Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

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Re: Fuck my life !

Looks like a job for f2p DKs! I feel your pain though, this is what I call the wrong kind of good luck.

I myself actually did quite a bit of Salty title on f2p, but I was fortunate enough to get this one done in a couple hours the first time I subscribed.

It's like a 1/500 to catch the little bastard (compare to LFH at ~ 1/200) and whatever odds to actually get the magical crawdad from Mr. Pinchy once you fish him up. At least they reduced the cooldown from days to hours, giving you the realistic possibility of doing it on a f2p DK with a anti-afk bot to be used while he's on cooldown. I do believe that would be hard way though.
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Re: The QQ Thread ;)

How does realm hopping help when all the realms are merged?

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When i get sucked into emote wars with immature 24's who insist on emoting me 24/7 because they are proud it takes 5 minutes of hard casting to kill a f2p.

24's don't bother me, i guess it's just the emoting that really gets it to me, oh well, i'll get over it.
Re: The QQ Thread ;)

Idk if it's really a rant, but I just added up all my heirlooms. I have 43, scattered across four realms.

The problem is, I tend to reroll the same class on different servers, SO, I *really* only have 29 heirlooms, because freaking 14 of them are duplicates.

I want my damn money back.

I know it's wishful thinking, but Blizz seriously should give us an exchange program...

Also, what happens with the ones you can equip two of? Like Discerning Eye of the Beast? I'm not REALLY cool with all the duplicates like cloaks or shoulders becoming one item, but I can live with it. If they become one item, we should get a similar one for free. But what about weapons and trinkets?

Has anyone asked on the forums?

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Re: The QQ Thread ;)

Idk if it's really a rant, but I just added up all my heirlooms. I have 43, scattered across four realms.

The problem is, I tend to reroll the same class on different servers, SO, I *really* only have 29 heirlooms, because freaking 14 of them are duplicates.

I want my damn money back.

I know it's wishful thinking, but Blizz seriously should give us an exchange program...

Also, what happens with the ones you can equip two of? Like Discerning Eye of the Beast? I'm not REALLY cool with all the duplicates like cloaks or shoulders becoming one item, but I can live with it. If they become one item, we should get a similar one for free. But what about weapons and trinkets?

Has anyone asked on the forums?

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Well dupis will be useless. The way I see it we will get like a spellbook for looms and u just click on it to make looms so dupis won't serve a purpose
Re: The QQ Thread ;)

That's pretty much what it looks like... It's not the end of the world by any means. I have p2p 'looms too, so I'm going to come out ahead in the long run.

It's just that the solution is kind of clunky.

Actually, now that I think about it, if they make it like the pet tab, you might be able to collect multiples. Like 3/3 Devout Aurastone Hammer. Which would be a pretty decent solution, after all...

And that gets me thinking about enchants. For instance, i have 3 nether fairie dragons, but they all aren't the same level. One of them is a rare, so that's the one I'm (very slowly) leveling up. Maybe enchants will work the same way. I kind of doubt it, but hey, you never know...

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Somewhat WoW related... not including this week, there are two more weeks of school before winter break. I keep telling my self that there is no point in rushing through my work, but it's hard not to get anxious. It's hard to just not think about vacation time when it's like right around the corner. If I didn't think about it the weeks would go by faster, but the more I dwell on it, the slower the days seem to pass by. Ugh, and weekends and vacations are the only times I can allow myself to really throw myself into my WoW time.
Re: The QQ Thread ;)

Ran DMF dailies, bought Burnished Warden Staff, mailed it to an alt to enchant, only I deleted that alt ages ago... But the mail was sent, and now it's gone...

I made a ticket... Four days...

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