Farming v Containing

Personally, speaking from MGs tactics, if we steam roll you. We will contain YOU as we cap all 3 flags. Running back and forth for a player who is not a druid/holy paladin could take anywhere from 5-10 minutes depending on if boots are up and a number of different factors. For example last minute spawns to defend opposing team flag or random player grabbing our flag and needing our players to return it. There are a number of different scenarios i can name. Regardless a typical steam roll lasts about 5-10 minutes at most/ least. Notice i said contain YOU and not YOUR GY. We will not hump your spawn point. Like the person above me said, the entire reason for this thread is because someone from a premade ap horde team got crushed and whined about it. A 7 minute game doesn't mean you are getting farmed. it just means you were beat. Suck it up, and premade with better players, or better yet, all healers. That strat seems to be working out for the majority of your realm.

good to see the fellas over at Moanguard having some sense about the matter!!! look forward to our game with you guys keep up the great work!!!
Containment is where you prevent them from leaving the general vicinity (ie towards your flag). It doesn't mean farming HKs. Sorry to completely ruin the flamewar. It's a very specific strategy in a game where the outcome is already set, the question is just how long it takes. If you read this post and my previous, you will understand what I and those I know from AP consider gy containment to be. If you ever see it happen you'll recognize the difference quite clearly. Carry on.

You're either being deliberately ignorant regarding the definitions of the words you are using, or you are very confused about a few basic principles of WSG game play.

If your team sets out to contain the other team, it is nearly impossible to do so in any place on the map other than the GY and the immediate vicinity of it. If you encounter their team in your tunnel and kill them all quickly, they go to their GY and your tunnel is empty soon enough. Can't contain them in your tunnel. If they are in your FR and you kill them quickly, they go to their GY and your FR is empty soon enough. Can't contain them in your FR.

If you see them mid field and you kill them quickly, they go to their GY and midfield is empty soon enough. Can't contain them midfield. If you see them coming ramp and you kill them quickly, they go to their GY and ramp is empty soon enough.

The point? Containment can ONLY happen in or around the GY. Containment happens because you are killing them quickly before they can leave the area of the GY. If you killed them all quickly at the GY but then they respawned someplace else, you would not be able to contain them in their GY.

Likewise, GY farming can only happen in the GY. GY farming happens because you are killing them quickly before they can leave the area of the GY. If you killed them all quickly at the GY but they respawned someplace else, you would not be able to GY farm them.

Whether you are 'containing them to keep them from your flag' or 'gy farming them for HKs,' you are effectively dominating a disadvantaged team for no legitimate reason at all. The spirit of competition is not just about showing up and playing your hardest, it's about doing what you can to promote a fair and balanced environment. That's why any activity considered a sport in the entire world has a set of rules: to promote a fair and balanced environment for the sake of competition.

Many of you choose to ignore the ambiguity of competition in favor of this lopsided 'winner take all' approach. This has lead to a significant number of players queuing for horde only, in premade groups, utilizing voice chat (skype/vent) to coordinate your efforts against alliance teams who are not group queuing or utilizing voice chat to coordinate. This behavior not only tells the other team you need an advantage in order to win, it also tells them you don't care about the ambiguity of competition.

It's the same behavior that would lead to Mike Tyson facing Manny Pacquiao and Tyson unflinchingly pummeling him round after round. How long do you think Pacquiao would last? Do you think he would even manage to stay off the turnbuckle?

Unfortunately, we don't have a well designed queuing system for regular BGs. We have a system which will put 7 alliance players vs 10 horde players. 7 alliance players who have no healers vs 10 horde players who have 3-4 healers. 7 alliance players all solo queuing and in different stages of completion on their twinks vs 10 horde players who are group queuing, class stacking ele shams, warlocks, boomkins, hunters, or priests.

The bottom line is that this thread was made in response to the sudden unbearable quality of games as a plea for 19s to continue queuing anyway, regardless of the sub par quality. This is absolutely the wrong way to approach the subject of a dying bracket. If you want people to continue showing up, you have to prove you care about fair competition and not about one-sided-face-rolling-GY-farm-fests. You have to be willing to sit players out when the other faction is down players. You have to be willing to play other classes to avoid stacking. You have to be willing to play for the underdog faction when your team is doing well.

In essence, you have to change your behavior. Look around you, the only other bracket getting consistent activity are 20-24s. All the other mid brackets are inactive because people chose to play like you have chosen to here in the 19s.

If there is anything you can be sure of, you are the masters of your own destiny. You can steer away from the black hole of no activity, or you can continue on the collision course.

