Growing and protecting and growing the 20-24 bracket

The EXACT same people who play Horde play Alliance. You prefer Horde, so you seem to truly believe that fewer Horde than Alliance camp. This, however, is entirely untrue. Because the EXACT same people play both factions, the amount of farmers and the amount of people who refuse to stop farming is *almost* EXACTLY the same.

Prefer Horde because I played Alliance first. Play both factions still. Funny that you have not figured out who I am yet over there. I think that you might not know what the word "exact" means. Almost has nothing to do with it. I am simply offering my experience that Horde side we win most of the debates on "farming" while Ally side the practice is so entrenched I have yet to prevent a farmfest. That is the core reason I find it hard to queue Alliance. The queue times being longer is second to that. I don't enjoy drug out, time wasting contests.

P.S. good game tonight. You guys sure bring the DPS. Thanks for making me work! :D
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Yes, it was quite a GG until you broke out the free action pots for the last minute ninja victory <.< I raged hardcore. You claim to gimp yourselves when facing 20s, but if shit starts looking bad that noble sentiment is suddenly forgotten, isn't it?
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I think alliance should farm. Up to 20 mins to get a game and win in 4 min so you can go back to circling swnd etc for another 20 mins.. farm away allys.. farm away..
Very, very few want to play down to an opponent.
Well you and others have said you enjoy and seek more balanced matches. You're doing your part to bring more 24's into the bracket, I guess so you guys can do pure 24 premades and/or tip the demographics so that the bracket is 95% lvl24 and your games are more balanced that way. TBH that might take a while, but this is something you could do NOW to make your games more even (which is what you said you enjoyed). No one is asking you to restrain your skill or something. This is just about gear.

If you actually don't have the time to get a 2nd set of crappy gear I understand. But I think it will be pretty straightforward to apply: you queue with a 24 premade and BG spy tells you ally has only 20's = time to switch gear. All of you. If you're worried that some of the ally are twinks and you might need your extra levels *cough* keep your gear on for the initial push to gauge how even the teams are.

It's not perfect, and it doesn't have to be. It just has to make the games more balanced.
Yes, it was quite a GG until you broke out the free action pots for the last minute ninja victory <.< I raged hardcore. You claim to gimp yourselves when facing 20s, but if shit starts looking bad that noble sentiment is suddenly forgotten, isn't it?

Pardon me? I play to win. Huge turtle of the superior DPS team is somehow "noble". How about calling people names on forums? Consumables are legit and have no problem when an opponent uses them as is a turtle when needed. It is all just strategy. Sounds like more sore loser spin to me. I never complain about Gnomes breaking out deathrays on me. You lose and pick something/anything to hang your hat on. Seriously, I never rage in game. Lost one last night to Lsp and a bunch of 24 hunters last minute. It was a learning experience, lots of mistakes made by all with new players to us. We should have won it despite their superior DPS and have won many such games. Even though we don't like losing we had fun anyway and take something positive away from it. You might consider a slight perspective change. Less health issues down the line...

Know this. I come prepared to win.
I think alliance should farm. Up to 20 mins to get a game and win in 4 min so you can go back to circling swnd etc for another 20 mins.. farm away allys.. farm away..

LOL if you are being sarcastic, Saptastic. ;)

Heard this justification before and have to address it. Ally queue times are directly impacted by the number of Horde queuing. Make Horde AFK, or choose not to queue again by grieving them more than needed in a losing situation for them over and over again and you are extending your own wait times. Simple as that.
i just que and play. i don't try to balance the bracket or try to figure out what fair play is.

Step 1 : Que
Step 2 Go do something that takes 6-10 mins (Make bed,Wash dishes,Make lunch,Cure for the common cold.etc...)
Step 3 : Wsg or Ab pops
Step 4 : Pew Pew, Return Flags & Tickle
Step 5: Game ,Rinse and Repeat steps 1-4 again
LOL if you are being sarcastic, Saptastic. ;)

Heard this justification before and have to address it. Ally queue times are directly impacted by the number of Horde queuing. Make Horde AFK, or choose not to queue again by grieving them more than needed in a losing situation for them over and over again and you are extending your own wait times. Simple as that.
Hey, if 20 minute queues suck......................................45 minute queues must be better! lol.
Well you and others have said you enjoy and seek more balanced matches. You're doing your part to bring more 24's into the bracket, I guess so you guys can do pure 24 premades and/or tip the demographics so that the bracket is 95% lvl24 and your games are more balanced that way. TBH that might take a while, but this is something you could do NOW to make your games more even (which is what you said you enjoyed). No one is asking you to restrain your skill or something. This is just about gear.

