Guild Master
>> Raid Countdown <<
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>> Raid Countdown <<
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Fifty is a classic raiding project aimed at clearing all existing classic content with level 50 characters. Fifty has been around for several years with progress reaching as far as mid Temple of Ahn’Qiraj. We are currently restarting the project with the goal of building up a raiding force as quickly as possible through existing and new <Fifty> members.
How to join <Fifty>
Please add one ofthe following REALID:
thirkins@gmail.com- Thirkfifty
oldarcos@hotmail.com- Thelse
And get in touch with us in game as soon as possible.
Leveling and Gearing
Leveling to 50 is surprisingly easy and will not take very much time. Gearing is the timely part of having a character prepared for raiding, by doing some level appropriate dungeons you can have some satisfactory gear for raiding but the best gear will require substantial grinding and time commitment. It is also important to know that just because you don’t have the best gear you will not be shoved from raids we want as many level 50 characters in there as possible and as long as you have your XP off you have a place in our raids.
When do we Raid?
We aim to raid once a week at some point over the weekend (exact days and times to be specified later). However as seem previously in the project we also do spontaneous raids if enough members are keen to <Fifty>members should keep a close eye on the forums or make a friend within the <Fifty> community to inform them when we are raiding.
An important change we are making in this revamp of the project is open world bosses, we will be taking our fight to Outland and all over Azeroth searching for the strongest monsters to fight outside of raids and dungeons.
Core Team
As getting all the project members together for progression raids has proven hard in the past we will be focusing on getting together a core team of specific classes for optimum raiding. This team will all be leaders of the project who new members can ask questions to and rely on for assistance.
Fifty is a classic raiding project aimed at clearing all existing classic content with level 50 characters. Fifty has been around for several years with progress reaching as far as mid Temple of Ahn’Qiraj. We are currently restarting the project with the goal of building up a raiding force as quickly as possible through existing and new <Fifty> members.
How to join <Fifty>
Please add one ofthe following REALID:
thirkins@gmail.com- Thirkfifty
oldarcos@hotmail.com- Thelse
And get in touch with us in game as soon as possible.
Leveling and Gearing
Leveling to 50 is surprisingly easy and will not take very much time. Gearing is the timely part of having a character prepared for raiding, by doing some level appropriate dungeons you can have some satisfactory gear for raiding but the best gear will require substantial grinding and time commitment. It is also important to know that just because you don’t have the best gear you will not be shoved from raids we want as many level 50 characters in there as possible and as long as you have your XP off you have a place in our raids.
When do we Raid?
We aim to raid once a week at some point over the weekend (exact days and times to be specified later). However as seem previously in the project we also do spontaneous raids if enough members are keen to <Fifty>members should keep a close eye on the forums or make a friend within the <Fifty> community to inform them when we are raiding.
An important change we are making in this revamp of the project is open world bosses, we will be taking our fight to Outland and all over Azeroth searching for the strongest monsters to fight outside of raids and dungeons.
Core Team
As getting all the project members together for progression raids has proven hard in the past we will be focusing on getting together a core team of specific classes for optimum raiding. This team will all be leaders of the project who new members can ask questions to and rely on for assistance.
If you wish to join the raiding roster you MUST PM me or contact me in game with the following information:
* Your in-game 50 name
* Your in-game server
* Your in-game Real ID
>> Molten Core CLEAR <<
>> Blackwing Lair 1/7 <<
>> Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj CLEAR <<
>> Temple of Ahn'Qiraj 2/9 <<
ADD MY REALID: thirkins@gmail.com
ADD THELSE'S REALID: oldarcos@hotmail.com
>> Blackwing Lair 1/7 <<
>> Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj CLEAR <<
>> Temple of Ahn'Qiraj 2/9 <<
ADD MY REALID: thirkins@gmail.com
ADD THELSE'S REALID: oldarcos@hotmail.com
This is US.
FIFTY is a raiding project with all level 50 characters aiming to run Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj at the lowest level possible, in classic raiding fashion. This is a cross-realm effort and it needs YOU. Everything will be documented and recorded, then posted here at every step the way. Direct all questions, inquiries, and anyone interested to THIS thread.
Here are the details and what you need to know to join us.
Preferred Race is Gnome for Sonic Booster and Noise Machine. If you are choosing to roll a Warrior, Priest, Warlock, Mage, or Rogue, please be a Gnome.
I've been getting a lot of questions regarding funding on Spinebreaker. I will take care of whatever gear I have to give on a first geared, first served basis. For the moment, if you decide to roll on Spinebreaker, you're going to have to take care of enchants and professions (that means Engineering) yourself. Please keep this in mind, and pick up gathering professions as soon as you can while leveling. If it's not something you can do, please roll on your own server.
In addition, if your class requires a chest, shoulder, or weapon BoA and you decide to roll on Spinebreaker, I urge you to level through PvP until you're able to obtain them, because you will be unable to do so at 50 without going through long waits for Darkmoon Faire.
If you have ANY question or comment regarding this project, feel free to leave a post in this thread.
- Physical DPS requires 17% hit. Stack your best stat. Ignore HP.
- Caster DPS are not viable. The only class we are accepting under 1k DPS are Fistweavers.
