Farming v Containing

srsly tho its blizzs fault that gy farming/whatever is possible, they could easily fix it.
Swoops literally read my thoughts and basically summazied what iwas gonna say

Lil you say you like challenges -here is a huge challenge- make a horde lock and solo que on a warlock. Why not instead of your alliance only bgs you make a horde warlock if you think horde win 80% of th time. If for any reason you hate killing alliance-it will be very difficult for you to kill them anyways without a spell power staff. Its like a hunter, you got a disengage, a pet , a disarm, just cloth gear plus a little squishy ;)

You will also meet new people on the internets and get to make those new e-friends or whatever they call them

Oh and everytime I see people rage in a game
NERD RAGE!!! - (Your Favorite Martian music video) - YouTube
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I am against GY farming and GY containment. Containing another player in their graveyard is wrong, it's just glorified farming.

Graveyard containment is a cheap tactic. The other team you're farming -wants- to play the game. Who are you to tell them no? Let them play the game, if they're bad, odds are they'll lose anyways. Graveyard farming in fact ruins PvP in general. Newer players will not like to PvP if they experience too much graveyard farming/containment. These new players probably could be very useful players if they stayed. Old players leave, new players leave, resulting in a less active bracket.

And let's say you try to contain a good team and manage to kill them first. Once they destroy your containment eventually, it's probably too late for them to get back into the game because a coordinated GY farm can get 2 caps quickly, which is absurd. There is no challenge or fun in it.

Player VS Player should be fun for both sides. It should be about a player fighting another player and so on. It isn't supposed to be some planned out machine of killing nubs before they get to do much.

Also, even a good team can get GY farmed. It's disorienting to even a veteran player to be attacked and bursted as soon as you rezz. To get into position, and so on. It's also somewhat hard for a healer that's being farmed with his team to heal the team fast enough to get back into the field.

I'm okay with Mid containment, but GY containment is just too far.
People don't realise that this is the new pre xp lock 19 bracket.F2P is a bracket composed of halfassed twinks,noobs and Real twinks much like the old 19s.On a side note farming(doesn't have to be gy) is the Holly Grail of twinking in general.It's not about competitive play like Lil claims it to be,it's about flexing your epeen.

Oh and farming=containing=good thing that helps you win
You can kill them however and get to their graveyard before they rezz, and put up a fight for half the game while the farming/containing team's FC skips along with the flag.

Aye, that's why containment is pretty viable, as sad as it is. But you don't just push a good team to the gy and keep them there for the whole team, or well if your definition of a good team is really loose...
[MENTION=14218]Lil[/MENTION] you actually think reality is dictated by popular opinion so we got nothin more to talk about
[MENTION=16230]Neon[/MENTION] point of thread is to discuss opinions. secretly just my 2c :p
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Aye, that's why containment is pretty viable, as sad as it is. But you don't just push a good team to the gy and keep them there for the whole team, or well if your definition of a good team is really loose...

If both teams have fairly good healers, you can be there near the GY for half the game without any deaths. And with all of the CC, snares, and slows in the game nowadays, it's nearly impossible for most classes to get out.
Because only good teams can contain the enemy team. You really are a funny fellow.

What are you even implying here? Bad teams can contain too, and that somehow makes the team being contained good? I'm not following

If both teams have fairly good healers, you can be there near the GY for half the game without any deaths. And with all of the CC, snares, and slows in the game nowadays, it's nearly impossible for most classes to get out.

If nobody is dying, neither of the team gets pushed to gy o_O
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1600/10 AB's and 3/0 WSG's all over in Cata. I please hope this poster fucking joking if he though AP was any good at any given time.
You sure do have something against AP but at the start AP had a full twink veteran team with alot experience. You underestimate them.

You don't contain a good team.
And if one team has healers and the other dont? sjeesh lame excuse.
But you don't just push a good team to the gy and keep them there for the whole team, or well if your definition of a good team is really loose...

I would define a good team in this bracket as decently skilled/objective-focused players. This bracket is big enough and spanish/brazilian enough for melee to be consistently viable in pugs. But if your group with warriors and a rogue runs into a similarly skilled 2 SV/2 Ele/Boomkin premade, you're done. 19s are small enough that people have to adapt, and the comp/classes people choose to play has more bearing on how good you call a pug team.

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