I'd that pretty well covers the definition of the two..? Now for when someone is doing one or the other would it be considered disrespectful? Well again let's look at containing first. It is generally a nice way of telling people to "Stay here, we got this cause you can't win" right? That's how I take it atleast.. If you follow the previously given definition of containing and are containing for the reason just given then I don't see how that is mean/disrespectful. Sometimes (most of the times in this bracket) one team is simply wayyy to strong compared to the other due to premades/OP classes/communication and what not so how would it be rude if you put into effect the "Stay here, we got this cause you can't win" strat to make sure you win without much fighting back and move on to better or more competitive bgs (we all know generally that doesn't happen and people just faceroll with the same OP classes/premades in the next bg but that is irrelevant to this point)? For me personally if you follow my definition of containment and you do it for the reason of quick faceroll bgs instead of long faceroll bgs then I will not think much of it.
Now for farming... First thing I want to say is a quick example while making sure not to name names. Person A, B, C, D, E, F, G are all at gy killing relentlessly in their premade. Person H and I are working as hard as they can to cap. Person J is dead at gy or off being dumb somewhere (let's admit there's normally one per bg lol). Is person A-G farming or containing? They are farming. Idc if H and I are 2 worgen Rdruids popping every racial in the book and every speed increaser to cap 3 flags in 4 minutes. Person A-G never made an attempt at helping cap while relentlessly killing over and over at the gy so just because H and I are objective based and won the bg does NOT mean A-G "contained". Just wanted to get that out of the way first as it annoys me how many farmers use that as an excuse..
I used it before and I like it enough to use it again...
Farmer irl: *Pushes to ground*
Farmer irl: "Oh I'm sorry let me help you up"
Farmer irl: *Pushes to ground*
Farmer irl: "Oh I didn't mean to here lemme help"
Farmer irl: *Pushes you down*
Farmie irl: "Why do you keep pushing me down?!"
Farmer irl: "Cuz you keep getting up. Deal with it, stay down or crawl away"
Idc if it's a game or not there are people behind the screen and they get pissed off or get upset the same way people do in real life. There is a such thing as having respect or common curtisy in a video game
That will sum up my point about if farming is disrespectful or if there is ever a reason to do it. Sure the example maybe alittle different but it is basically the same concept.. Kill immediately, rez, kill immediately, rez, kill immediately, ask why you keep killing me,
cuz you keep rezzing. Deal with it, stay dead or afk. If you've noticied that last line is the reasoning for alot of people who support gy farming and they have used that exact line. When people use that line it just highlights that they think it is disrespectful but don't care simply cause they can.