- Tanks require at least 8600 HP unbuffed. 10,000 HP+ buffed preferred.
Class Priority:
Tanks - Warrior > Druid ≥ Monk
Healers - Priest = Paladin = Shaman = Druid = Monk
DPS - Warrior ≥ Druid ≥ Hunter = Rogue > Fistweaver
DPS Advice:
The DPS that are listed above are the only DPS we are accepting. DPS are required to reach 1k+ DPS(single-target) on the lvl 60 Target Dummy, with the exception of Fistweavers. Arm Warriors, Feral Druids, Hunters, and Rogues are the only classes capable of reaching 1k+ DPS. Fistweavers are also acceptable due to the fact their DPS will heal the raid even though it's not quite 1k+ DPS. Every other DPS class has been tested and confirmed they cannot break over 400 DPS.
Current Progression:
Molten Core (10/10) - CLEARED
Lucifron - 5/18/12
Magmadar - 5/18/12
Gehennas - 5/19/12
Garr - 12/21/12
Shazzrah - 12/21/12
Baron Geddon - 12/21/12
Golemagg the Incinerator - 12/29/12
Sulfuron Harbinger - 12/29/12
Majordomo Executus - 12/29/12
Ragnaros - 12/29/12
Blackwing Lair (1/7)
Razorgore the Untamed - 1/13/13
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
Broodlord Lashlayer
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (6/6) - CLEARED
Kurinnaxx - 04/10/12
General Rajaxx - 04/14/12
Moam - 05/04/12
Buru the Gorger - 04/21/12
Ayamiss the Hunter - 04/28/12
Ossirian the Unscarred - 05/04/12
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (2/9)
The Prophet Skeram - 1/11/13
Bug Trio - Yuaj, Vem, Kri - (1/25/13)
Battleguard Sartura
Fankriss the Unyielding
Princess Huhuran
Vek'lor & Vek'nilash
Here's a Live Recordings of our Raids:FIFTY is a raiding project with all level 50 characters aiming to run Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj at the lowest level possible, in classic raiding fashion. This is a cross-realm effort and it needs YOU. Everything will be documented and recorded, then posted here at every step the way. Direct all questions, inquiries, and anyone interested to THIS thread.
Here are the details and what you need to know to join us.
Preferred Race is Gnome for Sonic Booster and Noise Machine. If you are choosing to roll a Warrior, Priest, Warlock, Mage, or Rogue, please be a Gnome.
I've been getting a lot of questions regarding funding on Spinebreaker. I will take care of whatever gear I have to give on a first geared, first served basis. For the moment, if you decide to roll on Spinebreaker, you're going to have to take care of enchants and professions (that means Engineering) yourself. Please keep this in mind, and pick up gathering professions as soon as you can while leveling. If it's not something you can do, please roll on your own server.
In addition, if your class requires a chest, shoulder, or weapon BoA and you decide to roll on Spinebreaker, I urge you to level through PvP until you're able to obtain them, because you will be unable to do so at 50 without going through long waits for Darkmoon Faire.
If you have ANY question or comment regarding this project, feel free to leave a post in this thread.
- Physical DPS requires 17% hit. Stack your best stat. Ignore HP.
- Caster DPS are not viable. The only class we are accepting under 1k DPS are Fistweavers.
- Tanks require at least 8600 HP unbuffed. 10,000 HP+ buffed preferred.
Class Priority:
Tanks - Warrior > Druid ≥ Monk
Healers - Priest = Paladin = Shaman = Druid = Monk
DPS - Warrior ≥ Druid ≥ Hunter = Rogue > Fistweaver
DPS Advice:
The DPS that are listed above are the only DPS we are accepting. DPS are required to reach 1k+ DPS(single-target) on the lvl 60 Target Dummy, with the exception of Fistweavers. Arm Warriors, Feral Druids, Hunters, and Rogues are the only classes capable of reaching 1k+ DPS. Fistweavers are also acceptable due to the fact their DPS will heal the raid even though it's not quite 1k+ DPS. Every other DPS class has been tested and confirmed they cannot break over 400 DPS.
Current Progression:
Molten Core (10/10) - CLEARED
Lucifron - 5/18/12
Magmadar - 5/18/12
Gehennas - 5/19/12
Garr - 12/21/12
Shazzrah - 12/21/12
Baron Geddon - 12/21/12
Golemagg the Incinerator - 12/29/12
Sulfuron Harbinger - 12/29/12
Majordomo Executus - 12/29/12
Ragnaros - 12/29/12
Blackwing Lair (1/7)
Razorgore the Untamed - 1/13/13
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
Broodlord Lashlayer
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (6/6) - CLEARED
Kurinnaxx - 04/10/12
General Rajaxx - 04/14/12
Moam - 05/04/12
Buru the Gorger - 04/21/12
Ayamiss the Hunter - 04/28/12
Ossirian the Unscarred - 05/04/12
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (2/9)
The Prophet Skeram - 1/11/13
Bug Trio - Yuaj, Vem, Kri - (1/25/13)
Battleguard Sartura
Fankriss the Unyielding
Princess Huhuran
Vek'lor & Vek'nilash
AQ 40 - Bug Trio
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