Containment IS GY farming.
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good to see the fellas over at Moanguard having some sense about the matter!!! look forward to our game with you guys keep up the great work!!!
I've been trying all day in randoms and trade chat to get the Moan Guard thing to stick. It seems like Moan Guard is either to clever or too stupid, for the populace. So instead i sang Barry White singles too all chats. I didnt have too, thats just how we roll on Moon Guard baby. Bow chicka wow wow~
So, is the point in this game to not stand in GY and give the other team a chance to win? Because that to me seems fairly stupid.
I've been trying all day in randoms and trade chat to get the Moan Guard thing to stick. It seems like Moan Guard is either to clever or too stupid, for the populace. So instead i sang Barry White singles too all chats. I didnt have too, thats just how we roll on Moon Guard baby. Bow chicka wow wow~

;D LOL!!!! MG rank 1
My darling I, can't get enough of your love babe
Girl, I don't know, I don't know why
Can't get enough of your love babe
Oh, some things i can't get used to
No matter how I try
Just like the more you give, the more I want
And baby, that's no lie
Oh no, babe
im off sleepy. tty tomorrow or when ever hahah cant get enough of your love babe!! hahah uhhh yeah.. /groovy dance
So, is the point in this game to not stand in GY and give the other team a chance to win? Because that to me seems fairly stupid.

No good sir, you see. the post you made is fairly stupid. Poorly thought out, incredibly senile, bordering on the line of mental retardation. Or some would say, in need, of a hit from the stupid stick (5-6 times at least) , just to bring you up to, and on par with stupid people. With a decent team one would lead the more powerful team not into middile, or graveyard (circumstances willing) but into and from the enemy base, with a flag! To capture it, and capture it 3 times in a row. This results in a "win" or a "victory" or a "siesta" for the "winning team"

The above drunken toast is to stupidity and, myself for partaking in the trolling. Don't take it seriously. Don't get your feelings hurt. and make sure you don't wind up like me, putting a disclaimer on all your posts.Join Moon Guard if you're looking for a friendly environment. We only ERP 97% of the time.
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So, is the point in this game to not stand in GY and give the other team a chance to win? Because that to me seems fairly stupid.

In XP on or level cap pvp, you can do whatever you want to, up to and including group queuing, GY farming, and completely dominating whichever teams you come across. But in XP off, you have a limited number of people playing at any given time. You are dependent on the other people in your bracket for activity.

It seems to me, at some point, you have to begin to value the quality of games from both sides of the map, or you won't have any games left to value.
Well you got alot of guts, kid. Nobody disses the TI´s top honches like this, yo.

And yeah containing is a sorry excuse for farming till there has been capped or the game has been won. WSG is a shitty pvp format anyway.

Who cares if someone's a TI top honch or not, if someone's wrong or full of shit it is what it is......regardless of what the TI staff writes ( good or bad ), you just sugarcoat it in a way you don't over hurt their feelings or pride and say what you mean......

I agree both with containing being a poor excuse for farming just like how i agree that gy containment is sometimes legit although real players do it reluctantly....the diff is in the ppl who do it.....I personally do not like it or do it even though it feels like a logical choice sometimes in terms of finishing your game quickly.
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In XP on or level cap pvp, you can do whatever you want to, up to and including group queuing, GY farming, and completely dominating whichever teams you come across. But in XP off, you have a limited number of people playing at any given time. You are dependent on the other people in your bracket for activity.

It seems to me, at some point, you have to begin to value the quality of games from both sides of the map, or you won't have any games left to value.

You know this is the f2p bracket? It's probably more active than most xp-on brackets.

But I guess you don't even play this bracket, as it is with 19s.
You know this is the f2p bracket? It's probably more active than most xp-on brackets.

But I guess you don't even play this bracket, as it is with 19s.

Jesus, I think I posted in the wrong thread.

Nevertheless, everything I've said here applies to F2Ps as well. You know that 5.4 is going to see a huge power increase of level 24s?

How many F2Ps do you think are going to stick around?
You know that 5.4 is going to see a huge power increase of level 24s?

How many F2Ps do you think are going to stick around?

All of them, actually. We don't pay for this game, remember. :)
seriously peanut butter chocolate chip waffles mmmmmmmmmm be jelly....
So easy to counter my little friend. All res at once. If you are getting farmed usually means you are beaten by a better team.

End of thread please.
Even if the team being contained sucks, that is no reason to ruin the game for them. You'll win just fine without containing them if they suck.

Regardless, containing AND farming hurts the activity of the bracket.
This won't kill bracket this will kill solo queuing which will improve bracket.


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