Hey Ballerz

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augiddin said:
Ok so what your saying here is that it's our fault you had a bad comp?

I am saying that when you group que you guarantee that you have a good comp or at least don't get an atrocious one. When a good portion of the bracket does not have this option your group que will roll the opposition most of the time while the other members of your faction who don't have this option get steam rolled over and over. I won more games than i lost last night, i think i had maybe 2 that were actually close games.

I know this is a hard concept for you but most of the 29's that were here long before you don't enjoy steamroll games from either side of them.
allahkazam said:
if they all queue at the same time they get in games regardless of if they group queue or not. especially when they were in a game together and queue when they get out.

So they are coordinating all queueing at the same time? Essentially, and possibly the exact same outcome as group queueing.
allahkazam said:
if they all queue at the same time they get in games regardless of if they group queue or not. especially when they were in a game together and queue when they get out.

Do to issues with loading times varying from player to player I am inclined to assume you are a moron.
allahkazam said:
if they all queue at the same time they get in games regardless of if they group queue or not. especially when they were in a game together and queue when they get out.

That is very not true, my guild is rather large now and as we que I may get 2-3 games per night spread out with SOME of the same people. Definately not the exact same people over and over.
Daydra said:
That is very not true, my guild is rather large now and as we que I may get 2-3 games per night spread out with SOME of the same people. Definately not the exact same people over and over.


MB was solo queueing. nastay complains to me when i am in horde channel that we are grouping. I tell him that we weren't (cause we weren't). 4 of us get into next game. alliance is about to win 3-0 while nastay pops into the alliance channel to bitch about us group queueing (again, we were not group queueing). we realize that nastay is going to complain whether we group queue or don't group queue, whether we queue with hunters or don't queue with hunters. noone gives a **** anymore. hail hands out invites quickly before game ends, and we get into next game with 5 (one more player than we had last game while solo q'ing).

the bottom line is that nastay is going to bitch about something, anything, when games aren't going his way. alliance had, on average, less hunters than horde last night. surprise, instead of $(@#*!@(#ing about hunters for 70 page threads, nastay makes new thread complaining about us group queueing. there are rarely more than 5 of us in a game, yet every single horde game has 7+ dragonmaw.

during the time when horde dominated, imagine if alliance blamed every single loss on "group queueing." that's really how much of a joke it is.

rubikztime out
Franchi said:
I know this is a hard concept for you but most of the 29's that were here long before you don't enjoy steamroll games from either side of them.

hey I'd love competition. So why don't you bring some?!?!?!?!?!
rubikz said:
yet every single horde game has 7+ dragonmaw.

this could't possibly be because 80% of the horde 29 population resides on dmaw, a large portion of them aren't even in our guild

and lol @ horde having more hunters than alliance....
Fcftw said:
this could't possibly be because 80% of the horde 29 population resides on dmaw, a large portion of them aren't even in our guild

and lol @ horde having more hunters than alliance....

ROFL so if we all left MB and solo queued would you complain when 4 of us got in the same game and rolled you? yes you would.
augiddin said:
ROFL so if we all left MB and solo queued would you complain when 4 of us got in the same game and rolled you? yes you would.

me? no, I couldn't really care less about the group q'ing

who the f are you anyways
rubikz said:
MB was solo queueing. nastay complains to me when i am in horde channel that we are grouping. I tell him that we weren't (cause we weren't). 4 of us get into next game.

I merely asked, and said that it was hard to believe. If this is so bad for you, mute me.

rubikz said:
hail hands out invites quickly before game ends, and we get into next game with 5

I bet that game was balanced.
More you complain the more we act like jerks. We got toastage. HE ALREADY DESTROYED ONE BRACKET HE ISNT AFRIAD TO DO IT AGAIN!!
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