Alright guys its time for my weekly report.
This week we havent had much activity and this is mainly due to a few things, Thirks computer has stoped working if you havent heard already, he is trying to work this out but there is no telling how long he will be out for. This comes at a very bad time for Fifty with the release of the video just before.
Expect that when Thirk gets back onto a computer we will continue to upload videos and start recruiting again.
I have been working a lot lately and have not had much time to raid, this has come at a real bad time considering thirks problems.
With the problems out of the way I would like to officilay say that im going to be starting a raid on Friday (6PM EST) I would love to see everyone I know is dedicated to Fifty there and know we could have a fun raid night if we get enough, we will need 2 tanks which seems like its going to be the main issue, but hopefully we will get goinham and oncilla to show up and if not them then maybe someone else. This will be the first raid in a while and if you are a new character to Fifty who ahs just leveled please add my real id ( and tell me if you can make the raid, it would be great to see some new people around.
Another positive note is that Edwaaardos guide is getting very near completion, so if you have ever been interested in Fifty but had no clue what class to roll, his page is teh destination.
Thats it for this week not much huge news, but please guys try to show up to the raid this weekend it would mean a lot to myself and Thirk if we could get one raid in (concidering we havent had one in quite awhile).