Are you basing this off of your encounters with people in random bgs? /lolMost Locks suck. Damage wise, a single holy shock from my Pally can negate almost all their dot damage.
Warriors alone suck too. Working with a decent healer though they can wreck people. Provided they protect you also.
Are you sure?
Inoobupro's concussive shot hits lokrah for 120 damage.
Inoobupro's explossive shot his lokrah for 280 damage(crit)
Inoobupro's explosive shot hits lokrah for 140 damage
Inoobupro's arcane shot hits lokrah for 140 damage
Lokrah's heroic throw hits inoobupro for 250 damage
Inoobupro's kill comand hits lokrah for 420 damage(40 overkill crit)
Inoobupro has slain lokrah.
Wouldve helped if you used italics, sarcastic things are best typed differently because text has no tone.
What is this I don't even?
Concussive shot doesn't do damage.
Also, I don't waste heroic throws on fights that I know I'm going to lose. I use heroic throws on that one flag carrier that always outruns me with 180-300 health just for them to die and me to return the flag anyway. Or just for extra burst on FC's/Healers in general.
Also, Quote the specific posts you're trolling when you troll. You'll still look like an ass but you'll at least be accurate and get whatever point you're failing at making across.
Just a tip.
His pocket healer sure doesnt know how to heal so i go in there get a ''thanks'' and ''godly heals'' but he doesnt even peel...the usual tunnelvision
I'm sorry, I really am. But I couldn't resist.when you guys use that super pro jargon i feel stupid. does peel mean not letting people beat on your healers?
Weird, didn't know it did do damage because I don't play a hunter and even if I did it's not in the tool tip. Either way, Idc if those numbers aren't accurate because I didn't make that post. That troll did. Don't know why you two are even bothering me lol.
Huntards trolling a thread on how warrs are competitive is the epitome of everything wrong with this bracket lol.
Well actually not quite .... LF 24 to come in and tell us to ask our parents for enough allowance to sub up.
Concussive shot DOES do damage. It does about the same damage as auto shot. I got hit with it so many times it's not funny. You don't have to be a ass.
Maybe you shoud realise i'm not a huntard. I have a warrior toon called Shrieklolz and you met him. I'm trying to prove OP wrong because I disagree with warriors being useful. I'm on the verge of giving up my warrior because of how hunter vulnerable they are.
And you're the only person in this thread I could have been referring to... owait.
And no, concussive shot does not do damage. The reason you think it does as much damage as autoshot is because autoshot can go off at the same time as concussive shot, making it look like it does damage. If your autoshot is not up at the same time as conc is used however, you will see that it does no damage. Or you could just read your combat log.
I do not personally play a warr so I can't give you any tips on how to play one, but I can assure you that in the right hands they are very useful. No you probably shouldn't run around trying to solo hunts with them and expect unvaried success, but they are very effective efc killers.