If you actually don't have the time to get a 2nd set of crappy gear I understand. But I think it will be pretty straightforward to apply: you queue with a 24 premade and BG spy tells you ally has only 20's = time to switch gear. All of you. If you're worried that some of the ally are twinks and you might need your extra levels *cough* keep your gear on for the initial push to gauge how even the teams are.

It's not perfect, and it doesn't have to be. It just has to make the games more balanced.

Again, I am not opposed to this, have discussed it before and as the effort matures I am sure we will be able to when the entire opposing team are 20. We are already arranging 10v10 and we do not limit it to 24s. We cultivate relationships with other guilds so we can organize depending on them two types of contests. One is where we roll with what we have (including 20s), move players back and forth between factions and create our own tough contests. It takes more up front preparation but it is the most rewarding and our opponents guilds are basically like sister guilds. Two is where ego is a little bit more involved and they require hoops to be jumped through and more preparation for the event is required, lawyers involved, etc. We prefer the first but will play the second.

We are currently at 52 twenty fours with at least as many underway or transferring in. We should have 150+ twenty fours by the end of the month and expect to have on at any time of day players to group with. Peak periods will have enough to do 10v10 premades and will have a green light to do them in the first situation listed above on the fly. That is not to mention the F2P players who are gathering and grouping with us via our vent/mumble. Activity is what we are after. Posting a screen shot of a win over an opponents guilds and calling them bad on the forums is not. We expect to expose a great many players to 10v10 competition. In so doing I expect players will get better, strategies improve and the game to evolve.

GY caming, honor farming, negative emoting players will be marginalized and their activity will be called out for what it is and who they are for doing it. There is far more fun to be had in a thriving, active, positive community for all involved. Que times will be better for Allies, skill levels improved and more demand for Blizzard to actually do some work to provide its customers the tools needed to keep their attention. Tools like a premade organizer to mention one. I am a software development product guy. Their product people seriously leave a lot to be desired so we have to build a big enough stage to demand it. I won't stop till they do. Join me.
Nothing wrong with that. Some of us just have a larger perspective. You are all about yourself and that is ok, the vast majority are. Some are about each individual contest or their guild, faction, etc. Some are about the level or the gear. Yet others are about the bracket. I am shooting for much bigger but it starts with a bracket and is inclusive of all of the former through at least an understanding. Blizzard has us with limited controls, subject to all sorts of detracting issues and yet here we all are. Why? What can we do to realistically improve things in light of human nature? I am shooting for the guy behind the curtain, not trying to convince the monkeys to switch sides...
Nothing wrong with that. Some of us just have a larger perspective. You are all about yourself and that is ok, the vast majority are.
I've spent a good 15 days /played growing the f2p community on Vashj, and yes, when you screw us over with your 4 level crutch and suddenly half my team and half my friends are bummed, I'm not happy
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All good stuff, not sure how much of it will stick with some of the more, resilient, players.

What's that, 10 pages later, and it's still the same back and forth? No, no way...
I have a few friends that are lvl 20 , but I advise all lvl 20's asking about my guild or sever to go AP. I feel it's a disservice keeping them from a great community such as AP. Where they collectively do stuff together.
Great posts Crit........................ Is what you're organizing server specific on Anub'arak?

Awesome seeing you organizing 24's and accepting 20's also into the mix.
Awwww shucks, thanks man.

We RealID group but our guildmates have priority for groups and premades. F2P on Anub'arak has priority as well as long as they join our vent/mumble. That goes for off realm as well. Voice is mandatory.

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I've spent a good 15 days /played growing the f2p community on Vashj, and yes, when you fuck us over with your 4 level crutch and suddenly half my team and half my friends are bummed, yes, I'm fucking pissed.

Get all worked up if you like. Won't stop the trend or our efforts. You can see how we can find common ground if you are open to that. Our voice servers are open to you.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

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