Today, a few seconds ago I have played WSG. Picked up a flag, ran away (alone) and got feared from a 1k hp lock, just into the full horde team. My only hope was my team, which just came by... and ran away to our base. I was down in 3-4 sec and dropped the flag, which horde returned and capped. After that, I was called unskilled by many 24s in our team, because I couldnt heal the whole dps of horde team. After saying that sorry but I am a prot pally, they said that if I complain about heals I should respec holy and gg. I was called shit and unskilled and noob for whole bg, and every time i got flag everyone runned away from me. This got me really angry, and I ask... why people do it?
Ran into that a lot so I've since turned off Instance, Say, Emote, Yell, Raid, and Raid Leader in my chat filters. Majority of the pug community is complete garbage when it comes to their play style and attitude anyway, so the lack of communication usually doesn't effect the turnouts.
I have a macro on my action bar;
/s Attack %t, he is a healer.
That's all the communication I do with my team (other players can see it even though you have your filters turned off) so all my pugs are pretty quiet and enjoyable, win or lose.
Still have /p enabled for 5-mans when I queue on my AP toons (rare).