMAO i missed it but so f'kin true!

Great talents but look like shiznit on the field >.<

I can't discuss redskins though the loss of clinton still brings a tear to my eye : / [video=youtube;_GNPmwhQZy8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GNPmwhQZy8&feature=related[/video] mmmmm he still makes my heart throb.

CP was a beast but he was obviously on the downside of his career, nfl rb's get worn down fast
Fcftw said:
CP was a beast but he was obviously on the downside of his career, nfl rb's get worn down fast

:( I can give him a good home.
as far as amy and cow, the only way to get amy better at this point is to get her in vent, kow i would say is not quite as good, the thing is how much of that is playing an under-powered class? i know for a fact he saved me at-least twice in the last 2 nights when no one would respond to my continued calls for someone to come d. As daydra says he may not be 100% on the ball with his class but he does get where he needs to be and considering how hard it is to get people out of mid these days that's a big plus. I realy wish they could join vent and i do rage about that in regards to them specifically on occasion. Then again given the number of horde veterans who never join vent or never listen to call outs when they do there isn't much reason for it to bother me anymore than all my other bitching and moaning issues (yes I'm a QQer deal with it).

And while everyone has been so busy spamming the report feature or raging at them they have been consistently keeping me alive against multiple waves of alliance night after night.

Do I necessarily like the way they choose to interface on the forums? Obviously not, but i can understand if not forgive it given what they take from everyone in game every fight night

P.S. read bg chat sometime in a game they are in where you are not continually pinging them for a response, wow they call shit out to!
read bg chat sometime

God invented voice over IP so I could focus on my surroundings instead of reading BG chat
this thread really makes me want to finish my horde toon /sarcasm, not everyone you play with is going to be pro but working together as a team still can accomplish objectives. im sure the vent temper tantrums are awesome tho.
Willy, you have absolutely no clue.

You sure about that champ? If I can take sub 1500 scrubs from trade chat on a low pop PVP server, and lead them to victory in 90% of the rated BG games I play, I am pretty sure you're the one who's missing something. I'm also sure that by continuing to berate people individually and insist that they're dragging your team down, you'll get to the point where your team drastically improves and can win against the DH kids.

Valotion is excellent but objectively Dayman is better. He greatly impacts how the opposing team plays. He completely alters your game play, strategy and play style. Val doesn't do that alliance side. While I've never had the pleasure of playing with Daydra I will put Toast up against.anyone on a pally skillwise andleadership wise which only contributes to his skill. As far as Ohai is concerned I'm going to be more active in 29s and on DH. Sorry Ohai you know <3. Ohai wouldn't be where he is without people like me.
I'm sorry but we are trying to discuss football can you take your WoW dilemmas to a forum suited for that, kthnx
roudy said:
this thread really makes me want to finish my horde toon /sarcasm, not everyone you play with is going to be pro but working together as a team still can accomplish objectives. im sure the vent temper tantrums are awesome tho.

This thread might be going somewhere stay tuned <3
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