Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

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Today, a few seconds ago I have played WSG. Picked up a flag, ran away (alone) and got feared from a 1k hp lock, just into the full horde team. My only hope was my team, which just came by... and ran away to our base. I was down in 3-4 sec and dropped the flag, which horde returned and capped. After that, I was called unskilled by many 24s in our team, because I couldnt heal the whole dps of horde team. After saying that sorry but I am a prot pally, they said that if I complain about heals I should respec holy and gg. I was called shit and unskilled and noob for whole bg, and every time i got flag everyone runned away from me. This got me really angry, and I ask... why people do it?

Ran into that a lot so I've since turned off Instance, Say, Emote, Yell, Raid, and Raid Leader in my chat filters. Majority of the pug community is complete garbage when it comes to their play style and attitude anyway, so the lack of communication usually doesn't effect the turnouts.

I have a macro on my action bar;
/s Attack %t, he is a healer.

That's all the communication I do with my team (other players can see it even though you have your filters turned off) so all my pugs are pretty quiet and enjoyable, win or lose.

Still have /p enabled for 5-mans when I queue on my AP toons (rare).
Ran into that a lot so I've since turned off Instance, Say, Emote, Yell, Raid, and Raid Leader in my chat filters. Majority of the pug community is complete garbage when it comes to their play style and attitude anyway, so the lack of communication usually doesn't effect the turnouts.

I have a macro on my action bar;
/s Attack %t, he is a healer.

That's all the communication I do with my team (other players can see it even though you have your filters turned off) so all my pugs are pretty quiet and enjoyable, win or lose.

Still have /p enabled for 5-mans when I queue on my AP toons (rare).

The idea sounds cool, I am sick and tired of all those cocky pugs with 1k hp "uranooblol"
How can I make that in bgs I will not see /bg?
The idea sounds cool, I am sick and tired of all those cocky pugs with 1k hp "uranooblol"
How can I make that in bgs I will not see /bg?

Right click the "General" chat tab in your chat window > Click "Settings" under the Filter Category > Tick the desired boxes > Press "Okay" to apply the changes.
/bg does not exibgst anymore. dungeon and bgs both you /i now even though to get people used to it /bg now directs u to /i.
It's getting to where i can't solo queue on my hunter anymore. Keep getting a bunch of JaJas and people who afk out after first efc cap. Just did 2 and i was lone man standing at end of one and was me and a jaja in ghost farm trying to communicate at the end of the other. On my restro druid I can atleast carry a bit or hide lol.
It's getting to where i can't solo queue on my hunter anymore. Keep getting a bunch of JaJas and people who afk out after first efc cap. Just did 2 and i was lone man standing at end of one and was me and a jaja in ghost farm trying to communicate at the end of the other. On my restro druid I can atleast carry a bit or hide lol.

Well, in situations like that you can always carry swiftness pots with yourself and take flag and FC, get stamina set on your 24 and you will be as good as average non-BiS prot FC.
Me, Derco and Ztilleto was going for a last BG of the night and ran into this bullshit:
View attachment 2391
YES! Gemmed f@gg0ts GY farmed whole game. Go back to ur own servers, we dont want u crabs here.


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Me, Derco and Ztilleto was going for a last BG of the night and ran into this bullshit:
View attachment 2391
YES! Gemmed f@gg0ts GY farmed whole game. Go back to ur own servers, we dont want u crabs here.

I think 'Oppagangam' is probably the worst name in this game's history. Past a few alkögljökrhkgjäadshökgkhräugj names.
First time I hop on a horde toon in forever and the groups I get are also playing like tards.

I guess instant queue losses are better than 9 minute queue losses though.
Some days ago, while leveling my monk, i decided to que with a friend for a dungeon...
it was going to be my first time as a monk and also first time as a tank, but... i failed miserably lol...
thankfully they didn't kick me, but im sure they tried to lol
so... no tanks for me ever again hahahaha...
at least not for now :p

Aww you should try again! Just spam whatever aoe skills they give monks, and use your taunts! I enjoy both tanking and healing, plus you get a fast queue for the most part. Cheers

Day 4 of farming Ragefire Chasm for barbaric cloth gloves and not a single drop yet, averaging about 15-20+ solo runs of the place a day.

Getting ganked every 3 hours at a Gurubashi, 4 trinkets in 3 days isn't bad though.


I'm sat here at gurubashi and no 90s yet. Edit: the 90 warlock who is under geared and little achievements is insistent on getting the achievement is back and who only needs 2 more. Can't wait to never see that guys name ever again.

Dasha is back today which means epic peels and quick caps :D

Unomas is also back today, missed my CC buddy <3
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Rolled a toon on Venture Co (non-CRZ RPPVP server) in order to have easier access to AGM, chests, etc. Had some good success for a couple of days, but haven't gotten a chest in the last two weeks due to other people (mainly from AP) zoning in to the server through grouping, along with the odd 90. Just when you thought you could escape CRZ, think again. There's even been off-realm people waiting for the DMF chests.

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